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論文名稱(外文):The Multiple Perceptions of Color and Styling in Visually Impaired Children
外文關鍵詞:visual impairmentcolor semanticsuniversal designtactile sense
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Colors play an important role in everyday life and are essential elements in conveying
environmental information. Visually impaired individuals live in a world filled with colors, and
although they have lost the ability to perceive colors through visual senses, they still frequently
encounter color information and vocabulary in their daily lives. The study was conducted with six
visually impaired children from Huei-Ming School for Blind in Taichung. The experiment was
divided into two stages. In the first stage, "Description of Colors for the Visually Impaired," multiple
senses (touch, smell, and hearing) are used to elicit the experiences of visually impaired individuals
in describing nine colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, gray, black) using relevant
color props such as fruits and natural objects. This process aims to obtain specific forms, objects, and
descriptive adjectives associated with these colors. Based on these clues, a database of commonly
used color adjectives is established. Then, basic shapes are touched, and attempts are made to describe
their suitable colors. In the second stage, "Acceptability of Visually Impaired Color Adjectives", we
asked fifteen visually impaired people based on the results of the first stage to find out adjectives that
can represent colors. The results reveal that visually impaired color adjectives can be categorized into
five types: emotional (positive and negative), taste-related, appearance-related, time-related, and
abstract adjectives, indicating that multiple senses can elicit a broader range of color adjectives. These
research findings can provide visually impaired individuals with a wide range of color-related
products for everyday life, furniture, books, art supplies, and more.

誌謝................................................................................................................................................ I
中文摘要 .......................................................................................................................................II
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................III
目錄............................................................................................................................................. IV
表目錄 ......................................................................................................................................... VI

圖目錄 ........................................................................................................................................ VII

壹、緒論 ........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ......................................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的..................................................................................................................2
1.3 研究範圍..................................................................................................................2
1.4 研究對象..................................................................................................................2
1.5 研究架構..................................................................................................................2
2.1 色彩對視障的作用...................................................................................................4
2.2 視障者的喜好色 ......................................................................................................5
2.3 視障的色彩形容詞...................................................................................................6
2.4 以感官誘發色彩形容詞的相關研究........................................................................9
2.5 色彩與形狀的關聯性.............................................................................................11
2.6 上述小結................................................................................................................13
3.1 實驗ㄧ:視障色彩的描述.....................................................................................14
3.1.1 受試者.................................................................................................................14
3.1.2 色彩設定.............................................................................................................15
3.1.3 訪談大綱.............................................................................................................16
3.1.4 實驗步驟.............................................................................................................17
3.2 實驗二:視障色彩形容詞的認可性......................................................................18
3.2.1 受試者.................................................................................................................18
3.2.2 色彩形容詞問卷..................................................................................................19
4.1 色彩感官描述 ........................................................................................................21
4.1.1 觸覺的色彩描述----------------------------------------23
4.1.2 嗅覺的色彩描述----------------------------------------24
4.1.3 聽覺的色彩描述----------------------------------------25
4.2 色彩情感描述 ........................................................................................................26
4.3 色彩形狀描述 ........................................................................................................27
4.4 色彩形容詞認可性.................................................................................................28
伍、討論 ......................................................................................................................................30
5.1 視障者的喜好色 ....................................................................................................30
5.2 多重感官誘發色彩形容詞的優勢 .........................................................................31
5.3 視障色彩形容詞的種類.........................................................................................32
5.4 聽覺容易誘發情緒形容詞.....................................................................................33
5.5 視障者對形狀和顏色配對存在極大的差異..........................................................34
陸、結論 ......................................................................................................................................36
參考文獻 ......................................................................................................................................37
附錄 A 實驗一:色彩經驗訪談...................................................................................................46
附錄 B 實驗二:適合色彩的形容詞的問卷調查 .......................................................................60
附錄 C 實驗二:視障色彩的形容詞之平均值............................................................................64
表 1 視障者的色彩作用與常用的形容詞...................................................................................... 7
表 2 視障者的色彩形容詞分類(GERBER ET AL., 2014) .................................................................. 8
表 3 每種水果表達的色彩形容詞(GORNIAK ET AL., 2015) .......................................................... 10
表 4 基本造型的色彩適配性之相關文獻.................................................................................... 12
表 5 受試者資料.......................................................................................................................... 14
表 6 從 HUE & TONE 120 系統中提取的 9 種顏色刺激(NA & SUK, 2014)................................... 15
表 7 視障色彩概念與經驗之訪談大綱(改自 KIWIHOW, 2020).................................................... 16
表 8 受試者資料.......................................................................................................................... 18
表 9 色彩形容詞清單 .................................................................................................................. 19
表 10 色彩形容詞問卷設計:以紅色為範例.............................................................................. 20
表 11 整體的感官形容詞與數量 ................................................................................................. 22
表 12 色彩感官描述之結果:觸覺 ............................................................................................. 23
表 13 色彩感官描述之結果:嗅覺 ............................................................................................. 24
表 14 色彩感官描述之結果:聽覺 ............................................................................................. 25
表 15 色彩感官描述之結果:情緒感知 ..................................................................................... 26
表 16 八種基本形狀色彩描述之結果 ......................................................................................... 27
表 17 視障色彩的代表形容詞之平均值 ..................................................................................... 29
圖 1 研究架構................................................................................................................................ 3
圖 2 實際的實驗場景與使用的道具 ........................................................................................... 17

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