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研究生(外文):CHANG, JIN-JIA
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Novel Environment-Friendly Thermoplastic Polyamide Elastomer System
指導教授(外文):LEE, YI-HUAN
外文關鍵詞:bio-based raw materialspolyamide elastomercastor oilenvironmental friendlinesscarbon emission reduction
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現今的時代科技日益進步,許多的聚合物產品被大量的開發與製造,然而大多數使用的聚合物皆為來自於石油的原物料所製備,也因而產生了大量的塑料廢棄物並且對於環境保護與氣候變遷上產生了嚴重的影響。為了解決此一環境的議題,近來對於生物基聚合物的需求正在快速地增加當中。生物基聚合物指的是其製造是採用來自於天然物中萃取出的生質原料而非使用石化原料,如此可有效地減少石油原料的消耗以及大幅降低聚合物產品製造時的二氧化碳排放量,達到永續發展的效益。基於此考量下,本研究使用來自於天然植物蓖麻油提煉的癸二酸(sebacic acid)和石油基來源的癸二胺(1,10-diaminodecane)兩種的單體作為聚醯胺彈性體的硬鏈段,同時再導入具有可生物降解性質的聚己內酯二醇 (polycaprolactone diol) 軟鏈段來進行熔融縮聚,開發出一具有不同聚己內酯比例含量之新穎生質聚醯胺彈性體系統。在成功的合成之後,差式掃描熱量分析儀(DSC)、熱重分析儀(TGA) 、動態熱分析儀(DMA)、拉伸試驗被分別用來系統性地探討此聚醯胺彈性體系統的結晶性、熱性質以及機械性質。本研究成功地開發出有效結合生物基來源單體與可生物降解聚己內酯二醇之聚醯胺彈性體,同時兼具有環境友善以及有效降低碳排放量的效益。此外此材料由於具有良好的機械性質和較低的玻璃轉移溫度,可應用於超臨界二氧化碳發泡製備出具有良好膨脹倍率和均勻泡孔結構的發泡材料。我們相信本材料系統在未來綠色應用和減少商業碳稅上深具發展潛力與高度價值。
In today's era, science and technology are advancing day by day, and many polymer products are developed and manufactured in large quantities. However, most of the polymers used are prepared from raw materials derived from petroleum, thus generating a large amount of plastic waste, and having a serious impact on environmental protection and climate change. To solve this environmental issue, the demand for bio-based polymers is rapidly increasing recently. Bio-based polymers refer to the use of bio-based raw materials extracted from natural products instead of petrochemical raw materials, which can effectively reduce the consumption of petroleum raw materials and greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions during the manufacture of polymer products, achieving the benefits of sustainable development. Based on this consideration, this study used two monomers, sebacic acid extracted from natural plant castor oil and 1,10-diaminodecane from petroleum-based sources, as the hard segment of polyamide elastomer. At the same time, polycaprolactone diol soft segment with biodegradable properties was introduced to carry out melt polycondensation, and a new bio-based polyamide elastic material system with different proportions of polycaprolactone was developed. After the successful synthesis, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), dynamic thermal analyzer (DMA), and tensile test were used to systematically investigate the polyamide elastomer system’s crystallinity, thermal properties and mechanical properties. This research successfully developed a polyamide elastomer that effectively combined bio-based monomers and biodegradable polycaprolactone diol, exhibiting environmental advantages and effectively reducing carbon emissions. In addition, due to its good mechanical properties and low glass transition temperature, this material can be applied to supercritical carbon dioxide foaming to prepare foaming materials with good expansion ratio and uniform cell structure. We believe that this material system has high value in future green applications and reduction of commercial carbon tax, showing great development potential.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
2 第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 聚醯胺 4
2.1.1 聚醯胺之演變 4
2.1.2 聚醯胺之特色 5
2.2 高分子彈性體 6
2.2.1 熱塑型彈性體 6
2.2.2 聚醯胺彈性體 7
2.3 生物基聚合物 9
2.3.1 生物基聚合物之概述 9
2.3.2 生物基原料 11
2.3.3 生物基聚醯胺 13
2.3.4 生物基聚醯胺彈性體 15
2.4 高分子發泡材料 16
2.4.1 高分子發泡材料之概述 16
2.4.2 發泡之機制 17
2.4.3 發泡之方式 18
2.4.4 超臨界流體發泡 19
3 第三章 實驗 21
3.1 實驗藥品 21
3.1.1 高分子聚合藥品 21
3.1.2 實驗溶劑 23
3.2 實驗設備與裝置 26
3.3 實驗結果分析儀器 32
3.4 實驗方法 41
3.4.1 生物基聚醯胺彈性體製備 41
3.4.2 聚醯胺1010彈性體的合成比例 42
3.4.3 生物基聚醯胺彈性體之超臨界CO2發泡 43
3.5 聚醯胺1010彈性體及其發泡體的分析條件和測定方式 44
3.5.1 熱重分析儀 44
3.5.2 差示掃描熱分析儀 44
3.5.3 核磁共振光譜儀 44
3.5.4 傅立葉轉換式紅外線光譜儀 44
3.5.5 動態黏彈性分析儀 45
3.5.6 X射線繞射儀 45
3.5.7 分子量滴定分析 45
3.5.8 流變儀 46
3.5.9 拉伸試驗 46
3.5.10 發泡後膨脹倍率之計算 46
3.5.11 發泡材料孔隙率與泡孔密度之計算 47
3.5.12 桌上型掃描式電子顯微鏡之泡孔分析 47
4 第四章 結果與討論 48
4.1 聚醯胺彈性體的結構分析 48
4.2 聚醯胺1010彈性體的結構分析 49
4.2.1 FTIR官能基鑑定 49
4.2.2 XRD結晶分析 51
4.2.3 TGA熱穩定性分析 52
4.2.4 DSC熱性質分析 54
4.2.5 DMA玻璃轉移溫度分析 56
4.2.6 流變分析 58
4.2.7 拉伸試驗機械性質分析 61
4.3 超臨界CO2發泡之膨脹倍率計算與微觀結構分析 63
5 第五章 結論 71
6 參考文獻 72

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