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研究生(外文):Yueh-Feng Wu
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Simultaneous Interpretation Training in a Taiwan’s Church Context
指導教授(外文):Ai-Ling Wang
口試委員(外文):Li-Jiuan TsayYuh-Chang LinChieh-Ying ChangSei-Wei Feng
外文關鍵詞:Simultaneous InterpretationInterpretation TrainingSermon InterpretationInterpretation StrategyTaiwan’s Christian Church
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本研究旨在調查台灣基督教會同步口譯服事和講道口譯員的培訓。本研究採用自傳民族誌和數據多重檢核 (data triangulation) 的研究方法來探討講道主題、口譯策略運用和挑戰。數據收集包括課堂觀察、訪談和口譯員在主日崇拜中的實習。研究結果和發現如下: 1. 講道口譯員僅具備聖經知識不足以完成主日服事,這意味著在教會中服務仍需要時事新聞、地緣政治、金融和醫療等的全面知識。 2. 應強調跟速訓練(shadowing exercise),以發展多任務處理能力(multitasking),以處理持續流入甚至超載的信息。 3. 英語學習應該教授語調和連音,尤其是帶有中文口音和語調的學員。與跟速練習相結合,學員可以模仿口音、語調和連音。4. 人工智能、機器翻譯和 ChatGPT 可以納入英語語言學習和教學過程。儘管計算機程序或翻譯程序非常方便,但它們無法取代同步口譯員。人類口譯員比機器更具情感認知和意識。人類口譯員能夠更好地處理講員的情緒反應。
The present study aims to investigate services in a Taiwan’s Christian church simultaneous interpretation and the sermon interpreters’ training. The research adopts autoethnography and data triangulation in the research method to explore sermon topics, interpreters’ strategy uses and challenges. The data collection involves class observations, interviews and interpreters’ internship in Sunday services. The results and findings of the research indicate as follows: 1. Biblical knowledge is not sufficient for sermon interpreters to do the Sunday services, which implies comprehensive knowledge from current news, geopolitics, finance and medical issues, etc is still required to serve in a church. 2. Shadowing exercise should be emphasized for the purpose of developing multitasking ability for the purpose of handling on-going inflow and even over-loading of information. 3. Intonation and liaison in speaking English should be instructed, particularly for Chinese-as-first-language trainees who speak with Chinese accent and intonation. In tandem with shadowing exercise, trainees could imitate the accent, intonation and liaison. 4. AI, machine translation, and ChatGPT can be incorporated into the English language learning and instructing process. Even though they are quite convenient, computer programs or translation programs cannot replace simultaneous interpreters. Human interpreters are more emotionally cognizant and aware than machines. Human interpreters are better equipped to handle the emotional responses of presenters.
Table of Contents
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Purposes of the Study 5
1.4 Significance of the Study 6
1.4.1 Trainees and Interpreters 7
1.4.2 EFL Instructions and Job Markets 7
1.5 Definition of Terms 9
2.1 (Non-)Professional vs. Volunteer Interpreting 11
2.2 Approaches in Interpreting Studies 13
2.3 Complex Process of SI and Formal Training 17
2.4 Gile’s Training Methods and Effort Model of SI 20
2.5 Automaticity Theory 25
2.6 Repetition to Develop Automaticity 26
2.7 Skill Acquisition 28
2.8 Reasons for Using Authentic Material in SI Training 29
2.9 Challenges Resulting from Language Transfer, Automaticity, and Terminology 31
2.9.1 Language Transfer 33
2.9.2 Behaviorist Approach 34
2.9.3 Cognitive Approach 36
2.9.4 Automaticity 37
2.9.5 Accuracy and Fluency 39
2.9.6 Terminological Work 40
2.10 The leading research questions that guide the research are: 42
3.1 Participants 43
3.2 Autoethnography 44
3.3 Settings 46
3.4 Research procedures 46
3.4.1 Data Collection and Descriptions 47
3.4.2 Class Observation Data 48
3.4.3 Interview Data 48
3.4.4 Semi-structured Interviews 49
3.4.5 SI Output Data 52
3.5 Data Analysis 52
3.5.1 Instruments of Analysis 53
3.5.2 Interrater Reliability (IRR) 54
3.5.3 Coding Schema 54
3.5.4 Data Source Triangulation 62
4.1 Interviews with Trainees 63
4.1.1 Calling, not Obligation 63
4.1.2 Being a Pupil Again 64
4.1.3 Simulation 65
4.1.4 Trainees Evangelized 66
4.1.5 Frustration Experienced 66
4.1.6 Rejected 67
4.1.7 Strategy Taken 67
4.1.8. Challenges 70
4.2 Class Observation 72
4.2.1 Professionalism 72
4.3 Challenges 86
4.3.1 Familiarity 86
4.3.2 Catch-Up-Or-Lose-Ground Mentality 89
4.3.3 Speed in Delivery 89
4.3.4 Summarize 90
4.3.5 Strategy 90
4.3.6 Anecdote 91
4.3.7 Idiomatic Sayings 92
4.3.8 Stammer in Practicing Shadowing 92
4.3.9 Audience’s Response 94
4.3.10 Fidelity 95
4.3.11 Third-Person Perspective 95
4.3.12 With or Without Earphones 96
4.3.13 Read Speech 97
4.4 Strategies 97
4.4.1 To Know the Speakers 97
4.4.2 Make Up the Missing Information 98
4.4.3 Anticipation 98
4.4.4 Omission 99
4.5 Internship of the Trainees 101
4.5.1 “Longing for Blessing? Ask Me How You Can” 110
4.5.2 The Faith in Christianity 118
4.5.3 Out of the Dark Life 124
4.5.4 Love is not Rare 129
4.5.5 How Not to Hate Something You Dislike 133
4.5.6 A Fine Line in Between 136
4.5.7 The Secret of Faith 141
4.5.8 Promise 143
4.5.9 Grace and Truth 145
4.5.10 The Dear Holy Spirit 147
4.5.11 The Career Life 149
Limitation of the Research 153
Pedagogical Implications 154
Future Research 156
References: 157
Appendix A Interview Questions 166
Appendix B The Coding of Sermons 167
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