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Author (Eng.):HUANG, HSIEN-YAO
Title (Eng.):Staining techniques to lithium disilicate veneers for clinical aesthetic evaluation
advisor (eng):FAN, FANG-YU
Oral Defense Committee:沈永康林煒竣范芳瑜
Oral Defense Committee (eng):SHEN, YUNG-KANGLIN, WEI-CHUNFAN, FANG-YU
oral defense date:2023-06-28
Narrow Field:醫藥衛生學門
Detailed Field:牙醫學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2023
Graduated Academic Year:111
number of pages:36
keyword (chi):二矽酸鋰陶瓷貼片深色支臺齒染色牙科美學
keyword (eng):Lithium disilicateCeramic veneersColor of abutmentStainDental aesthetic
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之瓷塊(IPS e.max CAD,BL2,High translucency/Low translucency,以下簡
稱 HT/LT)在不同厚度(0.5、1.0、1.2 mm)陶瓷貼片進行二矽酸鋰專用(GC
Initial IQ Lustre Paste NF, L-V)和氧化鋯專用(GC Initial Zr Light Reflective
Liners, L-BL)染色劑後對於深色支臺齒(ND8)修復物之顏色表現。根據實驗
結果顯示,以 BL2瓷塊試片在 ND8支臺齒背景之 L*值(80)作為基準,高透
的 L*值表現。然而對於低透明度瓷塊(LT)來說,兩種染色劑間所表現出的
L*值則差異較小,此外,在陶瓷貼片厚度充足(1.2 mm)的狀況下,兩種染
色劑皆能達到 BL2之 L*值基準表現。此結果經由蒐集 5人臨床案例的色彩
Good dental esthetic planning means that there is a common understanding
on restoration performance between the dentist, dental technician and patient. The

optical properties of natural teeth are the most difficult for restorations to simu-
late, especially when both professional expertise and practical experience are re-
quired to present them completely. Currently, digital photographs and colorimetry

values are often used as a reference for color evaluation but there is still a big
challenge for lithium disilicate veneers of different thicknesses and reconstruction

of dark-colored abutment restoration. In this study, we examined the color perfor-
mance of dark-colored abutment (ND8) restoration when ceramic blocks (IPS

e.max CAD,BL2,High translucency/Low translucency,hereinafter referred
to as HT/LT) of different clarities were used for Lithium disilicate special paste
and Zirconia special paste coloring ceramic veneers with different thicknesses
(0.5, 1.0, 1.2 mm). The experimental results showed that using the L value (80)
of BL2 in the dark-colored abutment , such as ND8, background as a benchmark,
the high translucency ceramic block had a higher L value after Zirconia special
paste coloring compared with Lithium disilicate special paste coloring. However,
for the low translucency (LT) ceramic blocks, the difference in L-value between

the two coloring agents was smaller, and both stains were able to achieve the L-
value of BL2 when the veneer had sufficient thickness (1.2 mm). This result was

also confirmed in 5 clinical cases. It is clear that the combination of coloring agent
and thickness will affect the aesthetic performance of the final restoration in the
reconstruction of dark colored abutment.
目錄.................................................................................................................... III
中文摘要............................................................................................................... 1
Abstract................................................................................................................ 2
第一章 前言.......................................................................................................... 3
第二章 研究背景.................................................................................................. 5
2.1. 牙齒與美學.......................................................................................... 5
2.2. 傳統複合樹脂材料.............................................................................. 7
2.3. 二矽酸鋰材料...................................................................................... 7
2.4. 比色系統.............................................................................................. 8
2.5. 修復物染色技巧................................................................................ 11
第三章 研究目的................................................................................................ 12
第四章 材料方法................................................................................................ 13
4.1. 實驗規劃............................................................................................ 13
4.2. 樣品準備............................................................................................ 13
4.3. 染色處理............................................................................................ 14
4.4. 比色資訊............................................................................................ 15
4.5. 支臺齒比色板.................................................................................... 16
4.6. eLAB 系統......................................................................................... 17
第五章 結果討論................................................................................................ 18
5.1. 瓷塊試片染色厚度觀察.................................................................... 18
5.2. 瓷塊試片染色前後之 L*值表現...................................................... 18
5.3. 瓷塊試片於 ND8 支臺齒背景下 L*值表現 .................................... 20
第六章 臨床驗證................................................................................................ 22
第七章 研究結論................................................................................................ 30
第八章 參考文獻................................................................................................ 31


表 一、牙科比色的臨床困擾........................................................................... 9
表 二、瓷塊物理特性..................................................................................... 14
表 三、瓷塊與比色板色彩資訊..................................................................... 23
表 四、案例編號板資料................................................................................. 23


圖一、微笑線分類............................................................................................ 5
圖二、牙齒黃金比例........................................................................................ 6
圖三、等色面向[13] ......................................................................................... 6
圖四、牙科修復物的傳統與數位製程............................................................ 8
圖五、專用灰卡說明[34] ............................................................................... 10
圖六、整體研究架構...................................................................................... 13
圖七、瓷塊透明度表現.................................................................................. 15
圖八、瓷塊染色過程...................................................................................... 15
圖九、Ivoclar Vivadent IPS Natural Die Material 比色板(紅框為 ND8 支臺齒
比色板).......................................................................................................... 16

圖十、相機與灰卡的拍攝角度 (圖片來源:https://elabprime.com/photo-
protocol)......................................................................................................... 17

圖十一、試片縱切面觀察.............................................................................. 18
圖十二、瓷塊 HT 試片於染色前後之 L*值表現......................................... 19
圖十三、瓷塊 LT 試片於染色前後之 L*值表現.......................................... 20
圖十四、瓷塊 HT 試片染色燒結後於 ND8 支臺齒下之 L*值表現 ........... 21
圖十五、瓷塊 LT 試片染色燒結後於 ND8 支臺齒下之 L*值表現 ............ 21
圖十六、支臺齒色彩資訊蒐集...................................................................... 22
圖十七、修復物色彩資訊蒐集...................................................................... 22
圖十八、3 Shape 軟體厚度測量 .................................................................... 24
圖十九、案例一陶瓷貼片色彩資訊.............................................................. 25
圖二十、案例二陶瓷貼片色彩資訊.............................................................. 25
圖二十一、案例三 14-24 齒位陶瓷貼片色彩資訊....................................... 27
圖二十二、案例三 34-44 齒位陶瓷貼片色彩資訊....................................... 27
圖二十三、案例四陶瓷貼片色彩資訊.......................................................... 28
圖二十四、案例五陶瓷貼片色彩資訊.......................................................... 28
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