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研究生(外文):HSU, HSIN-YU
論文名稱(外文):College Students' Attitudes Toward Offenders with Mental Disorder and the Influencing Factors
指導教授(外文):TZENG, SHU-PING
外文關鍵詞:college studentsmental disordersoffenders with mental disordersattitudes
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This study aims to explore the attitudes of college students toward offenders with mental disorders and the influencing factors. Using purposive sampling, eight students from different departments were selected for interviews.
The findings show that regarding strict liability tendencies, the proportion of respondents inclined towards high and low strict liability is evenly split. Those with higher strict liability tendencies consider factors such as maintaining overall social fairness, distrust in psychiatric evaluations, concerns about copycat effects, the undeniable harm caused by serious crimes, the corrective function of punishment, and the patient's failure to fulfill treatment responsibilities before committing the crime. On the other hand, respondents with lower strict liability tendencies consider that criminal behavior is influenced by disorders, the patient lacks criminal responsibility, multiple factors contribute to the incident and the patient should not bear full responsibility, the patient has no criminal intent, and for patients who cannot comprehend the meaning of punishment, it neither deters nor prevents recidivism. Additionally, regardless of their stance on strict liability, almost all respondents understood the significance of reduced sentences under Article 19 of the Criminal Code.
Other findings include: despite varying attitudes toward offenders with mental disorders, over half of the respondents emphasized the necessity of treatment. Respondents were generally unfamiliar with relevant legal provisions, had a pessimistic view of the social roles of offenders with mental disorders, and most agreed that the government should spend more tax money on treating these individuals. However, nearly half of the respondents prioritized prevention. The NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) effect regarding forensic psychiatric hospitals was generally insignificant, as respondents trusted the management of such facilities.
Literature indicates that attitudes toward offenders with mental disorders are influenced by awareness of mental disorders, attitudes toward patients, and personal experiences with patients. This study found that most respondents could identify more than four types of mental disorders, all agreed that treatment could improve symptoms, and all were willing to try to understand patients with mental disorders. When asked if they considered patients with mental disorders dangerous, half of the respondents said their judgment depended on the type of mental disorders, while others stated it depended on whether the patient was in an active phase of the disorders. Lastly, almost all respondents had friends or relatives with mental disorders.
Based on the research findings, the study offers various recommendations for education, judiciary, social services, and media sectors. It is hoped that through joint efforts, future societal discussions on crimes committed by individuals with mental disorders will foster more understanding and less hatred.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 6
第三節 名詞解釋 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 國內精神疾病現況 9
第二節 精神疾病與犯罪 14
第三節 民眾對精神病患之態度研究 18
第四節 對精神障礙犯罪者之態度研究 23
第五節 小結 30
第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究設計 33
第二節 研究參與者 35
第三節 研究工具 37
第四節 資料分析 39
第五節 研究倫理 41
第四章 研究結果 43
第一節 對精神疾病與病患的態度 43
第二節 是病人還是惡人?—大學生如何看待精神疾病犯罪者 65
第五章 結論與建議 99
第一節 結論與討論 99
第二節 研究建議 106
第三節 研究限制 109
第四節 未來研究建議 111
參考文獻 113
附錄一 研究知情同意書 127
附錄二 訪談大綱 128
附錄三 監護處分介紹圖表 129


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