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論文名稱(外文):Wrist Fracture Detection Using Deep Learning Model Stacking for X-ray Images Shot from Different Angles
外文關鍵詞:Wrist fractureDeep learningX-ray imagesShooting anglesModel stackingFracture detection
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研究結果顯示,在第一階段中,使用較淺層且多尺度的Inception-V1深度學習模型,就有較高的分類任務表現,可以得到98.04%的準確率,並且在左橈骨及右橈骨的辨識率都達到100%。在第二階段中,當使用複雜度較高的EfficientNet-B2深度學習模型,才有較高的骨折辨識表現,且在引入了第一階段的拍攝角度分類任務後,其整體模型的性能有著顯著的提升,Cohen’s kappa從72.27%上升至75.11%,可以證明在不同角度辨識骨折的任務具有差異性。然而在其基礎上將不同角度辨識骨折的任務通過模型堆疊融合Inception-V3、EfficientNet-B2及DenseNet-201模型使整體模型的辨識能力更上一層,得到了整體的正確率為88.63%、精確度為95.76%、靈敏度為80.71%、特異度為96.47%、F1 Score為87.59%及Cohen’s kappa為77.26%的數據表現。和其他研究方法比較,結果表示本研究所提出的方法能更精準地辨識手腕骨折及定位手腕骨折位置,提高了診斷的效率和可靠性。
Fractures are a common traumatic disease with a high prevalence internationally. Fractures of the wrist, in particular, are often caused by falling and using the wrist for support. With age, osteoporosis is more prevalent in the elderly, which greatly increases the risk of wrist fractures. However, the complexity of the bone structure in the wrist region leads to misdiagnosis by radiologists, which can lead to deterioration of the condition. Therefore, the goal of this study is to develop a comprehensive computer-aided diagnosis system to help physicians diagnose wrist fractures more accurately, improve diagnostic efficiency and reduce the risk of misdiagnosis.
In this study, the deep learning model architecture is formulated through the multi-scale characteristics of Inception and EfficientNet, and the characteristics of DenseNet that can avoid the loss of subtle features, and the whole system is divided into a two-stage deep learning model architecture in this study. The first stage of the network model focuses on the classification of the X-ray images according to the shooting angle, so that the X-ray images are classified into three different shooting angle images, namely, left radius, right radius and lateral radius. The first phase of the network model focuses on categorizing the X-ray images according to the camera angles so that the X-ray images are categorized into left radius, right radius, and lateral radius, which helps the system to better understand and process the image information in different angles. In the second stage, the network model is used to focus on identifying whether there is a fracture in the wrist area. Firstly, the image is pre-processed so that it can focus on the wrist area and enhance the areas that are not bright enough, and the amount of data is doubled through the small-angle data augmentation method to make up for the error angle that may be caused by the pre-processing, and then different network models are integrated to identify the fracture of the wrist through the model stacking method. Then, different network models are integrated through model stacking to recognize the wrist fracture and accurately detect the possible location of the fracture area.
The results of the study show that in the first stage, when using the shallower and multi-scale Inception-V1 deep learning model, the performance of the classification task is higher, and an accuracy of 98.04% can be obtained, and the recognition rate of left radius and right radius reaches 100%. In the second stage, when the EfficientNet-B2 deep learning model with higher complexity is used, it has a higher fracture recognition performance, and after the introduction of the camera angle classification task in the first stage, its overall model performance has a significant improvement, and Cohen's kappa increases from 72.27% to 75.11%, which can be Cohen's kappa increased from 72.27% to 75.11%, which can prove that the task of recognizing fracture at different angles is different. However, the task of recognizing fractures at different angles is further enhanced by fusing the Inception-V3, EfficientNet-B2 and DenseNet-201 models through model stacking, and the overall accuracy of 88.63%, precision of 95.76%, sensitivity of 80.71%, specificity of 96.47%, F1 Score of 87.59% and Cohen's kappa of 77.26%. When comparing with the state-of-the-art methods in the literature, the method proposed in this study can recognize wrist fracture and locate the wrist fracture position more accurately, which demonstrates the efficiency and reliability of diagnosis.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究架構 3
第二章 研究背景 4
2.1手腕骨頭與骨折 4
2.2手腕X光拍攝方式 5
2.3深度學習 6
2.4相關文獻探討 7
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1資料庫介紹 14
3.2影像前處理 17
3.2.1外框對齊分割 18影像二值化 19形態學運算 20主成份分析(PCA) 21
3.2.2去標註去背景 22直方圖均衡化 (Histogram Equalization) 24
3.2.3去外框並骨頭對齊 25
3.2.4對比度增強 26
3.3資料擴增 28
3.4分類模型架構 29
3.4.1 Inception模塊 30
3.4.2 密集網路模型(DenseNet model) 34
3.4.3 EfficientNet model 37
3.4.4 堆疊法 (Stacking) 38 邏輯迴歸 (Logistic Regression) 39 線性支持向量機 (Linear SVM) 40高斯徑向基函數支持向量機 (RBF SVM) 40 K近鄰 (KNN) 40 高斯樸素貝葉斯 (GaussianNB) 41 決策樹 (Decision Tree) 41 隨機森林 (Random Forest) 41 AdaBoost 42 Gradient Boosting 42 XGBoost 42
3.5損失函數 43
3.6模型可視化 43
3.7硬體設備與軟體環境 44
3.7.1硬體設備 44
3.7.2軟體環境 44
第四章 研究結果與討論 45
4.1前處理之實驗結果 45
4.2評估指標 46
4.2.1二分類之混淆矩陣 46
4.2.2三分類之混淆矩陣 48
4.3訓練參數設定 50
4.4模型實驗結果 51
4.4.1橈骨定位實驗結果 51
4.4.2手腕骨折實驗結果 53同一模塊及模型之不同層數架構對骨折分類的影響 53影像前處理與資料擴增對骨折分類的影響 54拍攝角度對骨折分類的影響 56不同變因的實驗結果比較 58模型堆疊對骨折分類的影響 59模型可視化結果 61
4.5相關文獻比較 65
第五章 結論與未來展望 67
5.1結論 67
5.2未來展望 68
參考文獻 69

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