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研究生(外文):WU, CHENG-JUNG
論文名稱:腦中風急性後期照護病人 日常生活獨立能力預測模型之研究
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Predicting Daily Living Independence of Patients within PAC-CVD
指導教授(外文):Roan, Jin-Sheng
口試委員(外文):Wu, Hsu-CheHsu, Yu-Feng
外文關鍵詞:Data MiningPost-Acute CareStrokeDaily Living IndependencePredictive Model
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本研究使用WEKA(Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis[WEKA])作為分析及建構模型的工具軟體,以腦中風個案收案資訊與期初評估資訊來預測個案日常生活獨立能力的情形。
經資料篩選後共789位進行資料分析,研究結果發現以隨機森林(Random Forest)所建構的資料探勘模型有最佳的分類效能,能準確預測腦中風急性後期照護病患預後之日常生活獨立能力;預測住院PAC病患的日常生活獨立能力則以羅吉斯迴歸模型的分類效能最佳;BBS(Berg Balance Scale)是預測中最具影響力的關鍵特徵,其次是FMAmotor(Fugl-Meyer Assessment)。


In Taiwan, approximately 17,000 people suffer from stroke each year, leading to disabilities in daily living activities. This condition imposes a heavy burden on patients, families, and caregivers, significantly affecting their quality of life. Therefore, the goals of post-acute care (PAC) programs for stroke patients are not only to reduce subsequent mortality and prevent recurrent strokes but also to promote the recovery of daily living functions, improve quality of life, and reduce the burden on families and society. Accurately predicting daily living functions in the first few months after a stroke is crucial for optimizing stroke management and helps in setting achievable goals, facilitating the development of early discharge plans, and providing accurate information to patients and their caregivers.
This study uses WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) as the tool for analysis and model construction. The model predicts the daily living independence of stroke patients based on case information and initial assessment data.
After filtering the data, a total of 789 cases were analyzed. The research results revealed that the data mining model constructed with Random Forest had the best classification performance, accurately predicting the daily living independence of stroke patients in post-acute care. For predicting the daily living independence of hospitalized PAC patients, the Logistic Regression model had the best classification performance. The Berg Balance Scale (BBS) was identified as the most influential predictive feature, followed by the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMAmotor).
This study confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of predictive models based on data mining techniques and multiple assessment scales in predicting daily living independence for stroke patients. These models not only provide accurate predictive results but also assist clinicians and families in creating more personalized rehabilitation plans, enhancing patients' quality of life and independence. Future research should build on this foundation to explore more influencing factors and optimize the models, thereby providing more comprehensive and precise rehabilitation arrangements for stroke patients.

Keywords: Data Mining, Post-Acute Care, Stroke, Daily Living Independence, Predictive Model

目錄 i
圖目錄 iv
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究問題 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 腦中風介紹 7
2.1.1 流行病學 7
2.1.2 腦中風成因 7
2.1.3 造成腦中風危險因子 8
2.2 腦中風預後 10
2.3 腦中風急性後期照護計畫及評量量表相關研究 11
2.3.1 整體功能狀態評量 12
2.3.2 基本日常生活功能量表 13
2.3.3 工具性日常生活功能評量 14
2.3.4 姿勢控制與平衡功能評量 15
2.3.5 步行能力與整體行動功能評量 16
2.3.6 心肺耐力測試 16
2.3.7 感覺動作功能評量 17
2.3.8 認知、知覺功能評量 18
2.3.9 職能表現與重返社會能力評量 19
2.3.10 健康相關生活品質評量 19
2.3.11 吞嚥與進食功能評量 20
2.3.12 語言功能評估 20
2.3.13 營養評估 21
2.3.14 腦中風急性後期照護之成效 21
2.4 腦中風介入成效與資料探勘技術相關研究 22
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究流程 24
3.2 資料來源 26
3.3 研究變項說明 27
3.4 研究工具 32
3.5 資料探勘技術 32
3.6 機器學習(machine learning)預測模型技術 33
3.6.1 邏輯斯廻歸(logistic regression[LR]) 34
3.6.2 順序最小優化算法(Sequential minimal optimization[SMO]) 34
3.6.3 隨機森林(Random forest[RF]) 35
3.6.4 決策樹(Decision Tree[DT]) 35
3.7 實驗設計 36
3.8 實驗驗證 37
3.8.1 訓練與測試 37
3.8.2 十摺交叉驗證 38
3.9 評估指標 38
第四章 實驗結果與分析 41
4.1 描述性資料分析 41
4.2 重要自變項及相關性 44
4.3 模型效能 49
4.3.1 資料探勘分析過程 49
4.3.2 資料探勘結果 49
第五章 研究結論與建議 51
5.1 研究結論 51
5.2 研究限制 53
5.3 未來研究方向與建議 53
參考文獻 55
中文文獻 55
英文文獻 56
網路文獻 63
附錄 人體試驗倫理委員會證明 65


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