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論文名稱(外文):The study of nursing students' skincare and makeup and consumption behaviors during internships
外文關鍵詞:nursing studentpractical traininginternshipskincaremakeupconsumption behavior
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The hospital environment is a high-stress learning setting, with students experiencing varying degrees of physical and psychological symptoms. This study aims to understand nursing students' skincare, makeup, and consumption behaviors during their internships.
The subjects of this study are fourth-year nursing students from university and technical colleges. The questionnaires were collected using convenience sampling in March 2024, with 120 participants, including 21 male students (18%) and 99 female students (82%).
The study results that male nursing students rarely engage in skincare and makeup routines, while most female students have the habit of skincare and makeup. The average age for starting skincare and makeup is about 17 years old, with the youngest age being 8 years old.
During the internship, about 53% of students changed their makeup routines, choosing not to wear makeup because they "have to leave early and don't have time to put on makeup." About 39% of students adjusted their skincare routines, choosing not to maintain them. About 55% of students felt that their skin condition had changed, with an increase in acne. Furthermore, 47% of students believed that changes in their skin condition affected their internship performance. Additionally, 56% of the students changed their spending behavior. University students and female students exhibit higher consumption behavior than technical college students and male students, respectively. The increased spending was on food, while spending on shoes, bags, and clothing decreased. Agreement scores for makeup are higher among female students than male students, ranging from 3.19 to 3.54 for female students and 2.76 to 3.05 for male students. Both male and female students agreed that "wearing makeup gives a better first impression." The male students least agreed with the statement "makeup can increase my confidence," and female students least agreed with "having makeup can improve patients' mood.”
This study explores students’ skincare, makeup, and consumption behaviors during their internships and suggests the future design of suitable skincare products for nursing students to use during their internships.

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景-------------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究動機與重要性--------------------------------------------- 2
第三節 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------- 3
第四節 名詞界定-------------------------------------------------------- 4
第二章 文獻查證
第一節 護理系學生實習壓力------------------------------------------ 5
第二節 壓力與消費行為------------------------------------------------ 7
第三節 保養與化妝現況------------------------------------------------ 10
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計-------------------------------------------------------- 12
第二節 研究架構-------------------------------------------------------- 13
第三節 研究問題與研究假設------------------------------------------ 14
第四節 研究對象-------------------------------------------------------- 15
第五節 研究工具-------------------------------------------------------- 16
第六節 資料分析方法--------------------------------------------------- 17
第七節 研究倫理-------------------------------------------------------- 18
第八節 前驅研究 ------------------------------------------------------- 19
第一節 研究對象基本資料--------------------------------------------- 27
第二節 護理系學生實習期間保養化妝與消費行為分析--------- 36
第三節 大學與科技大學護理系學生保養化妝比較--------------- 51
第五章 討論
第一節 護理系學生基本資料------------------------------------------ 62
第二節 護理系學生實習期間保養化妝與消費行為--------------- 64
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論------------------------------------------------------------ 68
第二節 建議------------------------------------------------------------ 69
中文部份---------------------------------------------------------------- 71
英文部份---------------------------------------------------------------- 74
附錄一 保養化妝與消費行為問卷------------------------------------ 77
附錄二 倫理審查通過證明書------------------------------------------ 81

表3-1 大三生基本人口學資料-------------------------------------------- 20
表3-2 大三生實習期間保養化妝與消費行為-------------------------- 22
表3-3 大三生在實習期間不化妝原因------------------------------------ 23
表3-4 大三生對於保養化妝的看法-------------------------------------- 24
表4-1 大學學制護理系學生基本人口學資料-------------------------- 29
表4-2 科技大學學制護理系學生基本人口學資料--------------------- 34
表4-3 大學學制護理系學生實習期間之保養化妝--------------------- 38
表4-4 大學學制護理系學生實習期間不化妝原因---------------------
表4-5 科技大學學制護理系學生實習期間之保養化妝--------------- 44
表4-6 科技大學學制護理系學生實習期間不化妝原因------------------ 45
表4-7 大學護理系學生實習期間之消費行為-------------------------- 46
表4-8 科技大學學生實習期間之消費行為------------------------------ 48
表4-9 大學護理系學生對於保養化妝的看法-------------------------- 49
表4-10 科技大學學生對於保養化妝的看法----------------------------- 50
表4-11 大學生與科大生基本人口學資料之比較----------------------- 52
表4-12 大學生與科大生實習期間保養化妝之比較------------------- 57
表4-13 大學生與科大生在實習期間不化妝原因---------------------- 58
表4-14 大學生與科大生實習期間消費行為之比較------------------- 59
表4-15 不同學制學生對於保養化妝的看法---------------------------- 60
表4-16 性別對於保養化妝的看法---------------------------------------- 61

圖3-1 研究架構圖------------------------------------------------------ 13
圖4-1 大學生與科大生化妝品項使用分析圖---------------------------- 30
圖4-2 大學生與科大生保養品項使用分析圖---------------------------- 31
圖4-3 大學生與科大生實習期間皮膚狀況分析圖---------------------- 40
圖4-4 大學生與科大生的實習科別影響分析圖------------------------- 41
圖4-5 大學生與科大生實習期間購物品項之分析圖------------------- 47
圖4-6 大學生與科大生面膜使用頻率分析圖---------------------------- 54
圖4-7 大學生與科大生使用面膜功效分析圖---------------------------- 55

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