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論文名稱(外文):The Study of Environmental Crime Investigation about Industrial Disposal of Construction Surplus Clay-Taking the Miaoli area as an example
外文關鍵詞:Environmental Crime Investigationconstruction wasteConstruction Surplus ClayTax adjustment platform of prosecution and police
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The illegal disposal of construction waste soil and remaining earth and stone (collectively referred to as "construction surplus earth and stone") has caused great damage to the environment and ecology, and has become one of the current important environmental issues. Unscrupulous operators or gang organizations obtain license documents under false "reuse of resources" and become "legitimate operators". Huge profits attract gangs to compete for them. The criminal aspects and organizational structures involved are complicated, but the division of labor is delicate. In addition, the operators and landowners mistakenly believe that the waste earth and stone belong to There is a misconception that resources can be reused, and backfilling and stacking will not damage the environment. Therefore, even if they are audited by administrative agencies, the cases are mostly settled with administrative sanctions and are rarely transferred to judicial agencies for prosecution. This study collects practical detection cases and prosecution judgments to understand the organizational structure of criminal groups. Based on the criminal methods of construction waste engaged in by operators (using legal "reuse of resources" to cover illegal "backfilling and stacking" behaviors), three conclusions are summarized: There are three criminal models: (1) "Breach of contract at the source to enrich oneself - deceiving the superiors and concealing the inferiors" model; (2) "Hide the proof of flow direction - dodge and evade" model; (3) "The terminal is complicit in the crime - both superiors and inferiors take action" model, combined with the environmental protection police of the Seventh Protection Corps and the case-handling data and experience of the Environmental Protection Agency's inspection team, and then integrate specific investigation strategies and methods. In terms of investigation strategies: (1) "Breach of contract at the source to enrich oneself - deceiving the superiors and concealing the inferiors" model: using the Environmental Protection Agency's public data analysis, proactively conducting joint inspections with the competent administrative agencies, and requesting prosecutors to perform communication monitoring; (2) "Concealing the flow of evidence" -Dodge and evade" mode: use traffic inspection methods to intercept and clear large vehicles, make good use of administrative resources and environmental supervision systems, identify GPS real-time monitoring equipment, mobile phone conversation records, etc.; (3) "Terminals are complicit-hands on and off" mode: use Aerial photography, remote monitoring, mobile tracking and other dynamic and static evidence collection interactive applications, etc. (4) Use the "Prosecution, Police, Environmental and Tax Adjustment" inter-agency professional cooperation platform to implement compulsory sanctions, searches, seizures, investigations and interrogations, and other specific investigation methods to trace the flow of money, logistics, and people, and trace the behind-the-scenes group organizations. This study clarifies the criminal methods of illegal removal and disposal of construction waste and remaining earth and stone, and then proposes an investigation strategy model accordingly, and conducts review, analysis and discussion with actual cases to facilitate the reference of colleagues on the front line investigating such cases, and to strengthen the fight against environmental crimes.
目錄 1
圖目錄 3
表目錄 5
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 7
第二章 環境犯罪之文獻探討 12
第一節 環境犯罪查察之沿革 13
第二節 國內外營建廢棄物定義及處理現況 16
第三節 行政裁罰及司法處斷 20
第三章 研究流程、方法及案件來源 22
第一節 研究流程 22
第二節 研究方法 24
第三節 案件來源與運用 25
第四章 營建剩餘土石方之環境犯罪模式 30
第一節 營建剩餘土石方之一般違法模式 31
第二節 「源頭違約自肥-欺上瞞下」模式 33
第三節 「隱匿流向證明-閃躲迴避」模式 36
第四節 「終端同流合汙-上下其手」模式 43
第五章 營建剩餘土石方環境犯罪之偵查策略 46
第一節 我國營建剩餘土石方處理方針 47
第二節 廢棄物清理法第四十六條違法構成要件探討 50
第三節 犯罪模式之對應性偵查策略 54
第六章 案例解析 63
第一節 「源頭違約自肥-欺上瞞下」模式之案例 63
第二節 「隱匿流向證明-閃躲迴避」模式之案例 72
第三節 「終端同流合汙-上下其手」模式之案例 80
第七章 結論與建議 90
第一節 結論 90
第二節 建議 93
參考文獻 96

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