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論文名稱(外文):The research on the training programs and assessment method of drug detection dogs in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:canineolfactorynarcotics detection dogtraining
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Canine units exhibit highly refined olfactory capabilities and, with extensive training, can attain a significant level of professional expertise. This specialized proficiency notably improves the operational effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in identifying particular odors, such as drugs and explosives. In Taiwan, police dog training facilities operate under the authority of the National Police Agency's Third Security Police Corps and the police departments of New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Taichung City, and Penghu County. These establishments are responsible for the training and deploying of police dogs for various operational tasks. Unlike international standards where police dog units function independently and have dedicated training centers, the current employment of police dogs in Taiwan predominantly supports routine operations, site security inspections, and public demonstrations. Consequently, the systems and applications related to this are still in the developmental stages. Presently, only the police dog team under the Third Security Police Corps has a formal organizational structure, with other regional police dog units operating ad hoc basis. Furthermore, unlike the unified training system of the Customs Narcotics Detection Dog Training Center, police dog training methods and evaluation criteria in Taiwan are independently developed by each region, resulting in a deficiency of standardized training models and evaluation protocols.This research consolidates information from international police dog training manuals and selects three police dog units within Taiwan for comprehensive analysis.
Interviews were conducted with two senior handlers and one officer from each unit, focusing on three major dimensions: "basic training," "specialized training," and "advanced training." The objective is to summarize and refine the training and evaluation models for narcotics detection dogs in Taiwan. The amalgamation of literature and interview data underscores the necessity of integrating fundamental academic knowledge of animal behavior into training programs. Future empirical research should encompass various aspects of training effectiveness, aiming to produce results that better comply with practical requirements.
It is recommended that training content and evaluation standards realistically align to ensure the applicability of training outcomes. Additionally, dog handlers should be equipped with the latest professional knowledge and technical guidance, enabling them to effectively train dogs within a robust professional framework. The study advocates for the regular organization of joint training sessions and competitive events among police dog teams to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and practical experience. Finally, it calls for the formulation of unified training and evaluation standards, tailored to the needs of Taiwan's police narcotics detection dogs through collaborative discussions with experts and scholars. Implementing a certification system would serve to acknowledge and encourage the dedicated efforts of current dog handlers.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 名詞解釋 6
第四節 研究範圍 8
第二章 文獻回顧 11
第一節 犬隻生理特色 11
一、視覺 11
二、嗅覺 12
第二節 犬隻訓練原理 16
二、行為動力 17
二、獎勵與懲罰 17
三、訓練器材 22
第三節 緝毒犬訓練模式 27
一、社會化訓練 27
二、服從訓練 31
三、嗅覺訓練 33
四、其他訓練 39
第四節 緝毒犬成效評核制度 41
一、 國內評核制度 41
二、國外評核制度 43
第五節 小結 48
第三章 研究方法 51
第一節 研究流程與架構 56
第二節 研究方法與工具 51
第三節 資料分析 58
第四節 研究範圍與限制 59
第四章 研究結果 61
第一節 基本訓練分析 61
一、親和訓練 61
二、社會化訓練 73
三、體能訓練 86
四、服從訓練 94
五、集體訓練 106
六、克服障礙訓練 111
第二節 嗅覺訓練分析 116
一、嗅覺開發 116
二、氣味記憶 119
三、搜索模式 124
四、情境訓練 125
五、評核模式 128
第三節 研究發現 132
一、國內訓練與成效評估模式 132
二、評核模式之建議 136
第五章 結論與建議 141
一、研究面向 141
二、實務面向 142
參考文獻 145
一、中文文獻 145
二、英文文獻 146
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