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論文名稱(外文):The analysis of tenable conditions and occupant evacuations with a sprinkler system in high-rise building fires
外文關鍵詞:High-rise building fireSprinkler systemFDS simulationEvacuation calculations
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As the population increases, the trend in building construction is shifting towards high-rise structures. However, the fire dynamics in high-rise buildings are more complex and diverse compared to typical buildings. Recent devastating residential high-rise fires worldwide have raised awareness about the significant risks posed by fires in such structures. This study aims to investigate various fire scenarios in high-rise buildings to enhance domestic knowledge and capabilities in fire engineering for buildings. Additionally, it aims to provide essential references for related research.
This study focuses on fire incidents in high-rise buildings and evaluates factors such as tenability, hazards to human life, and feasibility of evacuation under different conditions of a sprinkler system flow rate, radiation state, and status of fire doors. Initially, recent fire statistics from Taiwan, Japan, and the United States are collected, along with domestic and international fire incident case data resulting in severe casualties. Through statistical analysis, six causative factors are identified: failure of fire compartmentation, arson, malfunction of fire safety equipment, accumulation of combustible materials, external fire spread, and mixed-use occupancy. This study primarily focuses on fire compartmentation failure and malfunction of fire safety equipment. Subsequently, experimental and simulation studies of high-rise building fires both domestically and internationally, domestic regulations on building and fire safety equipment, factors affecting fire safety for human life, and evacuation verification calculations are compiled to establish high-rise buildings capable of evacuation and conduct fire simulation and evacuation verification.
This study utilizes FDS software to simulate residential fires in 9-story buildings and office fires in 25-story buildings, categorizing fire scenarios based on different sprinkler system flow rates, radiation states, and fire door opening statuses, resulting in 37 simulation scenarios. Temperature, carbon monoxide, visibility, and other human life hazard factors are measured at detection points placed in building corridors and stairwells. After data collection, analysis is conducted using the 2008 Dutch pedestrian hazard index for comparison, indicating different levels of danger on different floors using red, yellow, and green colors. Subsequently, Available Safety Egress Time (ASET) for the study building is calculated based on detection data to facilitate personnel recognition. For Required Safety Egress Time (RSET), three different evacuation calculation methods are employed: building fire evacuation safety performance verification calculation, NFPA evacuation calculation, and volume control theory, to calculate the required evacuation time for personnel in 9-story and 25-story buildings. Finally, the study combines the results of these two different times to analyze and evaluate the tenability, human safety, and evacuation of high-rise buildings.
The results indicate that the effective activation of the sprinkler system can reduce temperature and carbon monoxide concentration inside the fire area, providing more evacuation permissible time for building occupants. However, the research also shows that even with sprinkler systems, it only delays the reduction in visibility, as visibility will still decrease to below 10 meters, affecting the habitability of the building and the safety of evacuating personnel. Finally, the research emphasizes the importance of proper management of fire doors; even with a gap as small as 10 centimeters, smoke still has a chance to spread through fire doors to other spaces, increasing the risk to occupants evacuating within the building.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究範圍與限制 5
第四節 研究方法與流程 8
第二章 文獻探討與回顧 11
第一節 高樓層建築物火災案例分析 11
第二節 FDS運用於建築物火災文獻探討 15
第三節 高樓層建築物法規探討 32
第四節 人命安全評估文獻 39
第五節 避難文獻探討 51
第三章 高樓層建築物火災模擬 63
第一節 火災模擬軟體介紹 63
第二節 高樓層建築物建置 66
第三節 火源設置 70
第四節 格點設置 74
第五節 撒水系統 76
第六節 火災情境設置 79
第七節 火災人命安全因子分析及模擬基準 85
第八節 避難驗證計算 90
第九節 小節 97
第四章 結果與分析 99
第一節 火災情境模擬結果 99
第二節 火災人命安全因子分析 119
第三節 避難容許時間(ASET)分析 129
第四節 避難所需時間(RSET)計算 136
第五節 研究討論 149
第五章 結論與建議 151
第一節 結論 151
第二節 建議 155
參考文獻 157
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