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研究生(外文):LIANG, MU-HAN
論文名稱(外文):The Exploration of Harmful Substance Monitoring and Physiological Fatigue Indicators
指導教授(外文):LIU, HUNG-HSIN
外文關鍵詞:worker fatigue biosensorworkplace hazardous substance monitorwearable sensors
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響不顯著(P > 0.05); CO2和CO高濃度組對皮膚導電度有顯著影響(P < 0.05)。
This study aimed to develop a wearable device integrating a worker fatigue biosensor and workplace hazardous substance monitor to simultaneously monitor worker fatigue and detect workplace hazards. It explored the correlations between physiological indicators (including blood oxygen, skin temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, skin conductance, and calorie expenditure) and environmental pollutant levels (including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, and ozone).
The study involved 88 workers from metal manufacturing factories, using the developed wearable hazardous substance sensor and fatigue biosensor for on-site data collection. Data on daily worker exposure conditions and physiological indicators were collected via SD cards and statistically analyzed using SPSS to investigate correlations between fatigue and hazard indicators.
Results showed significant associations between PM2.5 exposure and increased heart rate and blood pressure among workers from Factories A and B, with inconsistent effects on diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Negative correlations were observed between PM2.5 exposure and blood oxygen levels in Factory B workers and the control group, suggesting a potential impact on cardiovascular health. CO2 exposure correlated significantly with decreased heart rate and blood pressure, possibly linked to worker fatigue. However, low NO2 concentrations did not show significant effects on cardiovascular indicators, likely due to sensor sensitivity. O3 exposure affected heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen, while TVOC exposure correlated significantly with increased heart rate. Moreover, although there were notable differences in PM2.5 and TVOC concentrations between high and low exposure groups, these did not significantly affect physiological indicators (P > 0.05). High concentrations of CO2 and CO significantly affected skin conductance (P < 0.05).
Due to lower hazardous substance exposure levels and suboptimal sensor selection, the study only found correlations with skin conductance, skin temperature, and calorie expenditure. Future research should utilize more indicative hazardous substance sensors and target factories with higher exposure levels. Additionally, monitoring ozone and nitrogen dioxide should focus on facilities where these substances are more likely to be generated, such as those exposed to sunlight or high electrical arcs. These conditions are less common in indoor workplaces, posing challenges for their detection.
第一章 前言1
第二章 文獻探討2
(五) 化學性危害物與疲勞之相關研究12
第三章 研究方法14
第四章 結果與討論28
第五章 結論45
第六章 參考文獻47

圖 1研究架構圖14
圖 2 A廠1號區15
圖 3 A廠2號區15
圖 4 A廠3號區16
圖 5 A廠4號區16
圖 6 A廠5號區17
圖 7 A廠6號區17
圖 8 A廠辦公室18
圖 9 B廠1區18
圖 10 B廠2區19
圖 11 B廠3號區19
圖 12 B廠4號區20
圖 13 B廠辦公室20
圖 14 穿戴式有害物感測裝置正面(左)、反面(右)外觀照22
圖 15 穿戴式有害物感測裝置頂部(上)、底部(下)外觀照22
圖 16 穿戴式有害物感測裝置內部元件示意圖23
圖 17穿戴式疲勞生物感測裝置正面外觀照片25
圖 18穿戴式疲勞感生物測裝置背面外觀照片25
圖 19 每日平均PM2.5濃度之時間趨勢圖29
圖 20 每日平均CO2濃度之時間趨勢圖29
圖 21 每日平均CO濃度之時間趨勢圖30
圖 22 每日平均NO2濃度之時間趨勢圖30
圖 23 每日平均O3濃度之時間趨勢圖31
圖 24 每日平均TVOC濃度之時間趨勢圖31
圖 25 每日平均心率之時間趨勢圖32
圖 26 每日平均血氧濃度之時間趨勢圖32
圖 27 每日平均皮膚導電度之時間趨勢圖33
圖 28 每日平均皮膚溫度之時間趨勢圖33
圖 29 每日平均收縮壓濃度之時間趨勢圖34
圖 30 每日平均舒張壓濃度之時間趨勢圖34
圖 31 每日平均熱量消耗之時間趨勢圖35

表 1傳統採樣與感測器監測及其潛在應用之可行性分析8
表 2穿戴式有害物感測裝置感測元件之型號與規格24
表 3穿戴式疲勞生物感測裝置感測元件之型號與規格26
表 4 A廠PM2.5與各個生理指標之相關性36
表 5 B廠PM2.5與各個生理指標之相關性36
表 6 A廠CO2與各個生理指標之相關性36
表 7 B廠CO2與各個生理指標之相關性37
表 8 A廠CO與各個生理指標之相關性37
表 9 B廠CO與各個生理指標之相關性37
表 10 A廠NO2與各個生理指標之相關性38
表 11 B廠NO2與各個生理指標之相關性38
表 12 A廠O3與各個生理指標之相關性38
表 13 B廠O3與各個生理指標之相關性39
表 14 A廠TVOC與各個生理指標之相關性39
表 15 B廠TVOC與各個生理指標之相關性39
表 16 PM2.5高濃度組與低濃度組各生理指標之差異性40
表 17 TVOC高濃度組與低濃度組各生理指標之差異性41
表 18 CO2高濃度組與低濃度組各生理指標之差異性41
表 19 CO高濃度組與低濃度組各生理指標之差異性42
表 20 NO2高濃度組與低濃度組各生理指標之差異性42
表 21 O3高濃度組與低濃度組各生理指標之差異性43
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