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論文名稱(外文):An Operational Efficiency Study on the Application of Simulation Analysis in Traditional Automated Warehousing on Systems and Autostore Systems
外文關鍵詞:Warehouse AutomationAutoStore SystemTraditional Warehousing SystemsInbound and Outbound EfficiencyFlexSim Simulation
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This study systematically compares the traditional automated warehousing system and the AutoStore warehousing system in terms of inbound and outbound efficiency using the FlexSim simulation tool. The objective is to quantify and analyze the performance differences between these two systems under identical conditions, including metrics such as processing time and error rate. The research employs simulation experiments, designing a series of operational scenarios to evaluate the performance of each system under different cargo flow and storage strategies. These scenarios cover everything from low demand to high demand fluctuations, as well as various types and batches of goods, providing a comprehensive performance evaluation.
The results indicate that the AutoStore warehousing system provides higher space utilization efficiency and operational flexibility in most scenarios. Especially in environments with high demand fluctuations and a wide variety of small batches, the AutoStore system shows its advantages in rapidly responding to market changes. These advantages mainly stem from its highly modular and flexible storage structure, which can quickly adapt and adjust the inventory layout. Additionally, the AutoStore system demonstrates advantages in energy efficiency and maintenance costs, significantly reducing long-term operating costs.
However, for applications with fixed and large single-item flows, the traditional automated system may be more cost-effective in terms of initial investment and maintenance costs. This is because traditional systems have lower setup and operating costs when dealing with single, large-batch goods, and their operational efficiency can still meet the demand in such scenarios.

This study not only provides decision support for professionals in the logistics and supply chain management field but also offers new insights and directions for the future research and development of warehousing systems. Future research can further explore the performance of these two systems in more complex and variable market environments, and how advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things can be utilized to further enhance the efficiency and flexibility of warehousing systems. Through these in-depth studies, more comprehensive and practical references can be provided for enterprises in selecting and optimizing warehousing systems.

Keywords: Warehouse Automation, AutoStore System, Traditional Warehousing Systems, Inbound and Outbound Efficiency, FlexSim Simulation.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第1章、 緒論 1
1.1、 研究背景與研究動機 1
1.1.1、 研究背景 1
1.1.2、 研究動機 2
1.2、 研究目的 3
1.3、 研究架構 5
第2章、 文獻探討 7
2.1、 自動化倉儲系統的演進 7
2.2、 Autostore系統的創新 8
2.3、 模擬倉庫的容積問題 9
2.4、 AGV行走路線問題 10
2.5、 不同倉儲模型下的選擇方法 11
2.6、 成本效益分析 12
2.7、 環境影響和可持續發展 13
2.8、 小結 14
第3章、 研究方法 16
3.1、 基礎模型情境 16
3.2、 AGV進出貨邏輯 17
3.3、 AGV 行駛最短路徑之方法 19
3.3.1、 數學模型 19
3.3.2、 AutoStore系統中適用的算法 21
3.4、 AGV 防碰撞邏輯 23
3.5、 AGV與AGV聯絡網路參數設定 25
3.6、 兩種倉儲模型之給貨邏輯 26
3.6.1、 AutoStore倉儲系統的給貨邏輯 27
3.6.2、 傳統自動化倉儲系統的給貨邏輯 28
第4章、 分析與討論 30
4.1、 傳統自動化倉儲系統與Autostore倉儲系統在相同倉儲容積下機器人移動距離之比較。 30
4.2、 傳統自動化倉儲系統與Autostore倉儲系統在相同倉儲容積下存貨量之比較。 35
4.2.1、 趨勢分析 36
4.2.2、 差異增長分析 38
4.2.3、 小結 39
4.3、 傳統自動化倉儲系統與Autostore倉儲系統在相同倉儲容積下撿貨效率之比較。 40
4.3.1、 趨勢分析 40
4.3.2、 差異分析 42
4.3.3、 小結 43
第5章、 結論與未來展望 44
5.1、 結論 44
5.2、 未來展望 45
參考文獻 47

圖 1-1電子商務成長率 2
圖 3-1 Auto store 智慧倉儲(左)與傳統智慧倉儲(右) 17
圖 3-2 Flexsim AGV 運行邏輯1 19
圖 3-3 Agv路徑規劃 22
圖 3-4 防碰撞控制區參數設置 24
圖 3-5 Agv網路屬性設置介面 26
圖 3-6 Autostore 給貨邏輯 27
圖 3-7 傳統智慧倉儲給貨邏輯 29
圖 4-1 兩倉儲系統之AGV 移動距離分析之程式碼與結果 31
圖 4-2 AGV移動距離擴展數據樣本量程式碼 32
圖 4-3 擴展後的數據 34
圖 4-4 線性回歸分析來比較兩種系統存貨量 37
圖 4-5 每個倉儲容積下兩個系統的存貨量差異 38
圖 4-6 增長差異連續圖 39
圖 4-7 撿貨效率趨勢分析折線圖 40
圖 4-8 迴歸分析結果 41
圖 4-9 python進行t檢定來比較傳統自動化倉儲系統與AutoStore系統在相同撿貨數量下的所需時間 42
圖 4-10 t檢定結果 42
圖 4-11 新增模擬數據後t檢定結果 43

表 1-1 倉儲系統比較表格 3
表 4-1 倉儲系統擴展模型比較表格 30
表 4-2 兩種倉儲模型在各平方公尺下的存貨量表現 35

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