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研究生(外文):Lee Yi Shan
論文名稱:提升預測能力: 創新的數據驅動與物理資訊驅動軟測量技術於預測批次程序品質
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing Predictive Capabilities: Innovations in Data-Driven and Cyber-Physics Soft-Sensors for Batch Process Quality Prediction
指導教授(外文):Jung-hui Chen
口試委員(外文):Shan-Hill WongYuan YaoCheng-Liang ChenJyh-Cheng JengLik Teck Chan
外文關鍵詞:data-drivencyber-pysicssoft-sensorbatch process
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程序中的質量變量,是在一個運行批次中需要調節和提高的關鍵因素。然而,質量變量是一個難以線上監控的變數。軟測量提供了即時洞察過程之質量的直接替代方案,但仍然存在的問題包括過程與質量測量之間的不平衡、測量雜訊以及複雜的三維動態批次資料結構。為了應對這些挑戰,第2章開發了魯棒半監督雙注意力潛在動態條件狀態空間模型 (Robust Semi-Supervised Dual Attention Latent Dynamic Conditional State Space Model, RS2DA-LDCSSM) 用於批次內的質量預測。為了防止資料展開過程中資訊的失真,採用注意力序列到序列RNN編碼器-解碼器 (Attentional Sequence-to-Sequence RNN Encoder-Decoder, AS2S-RNNED) 處理三維批次數據。RS2DA-LDCSSM將AS2S-RNNED與概率狀態空間模型結合,以過濾雜訊過程資料並穩定質量資料的概率預測,從過去的過程和質量數據中提取空間和時間潛在資料,同時儘量減少多步預測的損失。
為了確保模型的可靠性,將把不完全的一階原理模型(First-principle Models, FPMs)的物理見解與概率資料驅動序列到序列(Sequence-to-sequence, S2S)模型集成。由於工業複雜性, FPMs本質上是不完整的,收集數據的過程中還會受到過程不確定性和缺失資料的影響。因此,第3章提出網路物理半監督雙注意力潛在動態條件狀態空間模型(Cyber-Physics Semi-Supervised Dual Attention Latent Conditional State Space Model, CPS2DA-LDCSSM)。通過協調不完整的FPM與S2S模型,以及採用網路物理模型(Cyber-physics model, CPM)處理缺失的質量數據。CPS2DA-LDCSSM利用條件狀態空間和時間注意力序列到序列網路,從三維批次數據視窗中提取動態潛在特徵並減少過程不確定性。
儘管數據驅動的機器學習模型構建容易,但在處理稀疏質量數據時,其可靠性和可解釋性會受到影響。FPM提供了可解釋性,但其在應用於預測質量問題時面臨挑戰,因為其性能高度依賴於參數,導致其對條件變換的適應性較差。為了克服這些模型特徵造成的局限性,第4章提出了一種三階段強化網路物理集成學習方法(Reinforced Cyber-Physics Ensemble Learning, RCPEL),可溝通不同操作條件下基於FPM的網路物理模型,來增強線上質量預測適應性。
在工業製造過程中,完整的FPM結構或準確的FPM參數由於過程的複雜性難以獲得。因為FPM之性能嚴重依賴於結構,導致對變化條件的適應性較差,為了解決FPM在準確地預測質量時表現欠佳的問題,第5章提出了一種三階段強化不完全網路物理集成加誤差補償學習(Reinforced Incomplete Cyber-Physics Ensemble Plus Error Compensation Learning, RICPE-P-ECL)方法。該方法提高了基於不完全網路物理模型(Incomplete Cyber Physics Model, IncompCPM)在變化操作條件下的線上質量預測適應性。RICPE-P-ECL的主要創新在於其集成設計和誤差補償策略。
為了評估模型的可靠性和預測準確性,第2章至第5章分別通過半批次青黴素發酵案例 (Semi-batch Penicillin fermentation process) 研究展示了RS2DA-LDCSSM、CPS2DA-LDCSSM、RCPEL和RICPE-P-ECL的性能,並在每章末尾與傳統數據驅動模型進行比較,來呈現本論文提出的方法優勢。

The pivotal factor to regulate and enhance within an operating batch is the process quality, a challenging variable to monitor online. Soft sensors offer an immediate alternative for providing real-time insights into process quality, yet persisting issues include the imbalance between process and quality measurements, noisy measurements, and the intricate 3-dimensional dynamic batch data structure. The Robust Semi-Supervised Dual-Attention Latent Dynamic Conditional State-Space Model (RS2DA-LDCSSM) is developed in Chapter 2 to address these challenges for within-batch quality prediction. Given the frequent absence of quality data due to measurement inconveniences, an imputation network is embedded within the RS2DA-LDCSSM to facilitate the prediction of future quality. To prevent information distortion during data unfolding, the Attentional Sequence-to-Sequence RNN Encoder-Decoder (AS2S-RNNED) is employed to process the 3-dimensional batch data. The proposed method integrates AS2S-RNNED with a probability state-space model to filter out noisy process data and stabilize the probability prediction of quality data, extracting spatial and temporal latent data from past process and quality data while minimizing the loss in multi-step predictions.
To ensure model reliability, integration of physical insights from incomplete first-principle models (FPMs) with a probabilistic data-driven sequence-to-sequence (S2S) model is considered. Industrial FPMs are inherently incomplete due to complexity, compounded by process uncertainties and missing data during collection. Our proposed solution, the cyber-physics semi-supervised dual attention latent dynamic conditional state-space model (CPS2DA-LDCSSM), addresses these challenges in Chapter 3. By coordinating the incomplete FPM with the S2S model, a cyber-physics model (CPM) is employed to handle missing quality data. The CPS2DA-LDCSSM utilizes quality data from CPM to apply spatial and temporal attention sequence-to-sequence networks for dynamic latent feature extraction and process uncertainty reduction using 3-dimensional batch data windows.
While data-driven machine learning models are easily constructed, their reliability and interpretability are compromised when dealing with sparse quality data. First-principle models (FPM) offer interpretability but face challenges in solving quality solutions accurately, as their performance is highly dependent on parameters, resulting in poor adaptability to changing conditions. To overcome these limitations, a three-phase reinforced cyber-physics ensemble learning method (RCPEL) is proposed in Chapter 4. It can enhance the adaptability of the cyber-physics model (CPM) built upon FPM for online quality prediction under different operating conditions.
In practical application on industrial manufacturing processes, the complete FPM structure or the accurate FPM parameter are hard to be obtained due to the complexity of the process. To address the problem where the FPMs struggle with accurately solving quality solutions, as their performances heavily depend on structure, leading to poor adaptability to changing conditions, a three-phase reinforced incomplete cyber-physics ensemble plus error compensation learning (RICPE-P-ECL) method is proposed in Chapter 5. This method enhances the adaptability of the incomplete cyber-physics model (IncompCPM), which is based on partially-available FPMs, for online quality prediction under varying operating conditions. The main innovation in RICPE-P-ECL lies in its ensemble design and error compensation strategy.
To evaluate the reliability and prediction accuracy, the proposed RS2DA-LDCSSM, CPS2DA-LDCSSM, RCPEL and RICPE-P-ECL are each presented by a semi-batch penicillin fermentation case study. Their performances are also compared to traditional data-driven models at the end of each chapter.

摘要 I
Abstract III
Acknowledgement V
Table of contents VI
List of tables IX
List of figures X

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1 Significance of the research 1
2 Literature review of data-driven soft-sensors 2
3 Literature review of physical knowledge models 4
4 Literature review of ensemble learning 5
5 Literature review of optimization methods 6
6 Research motivations 8
7 Dissertation outline 9

Chapter 2. A robust semi-supervised learning scheme for development of within-batch quality prediction soft-sensors 14
1 Research motivations and problem formulations 14
1.1 Research motivations 14
1.2 Problem formulations 15
2 Methodology of RS2DA-LDCSSM 22
2.1 PQ-networks 22
2.2 Satt-networks 23
2.3 Tatt-EDs 26
2.4 Emission network 32
3 Results and discussion 36
3.1 Numerical case 36
3.2 Industrial penicillin fermentation process 50
4 Conclusions of this chapter 55

Chapter 3. Enhancing within batch quality prediction by cyber-physical latent state models and incomplete first-principles 56
1 Research motivations, background knowledge and problem formulations 56
1.1 Research motivations 56
1.2 Background knowledge of physical informed neural network (PINN) 57
1.3 Problem formulation 61
2 Methodology of CPS2DA-LDCSSM 63
2.1 PQ-CPMs 63
2.2 Satt-networks 64
2.3 Tatt-EDs 66
2.4 Emission network 67
3 Penicillin fermentation case study 71
4 Conclusions of this chapter 77

Chapter 4. Boosting quality prediction with reinforced cyber-physical ensemble learning: A case study of fed-batch bioprocess 78
1 Research motivations 78
2 Process description and data collection strategy 79
2.1 Fed-batch bioprocess 79
2.2 Data collection and organization 81
3 Methodology of RCPEL 81
3.1 Phase 1: Constructing FPM parameter supply agent with actor-critic (AC) 85
3.2 Phase 2: Learning the CPM to immediately get quality from the process data 90
3.3 Phase 3: Constructing ensemble weight supply agent with RL 92
4 Case demonstration 97
5 Conclusions of this chapter 107

Chapter 5. A novel reinforced incomplete cyber-physics ensemble plus error compensation learning for within-batch quality prediction 109
1 Research motivations 109
2 Data collection strategy 110
3 Methodology of RICPE-PECL 112
3.1 Phase 1: Constructing CPMs with incomplete FPMs 113
3.2 Phase 2: Constructing ensemble weight supply agent with RL 114
3.3 Phase 3: Constructing error compensation agent with RL 123
4 Results and discussions 133
4.1 Case study 1 137
4.2 Case study 2 139
4.3 Case study 3 142
5 Conclusions of this chapter 144

Chapter 6. Conclusions and future directions 146
1 Concluding remarks 146
2 Recommendations for future work 147

References 148

Appendices 154

Table 1 1. Summary of the problems in past researches and their corresponding model performances 8
Table 2 1. R2 indices of the comparison models corresponding to the noisy and real data in Scenario 1, Scenario 2, and Scenario 3 44
Table 2-2. RMSE indices for the comparison models of the noisy and real data in Scenario 1, Scenario 2, and Scenario 3 44
Table 2 3. R2 and RMSE indices of the comparison models in Scenario 1, which include both noisy and real data with high and low SNRs 47
Table 2-4. The detail of the measured process variables in IndPenSim 50
Table 2-5. RMSE and R2 values of all the comparison models. 54
Table 3 1. The prediction indices of the comparative methods corresponding to the measured data and true data 76
Table 4-1. Network configurations and training hyperparameters for Phase 1 RCPEL 100
Table 4 2. Network configurations and training hyperparameters of the trained RNN, DNN, and CPM 102
Table 4 3. Prediction performance of the RNN, DNN, and CPM under different scenarios 103
Table 4 4. Network configurations and training hyperparameters for Phase 3 RCPEL 104

Fig. 1 1. Innovation framework of this thesis 10
Fig. 2 1. Rearrangement of 3-dimensional batch data into 2-dimensional overlapping window data with batch independency. 11
Fig. 2 2. Process and quality inferencing mechanism in CPS2DA-LDCSSM 17
Fig. 2 3. The pathway to learning RS2DA-LDCSSM. 20
Fig. 2 4. The illustration of (a) the PQ-Post-Network and (b) the PQ-Prior-Network. 22
Fig. 2 5. Illustration of the network structure of (a) PV-Satt-Post-Network, (b) PV-Satt-Prior-Network, (c) QV-Satt-Post-Network, and (d) QV-Satt-Prior-Network. The blue rectangle indicates the spatial attention mechanism; pink nodes represent the forward-backward RNN; blue nodes represent the DNNs, which are used to map the RNN states to the latent spaces. 24
Fig. 2 6. The network structure of (a) PV-Tatt-Post-ED, (b) PV-Tatt-Prior-ED, (c) QV-Tatt-Post-ED, and (d) QV-Tatt-Prior-ED. The green dashed rectangle indicates the temporal attention mechanism; pink nodes represent the encoder-decoder RNNs; blue nodes represent the DNNs, which map the RNN states of the decoder to obtain the transition 7posterior and prior distributions. 28
Fig. 2 7. Illustration of the emission network. 34
Fig. 2 8. Prediction results of the comparison methods: (a) RS2DA-LDCSSM, (b) DA-LDCSSM, (c) DNNCSS, (d) ED, (e) RNN, (f) DNN, and (g) SAE, under Scenario 1. 40
Fig. 2 9. Prediction results of the comparison methods (a) RS2DA-LDCSSM, (b) DA-LDCSSM, (c) DNNCSS, (d) ED, (e) RNN, (f) DNN, and (g) SAE, under Scenario 2. 41
Fig. 2 10. Prediction results of the comparison methods (a) RS2DA-LDCSSM, (b) DA-LDCSSM, (c) DNNCSS, (d) ED, (e) RNN, (f) DNN, and (g) SAE, under Scenario 3. 43
Fig. 2 11. The degree of degradation of the comparison models in terms of (a) R2 and (b) MSE in the three scenarios. 46
Fig. 2 12. Prediction results of the comparison methods (a) RS2DA-LDCSSM, (b) DA-LDCSSM, (c) DNNCSS, (d) ED, (e) RNN, (f) DNN, (g) SAE, using low SNR. 48
Fig. 2 13. The schematic graph of the penicillin fermentation process (IndPenSim). 49
Fig. 2 14. The data trend of the 5 over the 100 online available batches of the penicillin fermentation process, (a) the aeration rate, (b) the sugar feed rate, (c) the pH value, (d) the temperature and the quality variable, and (e) offline penicillin concentration. 51
Fig. 2 15. The measured quality and the quality predicted by soft sensors in (a) RS2DA-LDCSSM, (b) DA-LDCSSM, (c) ED, (d) DNNCSS, (e) RNN, (f) SAE and (g) DNN, respectively. 54
Fig. 3 1. The model structure of PINN is equivalent to the integration of the first principle model and the ODE solver. 58
Fig. 3 2. Process and quality inferencing mechanism in CPS2DA-LDCSSM 60
Fig. 3 3. The pathway to learning the CPS2DA-LDCSSM. 62
Fig. 3 4. Illustration of the network structure of (a) PV-Satt-Post-Network, (b) PV-Satt-Prior-Network. The blue dotted dash box indicates the spatial attention mechanism; pink nodes represent the forward-backward RNN; blue nodes represent the DNNs, which are used to map the RNN states to the latent spaces. 65
Fig. 3 5. The network structure of (a) PV-Tatt-Post-ED and (b) PV-Tatt-Prior-ED. The green dashed rectangle indicates the temporal attention mechanism; pink nodes represent the encoder-decoder RNNs; blue nodes represent the DNNs, which map the RNN states of the decoder to obtain the transition posterior and prior distributions. 67
Fig. 3 6. Illustration of the emission network. 68
Fig. 3 7. (a) Training batches and (b) test batches collected from the simulation. 73
Fig. 3 8. Comparison between the real (green) and disturbance-contaminated measurements (blue) in the 1st training batch. 74
Fig. 3 9. Prediction results of the comparison methods for the 1st testing batch: (a) PINN (b) DA-LDCSSM (c) S2DA-LDCSSM, and (d) CPS2DA-LDCSSM. 75
Fig. 4 1. Illustration of the fed-batch bioprocess. 79
Fig. 4 2. The framework of the proposed RCPEL method. 83
Fig. 4 3. (a) The CPM models constructed based on the operating conditions; (b) Process and quality data trends during online batch operation. 84
Fig. 4 4. Graphical learning strategy of the RL problem for the FPM parameter supply agent in Phase 1. 87
Fig. 4 5. The model structure of CPM for condition . The neural networks (in the upper right side) is equivalent to the integration of the first principle model and the ODE solver (in the bottom). 91
Fig. 4 6. Graphical learning strategy of the RL problem for ensemble weight parameter supply agent in Phase 3. 93
Fig. 4 7. The (a) biomass (b) product and (c) substrate concentration difference between the 10 operating conditions (conditions 1~10 with solid lines) and the 5 conditions (conditions 11 ~15 with dashed lines) for testing the RNN, S2-LDVAE, and RCPEL. 98
Fig. 4 8. The RMSE (left) and R2 (right) values of the 5 testing conditions with the FPM parameter supply agent in Phase 1. 101
Fig. 4 9. The RMSE (left) and R2 (right) values of the 5 testing conditions with the FPM parameter supply agent in Phase 2. 103
Fig. 4 10. The RMSE (left) and R2 (right) values of (a) the proposed Phase 3 RCPEL, (b) RNN, and (c) S2-LDVAE. 106
Fig. 5 1. Entire framework of the proposed RICPE-P-ECL method 112
Fig. 5 2. (a) The IncompCPMs constructed based on the historical operating conditions; (b) Process and quality data trends during online batch operation. 113
Fig. 5 3. The model structure of CPM for condition . The neural network (in the upper right side) is equivalent to the integration of the first principle model and the ODE solver (in the bottom). 114
Fig. 5 4. Method of ensemble the historical operated CPMs (upper part) and the graphical learning strategy of the RL problem for the EWSA in Phase 2 (lower part). 117
Fig. 5 5. Batch data rearrangement to retain dynamic information while constructing the EWSA. 118
Fig. 5 6. The model structure of the (a) actors and (b) critics in the ESWA. 121
Fig. 5 7. Graphical learning strategy of the RL problem for error compensation agent (ECA) in Phase 3. 124
Fig. 5 8. The model structure of the (a) actors and (b) critics in the ECA. 128
Fig. 5 9. Illustration of the fed-batch bioprocess. 133
Fig. 5 10. The quality trends of (a) biomass, (b) product, and (c) substrate concentrations for different operating conditions. 136
Fig. 5 11. The RMSE (left) and R2 (right) of the (a) CPM based on complete FPM, (b) CPM based on incomplete FPM, (c) DNN and (d) RNN corresponding to the quality variables in the 5 operating conditions 139
Fig. 5 12. The RMSE (left) and R2 (right) value of the biomass (X), product (P) and substrate (S) concentration for each constructed CPMs with respect to the testing conditions. 139
Fig. 5 13. Learning curve of the reward for the EWSA. 140
Fig. 5 14. The RMSE (left) and R2 (right) of RICPEL of the 3 quality variables with respect to the new testing conditions for (a) S2-LDVAE, (b) S2DA-LDCSSM, (c) RICPEL and (d) RICPE-P-ECL. 142
Fig. 5 15. The learning curve of the reward for the error compensation agent. 143
Fig. 6 1. Concluding flow of this thesis. 146

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