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研究生(外文):CAI, JHONG-YAN
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of The Marketing and Service Model of Community Agricultural Waste Creative Products
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yann-Long
口試委員(外文):Chen, Jan-NanChen, Chun-Chih
外文關鍵詞:Agricultural WasteCircular EconomyKano modelQuality Function Deployment
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循環經濟(Circular Economy)由再生循環,達到廢棄物減量的目標,實現永續發展的良好方案。彰化縣大村鄉每年產出約 250 公噸之葡萄藤農業廢棄物,在「空氣污染防制法」的規範下,不能就地焚化還得回收處理,產生的費用成為社區的一大困擾,本研究目的在於分析社區農廢再生文創商品現況,解決當地問題。
本研究使用 KANO 模式,分析數種可能發展的路線,找出循環再生商品問題點,將KANO模型分析結果導入QFD品質機能展開中,找出工程品質重要排序,建立社區農廢再生文創商品與服務行銷模式。

The circular economy achieves the goal of reducing waste through regeneration and recycling. A good solution for sustainable development. Dacun Township in Changhua County generates about 250 metric tons of grape agricultural waste every year. According to the provisions of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law, It cannot be burned on site, and the treatment costs have to be recovered, which has become a major problem for the community. The purpose of the research is to analyze the current situation of community agricultural waste recycling cultural and creative commodities and solve local problems.
This study uses the KANO model to analyze several possible development routes and identify the problem points of recycled products. Import the KANO model analysis results into QFD quality function development, Find out the project quality priorities and establish a community agricultural waste recycling cultural and creative product service marketing model.
According to the analysis results of the KANO model, among the 39 service quality attributes, 19 are attractive qualities, 7 are single-dimensional qualities, and 14 are indifferent qualities. According to QFD’s analysis results, the top 3 are: Rank 1 “Service staff’s response to training needs” score: 61.91, Rank 2 "Service staff need to simulate sales scenarios" score: 34.66, Ranking 3 "Establishing a membership system" score: 32.31.
The conclusion is that community agricultural waste cultural and creative recycled products should be developed from aspects such as quality, sales staff training, culture, and e-commerce platforms. The research results can provide suggestions for relevant departments in industry, government, and academia. Help the grape agricultural waste treatment in the Dacun area to be more in line with the circular economy and move towards sustainable design.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究範圍與限制
1.4 論文章節
1.5 研究流程
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 大村鄉新興社區
2.2 農業廢棄物
2.3 循環經濟
2.4 商業模式畫布
2.5 產品服務創新模式
2.6 產品服務系統永續發展
第三章 研究方法
3.1 KANO二維品質模式
3.1.1 Kano Model的概念
3.1.2 Kano Model的建立
3.2 QFD品質機能展開
3.3 研究架構
第四章 社區農廢再生文創商品服務行銷模式探析
4.1 深度訪談
4.2 KANO二維品質模型分析過程
4.2.1 KANO模式問卷設計
4.2.2 受測者
4.2.3 Kano二維屬性品質分類結果
4.2.4 Kano消費者滿意係數計算與矩陣圖繪製
4.3 品質機能展開分析過程
4.4 左區塊-KANO分析
4.5 上區塊
4.6 中間區塊
4.7 下區塊
4.8 社區農廢再生文創商品服務行銷模式商業畫布
4.9 小結
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 研究結論
5.2 研究建議
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