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研究生(外文):WU, CHEN-RUI
論文名稱(外文):Study on Performance Evaluation Metrics for Project-Based Construction Management in Military Engineerin
外文關鍵詞:military engineeringproject managementAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)performance evaluation indicators
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Due to changes in organizational structure, the engineering execution capacity of the national military has gradually weakened. In recent years, when faced with large-scale new construction projects, the military often encounters challenges of complex interfaces and high technical requirements. This has led to situations where various levels of military engineering authorities are overburdened due to insufficient professional capabilities, resulting in difficulties in promoting construction tasks smoothly. Consequently, issues such as budget overruns, construction delays, contract disputes, and engineering conflicts frequently occur.
To improve the effectiveness of project execution, the national military has attempted to use project management methods by commissioning technical services to assist in contract management. The aim is to leverage professional personnel to help various military engineering authorities achieve high-quality objectives in contract execution.
However, a review of recent years reveals that the effectiveness of implementing project management in military engineering has been unsatisfactory. In current engineering cases, there are often unclear role definitions and service scopes between the engineering authorities and project management contractors. This has led to the failure of achieving the expected benefits of using project management in military engineering.
This study consolidates various indicator factors that affect the performance of project management contract execution, establishes a performance evaluation framework, and uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to calculate relative weights. The results show that "construction progress control" has the highest weight, accounting for 34.4%. Experts generally believe that military engineering projects often align with major policy planning and implementation; therefore, timely completion is essential to ensure the benefits of the project.
Finally, the study developed a performance evaluation scorecard that can be used by engineering authorities as a reference for checking the contract execution of project management. Among the 16 indicator factors, they can serve as key management essentials during the construction phase, aiming to identify potential future issues early and devise strategies to improve contract management, thereby reducing execution risks.

中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 ⅠⅠ
誌謝 Ⅳ
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4 研究架構 3
第2章 文獻回顧 5
2.1軍事工程 5
2.1.1軍事工程執行模式 5
2.2統包工程 5
2.2.1統包的架構 12
2.3專案營建管理 12
2.3.1專案營建管理之模式 14
2.3.2專案營建管理之效益 19
2.3.3專案營建管理運用效益相關文獻 20
2.3.4專案營建管理績效評估相關文獻 22
2.4小結 24
第3章 研究方法 25
3.1方法理論 25
3.1.1層級分析法之概述 25
3.1.2層級分析法之應用範圍 26
3.1.3層級分析法(AHP)之基本假設 27
3.1.4層級分析法(AHP)之評估尺度 27
3.1.5層級分析法(AHP)各指標介紹 29
3.1.6層級分析法(AHP)的實施步驟 30
3.1.7 Expert Choice統計軟體簡介 33
3.2研究流程 34
3.2.1蒐集履約績效評估因子 35
3.2.2問卷調查篩選影響因子 35
3.2.3建立影響因子評估層級 36
3.2.4層級分析法問卷調查與設計 37
3.2.5數值分析 38
3.2.6設計履約績效評分表 38
第4章 結果與討論 40
4.1 獲得履約績效評估因子 40
4.2 問卷調查結果分析 43
4.3 確立影響因子評估層級 45
4.4 層級分析法問卷調查 47
4.5 得出各層級與因素之權重 50
4.6 產製履約績效評分表 61
第5章 結論與建議 63
5.1 結論 63
5.2 建議 64
參考文獻 65
附錄 68

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