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研究生(外文):LAI, YI-HSUAN
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of University Admissions on Surrounding Housing Prices: A Case Study of Two Private Universities in Central Taiwan
指導教授(外文):YANG, CHIEN-WEN
外文關鍵詞:University enrollmentEnrollment vacanciesPrivate universitiesHousing pricesPropensity score matching method
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教育被視為培養人力資本的重要基石,學區品質與附近房價表現突顯了國民義務教育對學習環境的關鍵性。不同於國民義務教育,大專院校並沒有「以校擇房」的問題,使得大學招生結果成為衡量學校表現及未來發展的重要指標,甚至影響周邊房價。本文以臺灣 111 學年度的大專院校新入學方案與分發結果 (如缺額) 為背景,旨在探討大學招生對附近房價的影響。本研究採用臺灣內政部實價登錄平台所提供臺灣不動產成交案件實際資訊資料供應系統 (opendata) 提供的不動產交易數據,聚焦於台中市西屯區兩所類似私立大學 (逢甲大學、東海大學)。兩間大學歷年招生幾近滿招,惟在 111 學年度東海大學招生出現明顯下滑,甚至有29系組未達五成,因此提供一自然實驗來分析大學招生結果對附近房價的影響。研究運用傾向分數配對 (Propensity Score Matching, PSM) 找出兩校周邊類似房屋交易的匹配樣本,並採用差異中之差異法 (Difference-in-Differences, DID) 進行分析。結果顯示,招生結果不佳 (即缺額率高) 並未對周邊房價產生顯著負面影響;相反地,在招生結果公布後的短期內,東海大學周邊房價顯著高於逢甲大學。然而,這種影響隨著時間的推移逐漸消失,在長期內未能維持顯著性。推測,東海大學在招生不佳時,由於其良好聲譽和地理位置優勢,可能減緩了短期招生波動對房價的影響。
Education is considered a crucial cornerstone for cultivating human capital, and the quality of school districts and the performance of nearby housing prices highlight the criticality of compulsory education for the learning environment. In contrast to compulsory education, tertiary institutions do not face the issue of "school district choice," making university admission outcomes a significant indicator for measuring school performance and future development, potentially influencing surrounding property values. This study examines the impact of university admissions on nearby housing prices, using the context of the 111 academic year in Taiwan, focusing on the new enrollment schemes and distribution outcomes (such as number of enrollment vacancies) of private universities in Taichung's Xitun District, specifically Feng Chia University and Tunghai University. Both universities have nearly reached full enrollment in past years. However, in the 111th academic year, Tunghai University's enrollment significantly declined, with 29 departments not reaching 50% capacity, thus providing a natural experiment. The research utilizes real estate transaction data provided by Taiwan's Ministry of the Interior's Real Price Registration Platform, through the Open Data system, to analyze housing transactions near the two similar private universities. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) is employed to identify matched samples of housing transactions, and Difference-in-Differences (DID) analysis is conducted. The results indicate that unfavorable admission outcomes (i.e., higher enrollment vacancies) do not significantly negatively affect nearby housing prices; instead, in the short term following admission announcements, housing prices around Tunghai University are significantly higher than those around Feng Chia University. However, this effect diminishes over time. It is inferred that Tunghai University's good reputation and advantageous geographic location may mitigate the adverse impact of enrollment decreasing on housing prices.
第一章 緒論 8
第二章 中部私立大學與臺灣111學年度大學招生 10
第一節 逢甲大學與東海大學 10
第二節 臺灣 111 學年度大學招生 12
第三章 文獻回顧 16
第一節 不隨時間變動的固定特徵 16
第二節 隨時間變動的特徵 17
第四章 研究實證模型 20
第五章 資料說明與分析 24
第一節 資料來源說明 24
第二節 資料清理過程 26
第三節 敘述統計 29
第六章 實證結果分析 34
第一節 全樣本估計結果 34
第二節 套房估計結果 41
第三節 平行時間估計結果:公告後以每三個月為頻率 46
第四節 平行時間估計結果:公告後以每兩個月為頻率 50
第五節 穩健性測試 53
第七章 結論與建議 57
第一節 結論 57
第二節 未來研究建議 58
參考文獻 59
附錄 62
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