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論文名稱(外文):Exploring Factors Influencing Public Acceptance of Carbon Tax in Taiwan and Nudge Implementation
指導教授(外文):HO, SZU-HSIEN
外文關鍵詞:Carbon TaxEnvironmental AwarenessNudge TheoryWillingness to Pay for Carbon Tax
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本研究採用網路問卷調查,蒐集臺灣民眾對徵收碳稅的看法及其願付價格。問卷分為五個部分:第一部分詢問個人基本資訊;第二部分評估環境保護意識;第三部分詢問對碳稅的看法;第四部分調查對碳稅願付價格;第五部分詢問個體對碳稅用途的看法。本研究將問卷對象隨機分配至環境實驗組 (加入受氣候變遷影響的環境圖片)、生物實驗組 (加入受氣候變遷影響的生物圖片) 與對照組 (不加入圖片),實驗組與對照組的差異,可用來評估助推的實際效果。
As the global climate change issue becomes increasingly severe, governments worldwide are taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, among which the effectiveness and public acceptance of carbon taxes are widely debated. This study aims to examine how the environmental awareness of Taiwanese citizens affects their acceptance of carbon taxes and explores the practical effects of using nudge theory.
This study employed an online survey to collect views from Taiwanese citizens regarding the imposition of carbon taxes and their willingness to pay. The questionnaire was divided into five parts: the first part asked for personal information; the second part assessed environmental consciousness; the third part gathered opinions on carbon taxes; the fourth part investigated willingness to pay for carbon taxes; the fifth part inquired about individual perspectives on the uses of carbon taxes. Respondents were randomly assigned to either the environmental experiment group (which included images affected by climate change), the biological experiment group (which also included images affected by climate change), or a control group (no images added). The differences between the experimental groups and the control group were used to assess the actual effect of nudges.
Regression analysis results indicated that environmental consciousness is the most significant factor determining the willingness to pay for carbon taxes—the higher the environmental awareness, the higher the willingness to pay. Moreover, a clear purpose for carbon taxes significantly increases the willingness to pay. For groups under greater financial pressure from living costs, their willingness to pay is lower. Notably, the nudge interventions did not enhance willingness to pay as expected and could even have adverse effects. Lastly, this study provides suggestions for relevant policies.
第一章、諸論 1
第一節、研究動機 1
第二節、研究目的 2
第二章、文獻探討 3
第一節、全球溫室氣體公約會議 3
(一) 京都議定書 3
(二) 哥本哈根協議 4
(三) 巴黎協定 4
(四) 格拉斯哥氣候公約 5
(五) 夏姆錫克實踐計畫 5
(六) 杜拜會議 6
(七) 臺灣的淨零永續發展 6
第二節、碳定價的市場機制 7
(一) 碳稅 7
(二) 總量管制與交易 8
第三節、研究假說 9
(一) 助推理論 9
(二) 環境意識 10
(三) 心理帳戶 10
第三章、研究方法 12
第一節、問卷設計 12
第二節、問卷架構 12
第三節、問卷樣本資料 13
第四章、實證模型與變數 14
第五章、實證結果 16
第一節、基本資料敘述統計 16
(一) 全樣本基本資料統計 16
(二) 各組別基本資料統計 17
第二節、各組別的環境意識差異 19
第三節、稅金與碳稅的接受度 20
第四節、基本資料分布差異K-S檢定 21
第五節、迴歸分析 23
(一) 基本資料對每噸碳稅願付價格影響 23
(二) 每噸碳稅願付價格逐步迴歸分析 26
(三) 助推對每噸碳稅願付價格的影響 28
(四) 基本資料對每月碳稅願付價格影響 31
(五) 每月碳稅願付價格逐步迴歸分析 34
(六) 助推對每月碳稅願付價格的影響 35
(七) 每噸願付價格比較每月願付價格的 AIC 與 BIC 37
(八) 數字較有概念的民眾對碳稅的願付價格因素 39
第六章、結論 43
參考文獻 44
附錄 50

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