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研究生(外文):CHEN, SHEN-MIN
論文名稱(外文):Research on Test Scenarios and Performance Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles with Vulnerable Road Users
指導教授(外文):Lin, Da-Jie
口試委員(外文):Chang, Li-YenChiang, Hsiu-Sen
外文關鍵詞:Autonomous VehiclesVulnerable Road UsersTesting ScenariosPerformance Levels
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隨著自動駕駛技術的快速發展,以及疫情促使各產業加速自動化轉型,推動車輛自動化已成為當前重點發展目標之一。近年隨著自駕車於國內外道路測試與商業化運行日漸普及,導致自駕車輛易與行人、自行車騎士等弱勢道路使用者混流,進而產生碰撞風險,而過去研究多以規劃測試路線或情境為主,針對自駕車輛與弱勢道路使用者之互動與反應動作較少著墨,同時現有之自駕車測試情境多以通過或不通過做為測試結果,較難使大眾了解現有自駕系統之能力級別。爰此,本研究彙整ISO 22737與UN R157等國際相關測試規範之測試情境,與透過研究我國常見之事故與違規樣態研擬之自駕車測試情境,結合我國現有之自駕車輛測試場域情境,整合相同情境行為,同時參考自駕車測試情境研擬方法,研擬自駕車輛與弱勢道路使用者互動之測試情境與情境車輛動作。後續,本研究研擬「動作難易度」、「車輛續進」、「安全程度」等三項構面,為自駕車行為表現級別進行評比,並透過邀請車輛工程、交通工程、交通安全等領域專家學者發放專家學者問卷等方式,建立自駕車對應測試情境之行為表現級別表,以供日後自駕車進行測試時,評估自駕車與弱勢道路使用者互動之行為表現程度參考。
With the rapid development of autonomous driving technology and the acceleration of automation across industries due to the pandemic, promoting vehicle automation has become a key development goal. In recent years, as autonomous vehicles have become increasingly common on domestic and international roads for testing and commercial operation, there has been a growing risk of collisions with vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. Previous research has primarily focused on planning test routes or scenarios, with less emphasis on the interactions and reactions between autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road users. Additionally, existing autonomous vehicle testing scenarios often use pass/fail outcomes, making it difficult for the public to understand the capability levels of current autonomous systems. Therefore, this study consolidates testing scenarios from international standards such as ISO 22737 and UN R157 and incorporates common accident and violation patterns in Taiwan to develop autonomous vehicle testing scenarios. By integrating these scenarios with existing testing environments in Taiwan, and referencing autonomous vehicle scenario development methods, we aim to create testing scenarios and vehicle actions that involve interactions between autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road users. Subsequently, this study proposes three evaluation dimensions—"action difficulty," "vehicle progression," and "safety level"—to assess the performance levels of autonomous vehicle behavior. By inviting experts and scholars in vehicle engineering, traffic engineering, and traffic safety to participate in a survey, we aim to establish a performance-level table for autonomous vehicle behavior in corresponding test scenarios. This table will serve as a reference for evaluating the interaction performance between autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road users during future testing.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景及動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究限制 3
1.4研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 ISO 22737預定路線低速自動駕駛系統 5
2.2 UN R157自動車道維持法規 14
2.3國內用路人道路環境、習慣及事故樣態分析與統計 23
2.4國內常見之車輛違規行為模式研究 30
2.5臺灣智駕測試實驗室場域介紹 34
2.6自駕車測試情境研擬方法 38
2.7臺灣新車安全評等制度 42
2.8小結 58
第三章 研究方法與分析內容 61
3.1整體研究架構 61
3.2自駕車對應弱勢道路使用者之測試情境與車輛動作研擬 63
3.3專家學者問卷 81
第四章 問卷成果與討論 83
4.1情境動作績效之分析成果 85
4.2動作難易度之分析成果 99
4.3分析與討論 102
第五章 自駕車行為表現級別建立 107
第六章 結論與建議 119
6.1結論 119
6.2建議 121
附件一 123
1.袁方編(2002), 社會研究方法, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司
2. Carolyn Boyce等人(2006), A Guide for Designing and Conducting In-Depth Interviews for Evaluation Input
3. the International Organization for Standardization (2021), ISO 22737, Intelli-gent transport systems — Low-speed Autonomous driving (LSAD) systems for predefined routes — Performance requirements, system requirements and performance test procedures.
4. United Nations (2023), UN Regulation No. 157, Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to Autonomous Lane Keeping Systems.
7.財團法人車輛研究測試中心(2023), 臺灣新車安全評等計畫,評等規章。
8.財團法人車輛研究測試中心(2023), 臺灣新車安全評等計畫,試驗規章。
10.吳欣修等人(2021), 都市人本交通道路規劃設計手冊(第二版), 內政部營建署。
11.交通工程規範(2021), 行政院交通部。
12. L. A. Zadeh (1965), Fuzzy sets, Information and Control Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 338-353.
13. Klir, G.J. and Yuan, B. (1995) Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Theory and Applications. Prentice Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River.

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