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論文名稱(外文):An Exploration of Consumer Perception and Purchase Intention between Traditional Soil-Grown Vegetables and Technology-Based Hydroponic Vegetables through Correlation Analysis
外文關鍵詞:Traditional soil-grown vegetablesTechnology-based hydroponic vegetablesConsumer perceptionConsumer purchase intention
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Nowadays, agriculture is becoming more and more developed. In addition to traditional soil cultivation, the latest technology of hydroponics has also been introduced. Now, not only can traditional soil-grown vegetables be bought in the market, but one can also find technology-based hydroponic vegetables being sold. This study primarily explores the consumer perception of traditional soil-grown vegetables and technology-based hydroponic vegetables and further analyzes their purchase intention and the correlation between soil cultivation and hydroponics. After analyzing the results through expert interviews, supplemented by a questionnaire survey, the qualitative research results are reliable.

The research findings show that the cost of hydroponic vegetable cultivation is higher than that of soil-grown vegetables, and the nutrients absorbed in hydroponics and soil cultivation are not the same. Furthermore, hydroponic vegetables require less manpower for harvesting and cultivation compared to soil-grown vegetables. In terms of taste, hydroponic vegetables have finer fibers than soil-grown vegetables, and they are cleaner and free of toxins, making them more suitable for raw consumption, salads, and cold dishes, while soil-grown vegetables are more suitable for cooking and heating. However, constrained by price, most consumers still decide to purchase soil-grown vegetables. Nevertheless, there is a market for hydroponic vegetables due to the high concern in modern society for a healthy diet.

In conclusion, the qualitative research shows that consumers consider various factors when choosing vegetables, including quality, taste, convenience of acquisition, and price. The quantitative research results show that consumer perception and purchase intention of soil-grown and hydroponic vegetables are positively correlated. Among different demographic variables, age, occupation, average monthly income, and education level did not reach significant levels in consumer perception and purchase intention for soil-grown and hydroponic vegetables, but gender did reach a significant level.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第貳章 文獻探討 4
第一節 傳統土耕 4
第二節 科技水耕 5
第三節 消費者購買意願 9
第四節 消費者認知 10
第參章 研究方法 12
第一節 研究架構 12
第二節 研究範圍與對象 13
第三節 研究工具(深度訪談法-半結構式訪談法vs問卷訪談法) 14
第肆章 資料分析 20
第一節 質性訪談 20
第二節 量化分析 76
第伍章 結論與建議 94
第一節 研究發現 94
第二節 未來研究建議 95
參考文獻 96
附錄一 訪談同意書 101
附錄二 訪談問卷 102
附錄三 研究問卷 104
附錄四 訪談紀錄 107

圖1-1研究流程圖 3
圖2-1攝於某植物工廠(1)(2022) 7
圖2-2攝於某植物工廠(2)(2022) 7
圖2-3攝於某植物工廠(3)(2022) 8
圖3-1研究架構圖 12

表3-1訪談名單表 14
表3-2訪談大綱表 15
表3-3問卷構面參考資料 16
表3-4人口統計變項量表 16
表3-5消費者認知量表 18
表3-6消費者購買意願 19
表4-1訪談重點整理表(1) 20
表4-2訪談重點整理表(2) 23
表4-3訪談重點整理表(3) 29
表4-4訪談重點整理表(4) 33
表4-5訪談重點整理表(5) 37
表4-6訪談重點整理表(6) 42
表4-7訪談重點整理表(7) 48
表4-8訪談重點整理表(8) 52
表4-9訪談重點整理表(9) 61
表4-10訪談重點整理表(10) 65
表4-11訪談重點整理表(11) 68
表4-12正式問卷之因素分析表 76
表4-13正式問卷之信度分析表 77
表4-14人口統計變項次數分配表 78
表4-15人口統計變項之「性別」統計分析表 78
表4-16人口統計變項之「年齡」統計分析表 78
表4-17人口統計變項之「教育程度」統計分析表 79
表4-18人口統計變項之「職業」統計分析表 79
表4-19人口統計變項之「平均月收入」統計分析表 80
表4-20不同性別之消費者對水耕及土耕消費者認知構面差異分析表 81
表4-21不同年齡的消費者對消費者認知之變項分析表 83
表4-22不同職業的消費者對消費者認知之變項分析表 84
表4-23不同收入的消費者對消費者認知之變項分析表 84
表4-24不同教育程度的消費者對消費者認知之變項分析表 85
表4-25不同年齡的消費者對消費者購買意願之變項分析表 86
表4-26不同職業的消費者對消費者認知之變項分析表 87
表4-27不同職業的消費者購買意願之ANOVA分析摘要表 88
表4-28不同收入的消費者對消費者購買意願之變項分析表 89
表4-29不同教育程度的消費者對消費者購買意願之變項分析表 90
表4-30不同教育程度的消費者購買意願之ANOVA分析摘要表 91
表4-31消費者認知及消費者購買意願之相關分析表 92
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