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論文名稱(外文):The Layers of Taiwanese Identity: Exploring Fashion Designers’ Cultural Expression
指導教授(外文):CHENG, CHING-YI
外文關鍵詞:fashion designerscultural identityTaiwanese fashionglobalizationcontemporary fashion
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Taiwan’s fashion industry has accomplished significant achievements in recent decades, with notable advancements and a rising number of designers showcasing their work domestically and abroad. Yet, some questions remain regarding the relationship between fashion and Taiwanese identity. This research project aims to explore how and why contemporary Taiwanese designers express cultural identity through fashion.

The methods of research for this study include historical research, content analysis, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and fashion designer case studies. The content analysis and participant observation were further analyzed by thematic analysis to determine themes of Taiwanese cultural expressions through contemporary fashion. Using the identified themes, as well as data from the interviews and case studies, a comparative analysis was conducted to examine the research questions further.

This study aims to understand how contemporary designers convey Taiwanese culture through their design process, as well as how domestic and international audiences perceive their work through a designer’s perspective. Ultimately, the findings aim to provide a foundation for future research into Taiwanese fashion and culture. Furthermore, it may reveal valuable insights into the idea of expressing cultural identity and the current state of the global fashion industry.

Abstract: i
Acknowledgement: ii
Table of Contents: iii
List of Tables: vi
List of Figures: vii

Chapter 1: Introduction: 1
1.1 Research Background: 1
1.1.1 Fashion and Cultural Identity: 2
1.1.2 Taiwanese Cultural Identity: 4
1.2 Research Motivations and Questions: 10
1.3 Thesis Structure: 12

Chapter 2: Literature Review: 15
2.1 Fashion and Cultural Identity in Asia: 15
2.1.1 Benefits of Expressing Cultural Identity: 17
2.1.2 Challenges of Expressing Cultural Identity: 21
2.2 Culture and Fashion in Taiwan: 24
2.2.1 Clothing and Style Evolutions in Taiwan: 24
2.2.2 Taiwan’s Fashion Industry: 29

Chapter 3: Methodology: 40
3.1 Research Methods: 40
3.2 Data Collection and Analysis Methods: 41

Chapter 4: Taiwan’s Fashion Designers and Cultural Expressions: 45
4.1 Narratives Through Aesthetics:46
4.1.1 Living Environment and Nature:46
4.1.2 Historical and Folk References: 48
4.1.3 Architecture: 49
4.1.4 Food and Eating Traditions: 51
4.1.5 Popular Culture: 54
4.2 Craft and Artistic Collaborations: 54
4.2.1 Indigenous Groups: 59
4.2.2 Craftsmanship: 61
4.2.3 Artists: 62
4.3 Cultural and Cross-Industry Partnerships: 64
4.3.1 Domestic Companies: 64
4.3.2 Cultural Institutions and Initiatives: 65
4.3.3 Taiwan’s Textile Companies: 67
4.4 Highlighting Sustainability: 68
4.4.1 Environmental Sustainability: 69
4.4.2 Social Sustainability: 70
4.4.3 Charity Contributions: 72

Chapter 5: Fashion Designer Case Studies: 74
5.1 Fashion Designer Profiles: 74
5.1.1 Angus Chiang (江奕勳): 74
5.1.2 INF (Wei Kuo, 郭瑋): 78
5.1.3 JUST IN XX (Justin Chou, 周裕穎): 82
5.1.4 Jenn Lee (李維錚): 88
5.1.5 Shao Yen (Shao Yen Chen, 陳劭彥): 90
5.2 Fashion Designer Case Study Comparative-Analysis: 94
5.2.1 Analysis: Narratives Through Aesthetics: 99
5.2.2 Analysis: Craft and Artistic Collaborations: 102
5.2.3 Analysis: Cultural and Cross-Industry Partnerships: 105
5.2.4 Analysis: Highlighting Sustainability: 108

Chapter 6: Discussion: 111
6.1 Motivations for Demonstrating Cultural Expressions: 111
6.2 Cross-Cultural Communication:114
6.3 Unique Challenges: 117
6.4 What is Taiwanese Fashion Culture?:119

Chapter 7: Conclusion: 122
7.1 Research Summary: 122
7.2 Research Significance and Suggestions for Future Research: 125

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