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研究生(外文):YEH, JIUN-JIE
論文名稱(外文):Comparative Analysis of Large-Language Models and Transformers for Chinese Text Classification: Performance, Efficiency, and Resource
指導教授(外文):Fernando Calderon
外文關鍵詞:Large-Language-ModelsBERTChinese text-classificationTransformersLlama3TAIDE
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In the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), deep learning-based language models, especially Large Language Models (LLMs) and Transformers-based architectures such as BERT, have demonstrated significant performance in text categorization tasks. However, selecting the most suitable model for a particular task is still a challenge. In this study, we conduct an in-depth comparison of several models that have been pre-trained for Chinese text categorization in LLM and Transformers architectures, including Llama3-based TAIDE, respectively. Through experiments on sentiment classification and category classification on the same dataset, we evaluate these models in terms of their predictive accuracy in each task, as well as their performance and resource consumption under different amount of data.
The experimental results show that although LLM is comparable to the Transformers-based model in terms of accuracy, LLM requires more computational resources and time. The Transformers-based model still performs well in scenarios that require high efficiency and low resource consumption. Especially with a small amount of training data, these models are able to extract features efficiently and maintain high accuracy. This study provides valuable insights for selecting the most suitable language model for Chinese text classification, and is important for enhancing the application of natural language processing techniques in global contexts.

附圖目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2論文研究方向及主要貢獻 2
第二章 文獻綜述 4
2.1. 文本分類的背景 4
2.1.1 挑戰 4
2.2 傳統的文本分類方法 4
2.2.1 特徵提取方法 4
2.2.2 分類算法 5
2.3 Transformers 變革 6
2.3.1 Transformer 架構的引入 6
2.3.2 BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) 6
2.3.3 RoBERTa 和 ALBERT 6
2.4 大型語言模型的崛起 7
2.4.1 GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)系列 7
2.4.2 大型語言模型的應用與挑戰 7
2.4.3 常見於大型語言模型的分類方法 7
2.5 多模型性能比較 8
2.5.1 Transformer 架構模型的性能 8
2.5.2 大型語言模型的優勢 8
2.5.3 資源消耗與效率 8
2.6 當前研究的挑戰與機會 9
2.6.1 模型訓練與改進 9
2.6.2 多任務學習與遷移學習 9
第三章 實驗設計 10
3.1 環境設定 10
3.2 資料集 10
3.2.1 SemEval-2016 Task 5[29] 10
3.2.2 Tnews 11
3.2.3 Cnews 11
3.2.4 iflytek 11
3.3 參與實驗之模型介紹 12
3.3.1大型語言模型 12
3.3.2 Transformer模型 13
3.4 分類方法選擇 13
3.4.1 零樣本分類 13
3.4.2 微調 14
3.4.3 思考鏈 14
3.5情感分類實驗 14
3.6 類別分類實驗 14
第四章 結果與分析 15
4.1 情感二元分類實驗結果 15
4.2 類別分類實驗測試結果 16
4.2.1 短文本類別分類實驗 16
4.2.2 長文本類別分類實驗 17
4.2.3 長文本多類別分類實驗 18
4.2.4 思考鏈實驗 19
第五章 討論 21
5.1 模型表現的比較 21
5.2 資源消耗與效率 21
5.3 訓練資料大小與模型性能 21
5.4挑戰與限制 21
5.4.1 硬體需求限制 21
5.4.2 資料集尺寸限制 22
5.4.3 思考鏈幻覺問題 22
5.5總結 24
第六章 結論和未來工作 25
參考文獻 26

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