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研究生(外文):CHANG, YA-TING
論文名稱(外文):Development of photographic food atlas in Taiwan and its application in dietary assessment
指導教授(外文):LIU, YI-FANG
外文關鍵詞:photographic food atlasportion size estimation aidsfood portion sizenutrition professional backgroundthe expansion and shrinkage of food
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食物影像圖集已廣泛被應用於食物份量評估的輔助工具,其攜帶方便,並易於使用且涵蓋範圍廣泛的食物。本研究旨在開發台灣食物影像圖集以供作食物份量估計的輔助工具,同時驗證所建製的食物份量圖像集對成年人評估食物份量的準確性。食物份量圖像集製作使用PDCA原則與SOP流程,同時參照國家攝食資料庫及市場調查的資訊,優先選擇民眾最常食用的食物品項及其份量。目前已完成140種常見的食物品項以及6道菜餚,並依據食材的可食狀態、形狀大小、烹調方式以及盛裝容器共計拍攝599張一系列食物份量照片。從中挑選19項最常食用的食材進行食物影像圖集對於食物份量的效度評估,並比較盛裝容器及混合菜餚份量的視覺評比差異。在食物份量圖像製作中,食物裁切的形狀大小會呈現容量與表面積的視覺差異,而烹調方式則會因膨縮率的變化而產生視覺差異。蔬菜類食材的光滑表面及吸油率會影響油量覆蓋的視覺評估。在使用食物影像對於食物份量的效度評估方面,65名成年人參與者在單一種食物的相同容器中,其選擇正確與正確或相近份量的百分比分別為79.0%與99.1%;而在不同容器中選擇正確與正確或相近份量的百分比分別為75.6% 及 96.4%。在混合菜餚中,使用單一食物照片在食物份量選擇正確的百分比為53.2%,而正確或相近的百分比為 85.3%。使用混合菜餚照片在食物份量選擇正確的百分比為 68.1%,而選擇正確或相近份量的百分比為 99.2%。有營養專業與無營養專業在整體選擇正確或相近份量的平均百分比分別為 96.6% 與 95.7%。據此可知,本研究建製單一食物的影像圖集可有效供作食物份量評估的輔助工具。使用混合菜餚的照片相較於單一食物照片更有效評估到混合菜餚的食物份量。
Weighing foods is considered a gold standard to assess food amounts, it is time-consuming and requires high motivation from participants. The photographic food atlas has been widely used as a portion size estimation aid because they are convenient to carry, easy to use, and sufficiently covers various foods. Therefore, the study aims to develop and validate the photographic food atlas as a portion size estimation aid to improve the accuracy of portion size estimation in dietary assessment in Taiwan. The photographic food atlas was created using the PDCA principle and SOP process. This study mainly refers to the National Food Consumption Database and market survey data and prioritizes the types of food items most consumed by the public and their serving sizes to build the photographic food atlas. Currently, the photographic food atlas contains 140 common food items and 6 dishes. A total of 599 series of photos were taken based on the edible status, shape and size, and cooking methods of the food, and containers. In the production of the photographic food atlas, the food’s shape and size will show visual differences in capacity and surface area. The cooking method will cause visual differences due to changes in expansion and shrinkage. The smooth surface and oil absorption rate of vegetable ingredients will affect the visual assessment of oil coverage. To verify the validity of the photographic food atlas application, 19 of the most consumed foods to evaluate meal portion sizes, and 65 adults to evaluate the portion sizes of different food containers and mixed dishes. The results showed that the percentage of all participants choosing correct and correct or adjacent portions of a single food using the same containers was 79.0% and 99.1%. The percentage of all participants choosing correct and correct or adjacent portions of a single food using the different containers was 75.6% and 96.4%. In mixed dishes, the percentage of correct and correct or adjacent portion sizes selected using single food was 53.2% and 85.3%. The percentage of correct and correct or adjacent portion sizes selected using mixed dish photo was 68.1% and 99.2%. The overall average percentage of correct or adjacent portion selections was 96.6% for participants with a background in nutrition education and 95.7% for participants without a background in nutrition education. In summary, the currently developed photographic food can be effectively used as an auxiliary tool for individuals to evaluate food portions. It is more accurate to use the same container to evaluate single-food photos, and it is more effective to use mixed dish photos to evaluate mixed dishes.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章、前言 1
第二章、文獻回顧 2
第一節、飲食評估的重要性 2
第二節、估計份量輔助工具 3
一、食物模型(Food models) 3
二、家用器具(Household utensils) 4
三、食物照片(Food photographs) 5
第三節、食物影像圖集的建立及應用 8
一、建立原則 8
二、呈現方式 11
三、應用 13
四、烹調油脂份量的估算 14
第四節、食物影像圖集應用的效度評估 16
第五節、水果糖度與甜度 21
第六節、研究目的 23
第三章、材料與方法 24
第一節、研究架構 24
第二節、食物影像圖集的建立 25
一、食物的分類及選擇 25
二、份量的考量 29
三、食物的準備及陳列 34
四、照片拍攝 38
五、食物影像圖集整理 39
第三節、食物影像圖集效度評估 40
一、研究參與者 40
二、研究設計 40
三、研究方法 41
第四節、營養學實驗學習者應用圖集評估份量的能力 42
第五節、水果糖度測定 42
第六節、資料整理與統計分析 44
第四章、結果 46
第一節、食物影像圖集的建立 46
一、食物份量照片 46
二、蔬菜用油量照片的製作 48
第二節、食物影像圖集效度評估 69
一、受試者基本資料 69
二、估計份量與實際份量之間的差異 72
三、感知評估的正確率 75
四、不同容器的評比差異 77
五、混合菜餚的評比差異 81
六、有無營養背景的參與者評估食物的準確性 83
七、食物影像圖集作為估計份量輔助工具的可接受度 90
第三節、營養學實驗學習者感知評估的正確率 91
第四節、水果糖度與甜度 95
第五章、討論 99
第一節、中式食物圖像集製作在視覺份量判斷的考量因素 99
第二節、食物圖像集對於食物份量評估正確性的影響 101
第三節、食物油量在視覺判斷的影響因素 105
第四節、水果糖度與甜度之間的關係與應用探討 107
第五節、本研究的優勢與限制 109
第六章、結論 110
第七章、附錄 111
附錄一、輔仁大學人體研究倫理委員會通過證明 111
第八章、參考文獻 113
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