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論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Organizational Strategy Operations on Performance: The Mediating Effects of Critical Development Experience and the Moderating Effects of Internal and External Organizational Factors
指導教授(外文):Shiahhou, Hsin-PengTsai, Chin-Lun
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chao-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Organizational Strategy OperationsOrganizational PerformanceCritical Development ExperienceEnvironmental CharacteristicsInnovation Intensity
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In an era of rapid technological innovation, not only is our lifestyle being transformed, but organizational operations are also being significantly impacted. Practical terms such as sustainable management, disruptive innovation, rejuve-nation, and transformative breakthroughs illustrate the urgency and change in-volved in corporate upgrading and transformation. Therefore, this study hypoth-esizes that organizations must face both internal and external environmental challenges. Internally, as organizations pursue technological innovation, opera-tional characteristics affect organizational performance, mediated by the critical development experience of members, with the intensity of organizational inno-vation acting as a moderating factor. Externally, organizations are influenced by industry competition pressures and the reciprocal support and influence of busi-ness partners, which modulate the impact of operational characteristics on or-ganizational performance. Thus, adopting a comprehensive model that considers both internal and external contexts and values organizational experience is es-sential for addressing the integration needed in the face of technological innova-tion, which is the focus of this study.
By observing organizations' responses to technological innovation from both external environment and internal operations perspectives, this study fo-cuses on how internal operational mechanisms affect organizational perfor-mance and value. This includes the adaptability of internal operational mecha-nisms to technological introduction and various organizational response mecha-nisms that might affect the acceptance or rejection of technological innovation. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of members' critical develop-ment experiences, covering both temporal and contextual aspects, in enhancing organizational performance.
Simultaneously, changes in market trends create competitive pressures for organizations, while business partners provide support. These two external envi-ronmental influences are inseparable and may impact the integration of organi-zational operational mechanisms and strategies, thereby affecting organizational performance. The study highlights the interaction between organizations and market environment information. Whether facing favorable or adverse condi-tions, organizations need to observe external industry competition pressures and the level of support generated by networks with specific common goals or chal-lenges. These two types of market environment information can be categorized into four different forms, which have either inhibitory or enhancing moderating effects on the relationship between organizational operational mechanisms and organizational performance and value.
This study collected 432 samples from Taiwanese organizational workers using an online questionnaire established on the Google platform. Links to the online questionnaire were provided through social media and communication software, and messages inviting participants to complete the questionnaire were disseminated. After removing invalid samples, multiple regression analysis was conducted to observe specific variables related to industry, organization, and members. The results indicate that organizational operational mechanisms sig-nificantly impact organizational performance and value. Internally, the mediat-ing effects of members' sales experience and cross-functional experience were observed. Additionally, critical development experiences' impact on organiza-tional performance and value was moderated by the intensity of innovation. Ex-ternally, the four types of organizational operational mechanisms were affected by different environmental characteristics, particularly reflecting the adaptive operational mechanisms.
This study provides an empirical investigation of the integration of internal operational mechanisms and the influence of the external environment on do-mestic enterprises facing technological innovation iterations. The findings sug-gest that organizations need to pay attention to different levels of factors in their development and operational strategies. By adopting an operational mindset that considers both internal and external elements and providing optimal strategic thinking pathways, organizations can improve the success rate of integrating technological innovation, enhancing competitive advantage, sustainable devel-opment, and performance in upgrading and transformation.

目錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 v
第壹章 緒論1
第一節 問題意識:科技創新加速發展或衰敗 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究流程 9
第四節 章節結構 10
第貳章 文獻探討 11
第一節 組織績效與市場價值 11
第二節 組織策略運作機制 15
第三節 關鍵歷練類別:組織脈絡取向 28
第四節 組織策略思維對組織績效的影響:環境特性的調節效果 30
第五節 競爭對組織績效的影響:創新強度的調節效果 40
第參章 研究方法 46
第一節 研究架構與假說 47
第二節 研究變項與問卷設計 51
第三節 研究對象 60
第四節 資料分析方法 61
第肆章 研究結果與分析 63
第一節 研究樣本分析 63
第二節 各變項之因素分析檢驗 66
第三節 信度分析 69
第四節 相關分析 71
第五節 主效果、間接效果與全效果之分析 75
第伍章 討論與建議 127
第一節 研究結論 127
第二節 理論與實務意涵 136
第三節 研究限制與後續研究發展 141

參考文獻 143
附錄一 165

表2-2-1 策略學派與策略內涵分類表 20
表2-4-1 環境特性類型與特徵及影響描述表 39
表3-2-1 問卷彙總表 56
表4-1-1 問卷發放及回收統計表 64
表4-1-2 問卷基本資料分析表 64
表4-2-1 KMO及Bartlett’s球型檢定分析表 66
表4-2-2 組織策略運作機制因素萃取表(反映適應、協商妥協) 67
表4-2-3 組織策略運作機制因素萃取表(獨創領先、差異優勢) 68
表4-3-1 信度分析表 70
表4-4-1 相關分析摘要表 74
表4-5-1 組織策略運作機制與關鍵歷練對組織績效、組織價值的影響效果分析表 78
表4-5-2 組織策略運作機制對關鍵歷練的影響效果分析表 80
表4-5-3 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(市場競爭績效)受到環境特性的影響效果分析表 92
表4-5-4 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(整體管理績效)受到環境特性的影響效果分析表 93
表4-5-5 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(技術開發績效)受到環境特性的影響效果分析表 94
表4-5-6 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(原創性品牌)受到環境特性的影響效果分析表 95
表4-5-7 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(大眾品牌)受到環境特性的影響效果分析表 96
表4-5-8 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(市場競爭績效)受到創新強度的影響效果分析表 103
表4-5-9 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(整體管理績效)受到創新強度的影響效果分析表 104
表4-5-10 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(技術開發績效)受到創新強度的影響效果分析表 105
表4-5-11 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(原創性品牌)受到創新強度的影響效果分析表 106
表4-5-12 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(大眾品牌)受到創新強度的影響效果分析表 107
表4-5-13 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(市場競爭績效)受到公司規模與創新強度的影響效果分析表 121
表4-5-14 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(整體管理績效)受到公司規模與創新強度的影響效果分析表 122
表4-5-15 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(技術開發績效)受到公司規模與創新強度的影響效果分析表 123
表4-5-16 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(原創性品牌)受到公司規模與創新強度的影響效果分析表 124
表4-5-17 組織策略運作機制對組織績效(大眾品牌)受到公司規模與創新強度的影響效果分析表 125
表4-5-18 延伸探究表格彙整 126
表5-1-1 假說驗證結果彙總表 135

圖1-3-1 研究流程圖 9
圖2-2-1 策略思維與策略優勢類型圖 20
圖2-4-1 環境特性類型圖 35
圖3-1-1 研究架構圖 47
圖4-5-1 延伸探究架構圖 108
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