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論文名稱(外文):Research on the Antioxidant Ability Rapeseed Flowers-Application of Shampoo
外文關鍵詞:Rapeseed flowerAntioxidanhTotal phenolic contentIRB humantrials
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摘 要
本研究針對橄欖型油菜花,進行定溫萃取並以四項抗氧化能力試驗進行研究,油菜花富含維生素A、C、以及β胡蘿蔔素等人體所需營養素。本研究於春耕前至農田採摘,分別以5:1比例,乙醇溶液25ml配以5g花苞配置以100 %、80 %、60 %、40 %、20 %、0 % 等不同濃度比例之樣品以溫度60∘C和90∘C萃取,其90∘C萃取率為17.2 g/ml,60∘C萃取率得16.8 g/ml,並進行多項抗氧化實驗找出最佳數據並佐證油菜花之研究價值試圖找出總酚含量最高之萃取溶劑比例。因此本研究配置以6種溶劑濃度萃取溫度以60∘C與90∘C二種溫度萃出12支樣品,在萃取後進行抗氧化實驗發現油菜花在60∘C萃取DPPH試驗R2值為0.9992,90∘C萃取DPPH試驗R2值為0.9975,總酚含量在乙醇溶劑配置以80 %時,溫度設定為90∘C可萃出257.5 GAEμg/mg總酚含量最高,因此本研究以總酚含量最高之實驗數據條件設計洗髮精配方,然於調製時發現因溶劑乙醇80 %萃取之關係,洗髮精調制成品不易增稠,多次修改及重新調整配方,將原本的加入65 %油菜花萃取液,調整為添加入20 %萃取液,洗髮精濃稠度較為理想 ( 李宜庭, 2017 ),完成洗髮精調制後進行IRB人體試驗計畫送審於光田人體試驗委員會,並通過委員會審查取得實驗同意書後並進行於人體試驗,【Dino-Lite】AM4113ZT手持式數位顯微鏡檢測拍攝圖像,利用顯微鏡以200倍放大進行一次性髮浴前後以圖片影像比較皮膚毛孔潔淨度進行評估觀察其針對清潔力,本次試驗受試20人,頭皮油脂之清潔改善為20人,毛孔阻塞獲得改善為19人,頭皮泛紅泛黃獲得改善為8人,由此可知本研究之油菜花萃取液添加入洗髮精潔淨度有相當顯著差異。

This study focused on olive-type rapeseed flowers, carried out constant-temperature extraction and conducted four antioxidant capacity tests. Rapeseed flowers are rich in vitamins A, C, beta-carotene and other nutrients needed by the human body. Planted as green manure in rice fields when farmland is fallow, In this study, we went to the farmland before spring plowing to pick, using a 5:1 ratio of 25 ml of ethanol solution and 5 g of flower buds in different concentrations such as 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0%. The proportion of samples was extracted at 60∘C and 90∘C. The yield at 90∘C was 17.2 g/ml , and the yield at 60∘C was 16.8 g/ml . Multiple antioxidant experiments were conducted to find the best data and support the rapeseed flowers. The research value is to try to find the proportion of extraction solvent with the highest total phenolic content. Therefore, this study configured 12 samples to be extracted with 6 solvent concentrations and two extraction temperatures of 60°C and 90°C. After the extraction, the antioxidant experiment was conducted and it was found that the R2 value of the DPPH test of rapeseed flower extracted at 60°C. was 0.9992. , the R2 value of the 90∘C extraction DPPH test is 0.9975. When the total phenol content is 80% in the ethanol solvent configuration, the temperature is set to 90∘C and the highest total phenol content of 257.5GAEμg/mg can be extracted. Therefore, this study focuses on the total phenol content. The shampoo formula was designed based on the highest experimental data conditions. During the preparation, it was found that due to the 80% extraction of solvent ethanol, the finished product of the shampoo was not easy to thicken. The formula was modified and readjusted many times, and 65% rapeseed was added to the original formula. The extract was adjusted to add 20% of the extract, and the consistency of the shampoo was ideal (Li Yiting, 2017). After the shampoo was prepared, the IRB human trials plan was submitted to the Mitsuda Human Trial Committee for review, and the experimental consent was obtained through review. At the end of the book, human subjects were tested. The [Dino-Lite] AM4113ZT handheld digital microscope was used to detect and capture images using polarized light. The microscope was used to magnify the hair at 200 times to evaluate the cleanliness of skin pores before and after a one-time hair bath and observe its effects. Cleansing power, 20 people were tested in this test, the cleaning of scalp oil was improved in 20 people, pore obstruction was improved in 19 people, and the redness and yellowing of the scalp was improved in 8 people. From this, it can be seen that the addition of rapeseed flower extract in this study There is a significant difference in the cleanliness of shampoo.

目 錄
誌謝 Ⅰ
摘要 Ⅱ
Summary Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 Ⅷ
第1章緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機及背景 1
1.3 研究目的與範圍 2
1.4 研究架構圖 3
第2章文獻探討 4
2.1 油菜 4
2.1.1 油菜種籽 5
2.2 自由基 6
2.3 生物抗氧化機制(ANTI-OXIDATION) 9
2.3.1 自酵素抗氧化系統(Enzymatic antioxidant) 9
2.3.2 非酵素抗氧化系統(non-enzymatic antioxidant) 10
第3章材料與研究方法 13
3.1 萃取與實驗流程圖 13
3.2 實驗藥品與儀器設備 14
3.3 儀器設備 18
3.4 ELISA儀器使用步驟 19
3.5 油菜花取得與萃取 20
3.6 螯合銅離子測定實驗 21
3.7 DPPH清除自由基實驗 22
3.8 ABTS●+還原實驗 23
3.9 總酚含量測定 24
3.10 抗菌試驗 25
3.11 洗髮精應用 26
3.11.1 洗髮精調製 26
3.11.2 洗髮精配方開發 27
3.12 IRB人體試驗 28
3.12.1 人體實驗流程圖 31
第4章實驗結論 32
4.1 油菜花萃取液萃取率 32
4.2 螯合銅離子測定 33
4.3 DPPH清除自由基實驗 34
4.4 ABTS•+清除能力試驗 36
4.5 總酚含量測定實驗 37
4.6 抗菌試驗 39
4.7 IRB人體試驗 40
第5章結論與展望 42
第6章參考文獻 45
附件受試個案圖表 47
附件一 2022全國美容科學研討會論文發表證明 67
附件二 2022全國美容科學研討會獲獎證明 68
附件三 光田綜合醫院人體試驗委員會人體試驗計畫同意書 69


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