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論文名稱(外文):Investigation and analysis of the current situation of binocular vision dysfunction caused by the use of electronic products
外文關鍵詞:Binocular visionbinocular functionaccommodationAmplitude of Accommodation
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探討國人目前因長期使用電子產品影響的視力狀態與雙眼視機能現況與業界慣用數據評估雙眼視機能之參考值是否相符,本研究期望藉由調查 20 歲至 35 歲民眾使用電子產品產生的雙眼視機能異常檢查所獲得之數據進行交互關聯分析,針對可能造成的影響因子進行探討並計算風險值,了解二者間相關聯之風險評估。
1.探討 20 歲至 35 歲民眾使用電子產品用眼行為及雙眼視覺功能之現況
2. 探討 20 歲至 35 歲民眾使用電子產品用眼行為及調節功能之關連性
3. 基礎雙眼視機能檢測值與使用電子產品產生的雙眼視機能障礙之關連

本研究徵求對象為排除任何患有眼睛病史和眼部疾病或正在使用影響眼睛調節或輻輳的藥物者及有家族遺傳性眼病史者,年齡區間介於 20〜35 歲未出現老花現象之成年人50人,主要分為兩部份:
第一部分先請受試者填寫基本資料、電子產品使用行為及輻輳不足視覺症狀調查表(Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey﹐CISS)問卷。第二部份為受試者實施屈光檢查及雙眼視覺機能檢查獲取研究分析所需之各項數據資料。

本研究做雙眼視機能與調節檢查過程,調節靈敏度(AF)與動態視網膜鏡檢查(MEM)皆具有顯著差異(P <0.05),推論使用電子產品用眼行為與雙眼視機能檢測後發現較不符合以往期望值中的調節反應數據,較有可能產生短暫的調節不足與調節過度問題,造成明顯疲勞感。

本研究期望藉由調查 20 歲至 35 歲民眾使用電子產品產生的雙眼視機能異常檢查所獲得之數據進行交互關聯分析,針對可能造成的影響因子進行探討並計算風險值,了解二者間相關聯之風險評估。提供驗光人員在處理患者雙眼視覺功能檢測異常時能有多一些判斷及參考的依據。

To explore whether the current visual status and binocular function of Chinese people affected by the long-term use of electronic products is consistent with the reference values used by the industry to evaluate binocular vision function. This study hopes to investigate the binocular vision problems caused by the use of electronic products among people aged 20 to 35 years old. Conduct cross-correlation analysis based on the data obtained from abnormal function inspections, discuss the possible influencing factors and calculate the risk value, and understand the risk assessment of the correlation between the two.
Based on the above purposes, the main research questions of this study include the following three points:
1. To explore the current situation of eye behavior and binocular vision function of people aged 20 to 35 years old when using electronic products
2. To explore the correlation between eye behavior and accommodation function of people aged 20 to 35 years old when using electronic products.
3. The relationship between basic binocular vision function test values and binocular vision dysfunction caused by using electronic products
The subjects of this study are to exclude anyone who has a history of eye diseases and eye diseases or is using drugs that affect eye accommodation or convergence, as well as those who have a family history of hereditary eye diseases. The age range is between 20 and 35 years old and adults who have not experienced presbyopia. There are 50 people, mainly divided into two parts:
In the first part, the subjects were asked to fill in the basic information, electronic product usage behavior and Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) questionnaire. The second part is to conduct refraction examination and binocular visual function examination on the subjects to obtain various data required for research analysis.
A study investigating the eye-use behavior of people aged 20 to 35 today when using electronic products showed that the 50 subjects in this study all used them at medium to near distances, and 27 out of 50 used them for more than 6 hours, which was obviously too long, which is subjective. According to the survey of 50 people on perceived fatigue, 28 of them experienced it frequently and 4 of them always experienced it. It is obvious that fatigue is caused by overuse and reliance on eye-use behaviors.
This study conducted binocular visual function and accommodation examination process. There was a significant difference between accommodation sensitivity (AF) and dynamic retinoscopy (MEM) (P <0.05). It can be inferred that the eye behavior of using electronic products and the binocular visual function test were found to be less The adjustment response data in line with past expectations are more likely to cause short-term under- and over-adjustment problems, resulting in obvious fatigue.
This study hopes to conduct cross-correlation analysis on the data obtained from the examination of abnormal binocular vision caused by the use of electronic products among people aged 20 to 35 years old, explore the possible influencing factors, calculate the risk value, and understand the correlation between the two. risk assessment. Provide optometrists with more basis for judgment and reference when dealing with abnormal binocular visual function detection of patients.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
專有名詞中英文對照表 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3名詞解釋 3
1.4研究流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1雙眼視機能與異常 6
2.1.1雙眼視機能 6
2.1.2雙眼視異常 7
2.2雙眼視機能期望值之探討 8
2.3輻輳不足視覺症狀調查表(CISS)問卷 10
第三章 研究設計與實施 12
3.1研究架構表 12
3.2研究對象及資料來源 13
3.2.1倫理審查 13
3.2.2研究對象 13
3.2.3研究對象篩選標準 14
3.3研究工具 15
3.3.1基本資料與用眼行為檢測表.. 15
3.3.2雙眼視機能檢查報告單 15
3.3.3 研究設備 16
3.4研究步驟流程 21
3.5研究實驗操作流程 24
3.6研究統計方法 32
3.6.1 各參數之描述性統計分析 32
3.6.2 各參數之卡方檢定統計分析 32
3.6.3 各參數之無母數統計分析 32
3.6.4 各參數之羅吉斯迴歸統計分析 33
第四章 資料分析結果與討論 34
4.1各參數之描述性統計分析 34
4.1.1基本資料描述性統計分析 34
4.1.2各電子產品與用眼行為描述性統計分析 41
4.1.3輻輳不足視覺症狀調查表(CISS)問卷描述性統計分析 45
4.2各電子產品用眼行為與雙眼視機能異常卡方檢定統計分析 46
4.2.1雙眼視機能異常參數分析(右眼等價球面) 46
4.2.2雙眼視機能異常參數分析(EOM) 49
4.2.3雙眼視機能異常參數分析(AA) 50
4.2.4雙眼視機能異常參數分析(NPC) 51
4.2.5雙眼視機能異常參數分析(NRA) 54
4.2.6雙眼視機能異常參數分析(PRA) 57
4.2.7雙眼視機能異常參數分析(AF) 58
4.2.8雙眼視機能異常參數分析(MEM) 61
4.3各電子產品用眼行為與雙眼視機能異常無母數統計分析 64
4.4各參數之羅吉斯迴歸統計分析 67
第五章 結論與建議 72
5.1結論 72
5.2研究限制 73
5.3研究建議 73
參考文獻 74
附錄一 79
附錄二 81
附錄三 82
附錄四 84
附錄五 86

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