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研究生(外文):Lin, YU-TUNG
論文名稱(外文):The Carbon Management Strategies for SMEs: A Case Study of an Automotive Parts Manufacturer
指導教授(外文):TSAI, LIANG
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan's Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesCarbon Management strategiesAutomotive Parts ManufacturingGreen Supply ChainCarbon Reduction
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With the increasing global attention to climate change, reducing carbon emissions has become a common goal for international businesses. The economy of Taiwan is mainly composed of small and medium-sized enterprises, so it is of great significance to formulate and implement carbon management strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises to fulfill social responsibility. This study confirms through a case analysis and interview results of a certain automotive parts manufacturer that the motivation for small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve carbon management is mainly driven by customer requirements. The biggest difficulties faced in planning carbon inventory are limited resources and insufficient awareness. The interview results found that the company establishes partnerships with supply chain manufacturers to jointly plan carbon emission management systems, integrate carbon emission information from both parties, and enhance competitive advantages. Therefore, this article aims to explore the practice of small and medium-sized enterprises in constructing and implementing carbon management strategies.
This study first outlines the current situation of carbon management faced by the automotive parts manufacturing industry and its response responsibility to a low-carbon economy. Through literature review, the theoretical framework of carbon management, domestic and foreign policies, characteristics and difficulties of carbon management for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the carbon footprint characteristics of the automotive parts manufacturing industry were sorted out. Using the case study method, combined with in-depth interviews, questionnaire surveys, and data analysis, this study conducted a detailed analysis of the carbon management status of the manufacturer, and further proposed specific carbon management strategies and implementation paths. On this basis, the article delves into the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in the process of carbon management and proposes corresponding response strategies. Finally, based on the research findings, the general rules of carbon management for small and medium-sized enterprises were summarized, and specific suggestions were proposed to the government, enterprises, and research community, aiming to promote the improvement of enterprise carbon management capabilities and the green transformation of the automotive industry.

第一章 緒論..............................................................1
第一節 研究目的..........................................................1
第二節 研究重要性........................................................3
第三節 研究問題..........................................................5
第二章 文獻探討..........................................................7
第一節 中小企業之碳管理研究...............................................7
第二節 汽車零件製造業碳足跡分析...........................................17
第三節 臺灣淨零碳排放相關法規及出口國家的碳稅規範...........................21
第三章 研究方法..........................................................29
第一節 文獻分析法........................................................29
第二節 個案研究法........................................................29
第三節 研究對象..........................................................30
第四節 研究流程..........................................................32
第四章 研究結果與分析....................................................33
第一節 個案公司说明......................................................33
第二節 個案公司碳管理分析與討論...........................................35 
第三節 中小企業碳管理策略與實施路徑.......................................41
第五章 結論與建議.......................................................62
第一節 研究發現與比較...................................................62
第二節 結論............................................................63
第二節 研究限制與建議...................................................65
附錄 訪談逐字稿.........................................................72
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