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研究生(外文):YU, LIN-TAI
論文名稱(外文):Application of Robotic Arm Billiards Based on Image Recognition
指導教授(外文):LI, JEN-HSING
外文關鍵詞:Image recognitionRobotic armBilliardTrajectory calculation
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本研究之目的是設計開發一套基於影像辨識的機械手臂撞球系統,以提高在顆星灌球(Cushion Shoot)的撞球項目中的自動化水準和操作精準度。
為了實現這一目標,本研究在影像辨識方面對撞球的實時RGB圖像進行顔色閾值處理並轉換爲HSV圖像,通過顔色識別和檢測面積閾值設定來降低圖像干擾項,從而準確判斷撞球對象,再利用霍夫圓檢測繪製出撞球輪廓並計算其球心座標,以此得到撞球準確的位置。撞球的運動軌跡符合反射定律(Law of Refection),本研究根據撞球運動軌跡的對稱性,計算預測得到撞球運動軌跡和最佳擊球角度。
除此之外,本研究利用多項式曲缐擬合(Polynomial Curve Fitting)得到機械手臂座標和影像座標的對應方程式,其X軸的殘差平方和、決定係數、均方根誤差分別為:91.54、99.99%、2.885;Y軸分別為:127.3、99.93%、3.402。從而確保機械手臂對顆星灌球的高精準度。

Due to the rapid development and widespread adoption of automation technology in the industry, robotic arms have became indispensable tools across various fields. They play a crucial role, especially in precision operations. Moreover, in the field of billiards, the high accuracy and flexibility of robotic arms also demonstrate their unique advantages.
The purpose of this study is to design and develop a robotic arm billiard system based on image recognition to improve the level of automation and operational accuracy in the cushion shoot of billiards.
To achieve this goal, this study tranfers the real-time RGB images of the billiards into HSV images using color thresholding for the image recognition aspect. By setting color recognition and detection area thresholds, image interference items are reduced, allowing for accurate identification of the billiard target. Hough circle detection is then used to draw the billiard contours and calculate their center coordinates, thus obtaining the accurate position of the billiards. The motion trajectory of the billiards complies with the law of reflection. Based on the symmetry of the billiard motion trajectory, this study calculates and predicts the billiard motion trajectory and the optimal striking angle.
In addition, this study uses polynomial curve fitting to obtain the corresponding equations between the robotic arm coordinates and the image coordinates. The sum of squared residuals, coefficient of determination, and root mean square error for the X-axis are 91.54, 99.99%, and 2.885, respectively, and for the Y-axis are 127.3, 99.93%, and 3.402, respectively. This ensures the high precision of the robotic arm in cushion shoot billiards.

中文摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 論文大綱 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 影像辨識 6
2.1.1 顔色辨識 6
2.1.2 影像處理 7
2.1.3 擊球角度及軌跡計算 8
2.2 機械手臂控制 9
2.3 撞球機器人案例應用 10
第三章 硬體設備介紹 12
3.1動作執行設備 12
3.1.1 機械手臂 13
3.1.2 機械手臂控制器 15
3.1.3 電源供應器(GWINSTEK GPS-3303) 17
3.1.4 DC 24V電磁鐵 19
3.1.5 Arduino Uno R3控制板 20
3.2 影像處理設備 23
3.2.1 影像獲取設備(Razer Kiyo攝像頭) 23
第四章 研究方法 25
4.1 機械手臂控制 25
4.1.1 正向運動學 26
4.1.2 逆向運動學 28
4.2 擊球夾爪控制 32
4.2.1 擊球夾爪力度設定 34
4.2.2 擊球夾爪觸發實現 36
4.3 影像處理 38
4.3.1 RGB色彩 38
4.3.2 HSV空間 42
4.3.3 形態學處理之開運算應用 47
4.3.4 撞球輪廓找尋之應用 49
4.4 撞球運動狀態 58
4.5 空間座標矯正 62
第五章 實驗結果與討論 67
5.1 動作流程 67
5.2 影像辨識結果 68
5.3 軌跡角度計算結果 71
5.4 機械手臂結合影像處理之動作結果 74
第六章 結論與未來發展 82
6.1 研究結論 82
6.2 未來研究方向與展望 83
參考文獻 84

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