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研究生(外文):YU, MEI-HUI
論文名稱:教師發展的探索: 學生教師對整合教學能力的看法
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Teacher Development: Student Teachers' Perceptions of Integrated Teaching Competence
外文關鍵詞:Perception of teacher rolesStudent teacherIntegrated teaching competence
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提升教師的專業教學素質和知識已成為台灣英語師資培育計畫的重要環節。教師對於自身在教學中所扮演角色的理解顯得尤為重要。本研究旨在瞭解北台灣地區學生教師對其教學角色的認知,以及他們在教學實習中應用教學技巧的自我評估。此研究使用改編自 2007 年歐洲學生教師手冊的評量問卷,對參與教學的學生教師進行調查。問卷著重於新進教師檢視在英語教學下,教師角色的認知定位、教學能力和教學策略方面的反思,以期與十二年國民教育新課綱的素養導向教學目標相契合。本研究探討三個核心問題:1. 學生教師如何看待自己作為語言教育者的角色? 2. 學生教師如何評估自己在英語聽、說、讀、寫及文法的教學規劃? 3. 學生教師如何評估自己在文化素養的教學能力?

Enhancing teacher proficiency and knowledge is crucial for English language teacher training programs in Taiwan. It is particularly essential for teachers to understand the roles they play in education. This study investigated the perceptions of student teachers in Northern Taiwan regarding their teaching roles and their self-assessed application of teaching skills during practicum experiences. A modified questionnaire, adapted from the 2007 European student teacher handbook, was administered to student teachers participating in teaching internships. The questionnaire focused on fostering reflection on teaching competencies and strategies related to teacher roles identification, aligning with the literacy-oriented objectives of the new 12-year national curriculum. The study addressed three key research questions: 1. How do student teachers perceive their roles as language educators? 2. How do student teachers assess their abilities to teach English listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar preparation? 3. How do student teachers assess their abilities to teach cultural literacy?
The findings revealed that student teachers exhibit a high sense of self-efficacy in their pedagogical perceptions, particularly in providing peer observation feedback and selecting and evaluating culturally relevant texts. However, areas such as writing instruction and teaching abstract concepts related to cultural literacy require further attention in lesson planning.
This study did not examine the metacognitive aspects of teachers' instructional transformations following reflective practice. Future research could delve into this area and collect more extensive data to enhance understanding of novice teachers’ development in the teaching context in Taiwan.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..…………………………………………………… i
CHINESE ABSTRACT......………………………………………………… ii
ENGLISH ABSTRACT….……………………………………………………… iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………. iv
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES…………………………….... vii

1.1 Research Background…………………………………………………………. 1
1.2 Research Purposes……...………………………………………. 4
1.3 Research Questions…….……………………………………………………. 5
1.4 Significance of the Study………………………..………………. 6
1.5 Definition of Terms.………………………………….………………….. 6
2.1 Theoretical Background….……………………………………………….. 10
2.1.1 From Fundamental to Core Competences for Teachers Education (MOE)... 13
2.1.2 Students Teachers’ Reflections on the Teacher Profession……………….. 14
2.1.3 Educational Beliefs Related to Perceptions of Effective Teachers……… 16
2.2 Student Teachers’ Self-Perception of their Roles as Language Teachers… 18
2.3 Foreign Language Competence of Teaching Language Skills…………………. 20
2.4 Foreign Language Competence of Teaching Culture…………………………. 24
2.5 Summary: Identify Effective Characteristics, Teaching Competencies………... 26
3.1 Pilot Study……………………………………………………………….……..... 28
3.2 Participants………...………………………………….....………….. 29
3.3 Instrument..……………...…….…..…………...……………………… 29
3.4 The Data Gathering Procedure.………………………………. 31
3.5 The Data Analysis Description…………………………….. 31
4.1 Answers to Research Question One...……………………………………… 33
4.2 Answers to Research Question Two…....…..…………..…………… 35
4.3 Answers to Research Question Three………………………………………. 36
4.4 Additional Findings …………………………………..……………………........ 38
5.1 Discussions…………………………………………………………………….................... 41
5.1.1 Student Teachers’ Roles as Language Teachers…………………………. 41
5.1.2 Student Teachers Assessing their Preparation in Teaching Language Skills 42
5.1.3 Student Teachers Assessing their Preparation in Teaching Culture……… 43
5.2 Conclusion………………….…………………...….…………………………................ 44
5.3 Limitations of the Study..….…………………………………………………......... 45
5.4 Implications of the Study……………………………………………………........... 46
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………….… 48
Appendix A ……………………………………………………………………… 55
Appendix B ……………………………………………………………………… 58
Appendix C………………………………………………………………………. 62
Figure 1. Four Areas of Teacher Educators’ Competencies (Kirkwook, 2009).…….. 3
Figure 2. Wheel-in-action Diagram of Core Competencies (MOE, 2014).…………... 14
Figure 3 The Framework of the Teacher Perception of Literacy-oriented Goals.….… 15
Table 2.1 Classroom Observations of Teaching Listening and Speaking…………... 22
Table 2.2 Classroom Observations of Teaching Reading and Writing……………..... 22
Table 3.1 Reliability Statistics of Data Collection Instrument…...……………….. 29
Table 3.2 The Distribution of Student Teachers’ Genders………………………..........… 29
Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Teachers’ Role Perceptions Score.….………. 33
Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics for the Role of English Teachers...………..…. 34
Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics for Self-Perceived Effective Teaching Competencies.36
Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics of Competence in Teaching Culture…………..…… 36

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