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研究生(外文):Trinh,Thi Thoa
外文關鍵詞:Comply with hand hygienedirect monitoringmonitoring via camera combined with information feedback
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Objectives: Hand hygiene (HH) is a simple but effective method to prevent the spread of microbial agents to patients, thereby preventing healthcare-associated infections. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of direct and camera monitoring methods combined with information feedback and determine the relationship between HH compliance rate and general information of all healthcare workers (HCWs) by using the monitoring method of camera observation combined with information feedback in ICUs.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on all HCWs at the General ICU, Neuro Surgical ICU, and ICU-Cardiovascular Surgery Department at the University Medical Center Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam from February to April 2024. The data were collected the number of hand hygiene opportunities (HHOs) from two methods: direct and via camera observation combined with information feedback.
Results: The study recorded 502 HHOs when researcher observed directly combined with information feedback and 601 HHOs via camera combined with information feedback. The HH compliance rate between the two observation methods had a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). The rate of HH compliance when observing directly combined with information feedback was 1.20 times higher (95% CI 1.14-1.27, p < 0.001) compared to the method of observing via camera combined with information feedback. The study found some factors related to the rate of HH compiance. Females had a HH compliance rate of 1.29 times (95% CI 1.16-1.42) compared to males. Nurses had a HH compliance rate of 1.28 times that of nurse assistants (95% CI 1.06-1.55). The office hours shifts had a HH compliance rate of 1.24 times that of the night duty shifts (95% CI 1.12-1.38). Before touching a patient had a HH compliance rate of 1.11 times (95% CI 1.01-1.21), and After touching patient surroundings had a rate of 0.80 times (95% CI 0.68-0.94) compared to the remaining moments.
Conclusions: The direct observation method is more affected by the “Howthorne” effect than monitoring via camera methods. Applying a new feedback method (based on images recorded by cameras) that directly impacts HCWs' knowledge and attitudes is necessary and more effective than the traditional method in monitoring compliance with HH practices.

Objectives: Hand hygiene (HH) is a simple but effective method to prevent the spread of microbial agents to patients, thereby preventing healthcare-associated infections. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of direct and camera monitoring methods combined with information feedback and determine the relationship between HH compliance rate and general information of all healthcare workers (HCWs) by using the monitoring method of camera observation combined with information feedback in ICUs.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on all HCWs at the General ICU, Neuro Surgical ICU, and ICU-Cardiovascular Surgery Department at the University Medical Center Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam from February to April 2024. The data were collected the number of hand hygiene opportunities (HHOs) from two methods: direct and via camera observation combined with information feedback.
Results: The study recorded 502 HHOs when researcher observed directly combined with information feedback and 601 HHOs via camera combined with information feedback. The HH compliance rate between the two observation methods had a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). The rate of HH compliance when observing directly combined with information feedback was 1.20 times higher (95% CI 1.14-1.27, p < 0.001) compared to the method of observing via camera combined with information feedback. The study found some factors related to the rate of HH compiance. Females had a HH compliance rate of 1.29 times (95% CI 1.16-1.42) compared to males. Nurses had a HH compliance rate of 1.28 times that of nurse assistants (95% CI 1.06-1.55). The office hours shifts had a HH compliance rate of 1.24 times that of the night duty shifts (95% CI 1.12-1.38). Before touching a patient had a HH compliance rate of 1.11 times (95% CI 1.01-1.21), and After touching patient surroundings had a rate of 0.80 times (95% CI 0.68-0.94) compared to the remaining moments.
Conclusions: The direct observation method is more affected by the “Howthorne” effect than monitoring via camera methods. Applying a new feedback method (based on images recorded by cameras) that directly impacts HCWs' knowledge and attitudes is necessary and more effective than the traditional method in monitoring compliance with HH practices.

Abstract v
Acknowledgement vi
List of figures x
List of tables xi
List of abbreviation xii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1. Statement of this research 1
1.2. Significance of this research 4
1.3. Research questions 4
1.4. Aim of this research 5
Chapter 2: Literature Review 6
2.1. Introduction 6
2.2. Overview of hand hygiene 6
2.2.1. The importance of hand hygiene in preventing healthcare-associated infection 6
2.2.2. Hand hygiene practices of healthcare workers 7
2.3. Factors influencing hand hygiene compliance 8
2.4. Monitor hand hygiene compliance 8
2.5. Definition of direct observation and camera observation combined with feedback, compliance 12
2.6. Chapter summary 12
Chapter 3: Research Methodology 14
3.1. Introduction 14
3.2. Research design 14
3.3. Research framework and hypothesis 14
3.4. Sampling issues 15
3.4.1. Purpose population 15
3.4.2. Sampling population 15
3.4.3. Sample size 15
3.4.4. Sampling technique 16
3.4.5. Sample selection criteria 17
3.4.6. Data collecting 18
3.5. Data management and data analysis strategy 21
3.5.1. List and define variables 21
3.5.2. Data processing method 23
3.5.3. Data analysis 23
3.6. Ethic issues 24
3.7. Chapter summary 24
Chapter 4: Result 26
4.1. Introduction 26
4.2. Hand hygiene compliance rate through direct observation combined with information feedback 26
4.3. Hand hygiene compliance rate through camera observation combined with information feedback 28
4.4. Comparison hand hygiene compliance rate of two methods (direct observation and observation via camera, both combined with information feedback) 29
4.5. The relationship between hand hygiene compliance and demographic, work shifts, and hand hygiene moments through camera observation combined with information feedback 32
4.6. Chapter summary 36
Chapter 5: Discussion 37
5.1. Introduction 37
5.2. Discussing the significance results of findings 37
5.2.1. Hand hygiene compliance rate through direct observation and observation via camera, both combined with information feedback 37
5.2.2. Comparison hand hygiene compliance rate of two methods (direct observation and observation via camera, both combined with information feedback) 40
5.2.3. The relationship between hand hygiene compliance and demographic, work shifts, and hand hygiene moments through camera observation combined with information feedback 41
5.3. The principal research findings 43
5.4. Contributions and Implications 44
5.5. Limitations 45
5.6. Recommendation 45
Chapter 6. Conclusion and suggestion 47
6.1. Conclusion 47
6.2. Suggestion 47
References 49
Appendix 1 - OBSERVATION FORM 58
Appendix 2 - Equipment with The Necessary Tools For Hand Hygiene 60
Appendix 3 - Direct Observation 61
Appendix 4 – Observation via camera 62
List of figures
Figure 3. 1: Research framework 14
List of tables
Table 3.1: Summary of research methodology 24
Table 4.1: Hand hygiene compliance rate through direct observation observation combined with information feedback 26
Table 4.2: Hand hygiene compliance rate through camera observation 28
Table 4.3: Comparison hand hygiene compliance rate of two methods (direct observation and observation via camera, both combined with information feedback) 30
Table 4.4: Comparison hand hygiene compliance rates between two 32
Table 4.5: Relationship between hand hygiene compliance and demographic, work shifts and hand hygiene moments through camera observation combined with information feedback 33
Table 4.6: Relationship between hand hygiene compliance and demographic and work environment factors before and after information feedback through observation via camera 34
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