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研究生(外文):Yeh, Hsiu-Yueh
論文名稱(外文):Disloyal Directors and the Profitability of Insider Trading
指導教授(外文):Cha, Yunju
口試委員(外文):Cha, YunjuPark, Bokyung
外文關鍵詞:Corporate Opportunity Waiver (COW)Insider tradingTrading profitabilityLegal risk
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We examine whether the adoption of the Corporate Opportunity Waiver (COW) law enables directors to earn more profits from their informed trading by reducing the legal risk. Using the staggered adoption of the COW law across seven states from 2003 to 2020, we find that when firms’ incorporated states have enacted COW laws, directors earn more profits from their informed trading. We further find that directors’ age, gender, and geographical proximity help them to achieve greater profitability. Furthermore, directors in firms with higher institutional ownership earn less insider profit. Our findings suggest how insiders pursue their private benefits when facing lower legal risk.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Tables IV
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Corporate Opportunity Waivers 5
2.2 Insider trading profitability 6
3. Hypothesis development 7
3.1 Relationship between the adoption of the COW law and insider trading profitability 7
3.2 Trading profitability of directors compared to top executives 8
3.3 Trading profitability of directors and COW depending on director characteristics 8
3.3.1 Directors’ age 8
3.3.2 Directors’ gender 9
3.3.3 Local directors 9
3.4 Trading profitability of directors and COW depending on firm characteristics- Firms’ institutional ownership 9
3.5 Trading profitability of directors and COW depending on legal risk 10
4. Research design 10
4.1 Data 10
4.2 Variable description 11
4.2.1 Corporate Opportunity Waivers 11
4.2.2 Insider Trading Profitability 12
4.3 Summary Statistics 12
4.4 Empirical Models 13
5. Results 16
5.1 COW and insider trading profitability: Main evidence 16
5.2 Trading profitability of directors compared to top executives 16
5.3 Trading profitability of directors and COW depending on director characteristics 17
5.4 Trading profitability of directors and COW depending on firm characteristics 18
5.5 Trading profitability of directors and COW depending on legal risk 18
6. Conclusion 19
References 20
Appendix A: Definition of variables 34
Appendix B: State adoption of Corporate Opportunity Waivers law 35
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