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研究生(外文):Zheng, Jun-Hong
論文名稱(外文):Entropy-driven Optimization of Recommendation Systems through Categorical Feature Engineering
指導教授(外文):Chou, Pei-TingChang, Yu-Wei
口試委員(外文):Leong, Yin-Yee
外文關鍵詞:Categorical variableFeature selectionConditional entropyRecommendation systemMachine learning
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Feature selection plays a crucial role in machine learning as it helps enhance the accuracy and efficiency of models. Conditional entropy is an index from information theory used to evaluate the relevance of features, considering the conditional relationships between them. This helps in identifying features that are closely related to the target variable. This study aims to explore the application of conditional entropy as a feature selection method in datasets with a large number of categorical variables. Taking the KKbox music dataset as an example, we evaluate the impact on model performance by assessing the feature set selected through conditional entropy in categorical variable. Our experimental results show that we were able to obtain a model with fewer features but still maintaining good performance. This demonstrates that conditional entropy can serve as an effective feature selection method, helping us to discover features closely related to user listening behavior, thereby simplifying large datasets and enhancing the computational efficiency of the model.
第一章 Introduction 1

第二章 Literature Review 6
第一節 Feature Selection 6
第二節 ConditionalEntropy 7
第三節 Music Recommendation System 8

第三章 Methodology 10
第一節 Average of Conditional Entropy Interaction 10
第二節 Singular Value Decomposition 12
第三節 LightGBMModel 13

第四章 Empirical Analysis 16
第一節 Data Description and Preprocessing 16
第二節 Feature Engineering 20
第三節 Model Training and Evaluation Result 24

第五章 Conclusion and Future Improvement 28
第一節 Conclusion 28
第二節 Future Improvement 29

References 30
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