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研究生(外文):Pin-Jhen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Proportion of Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Using Local Aggregate
指導教授(外文):How-Ji Chen
口試委員(外文):Jian-Wei HuangYuan-Ji Yang
外文關鍵詞:UHPFRCeconomic efficiencyriver sandparticle size distributionmixed aggregatessteel fiberstoughness
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超高性能纖維混凝土(ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete, UHPFRC)以其卓越的性能和廣泛運用的前景,在國內外已進行了大量的研究和實際應用。然而台灣並非石英砂的主要生產地,進口石英砂的國際運輸不僅會產生大量碳排放,還會帶來高昂的成本,這對超高性能纖維混凝土的大規模生產與應用造成了限制,並對永續發展極為不利。因此如何降低成本、維持優異的力學性能、確保材料的易取得性,從而使國內預拌廠能夠穩定量產,成為亟待解決的首要課題。
Ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) has garnered significant research and practical application both domestically and internationally due to its excellent performance and promising application prospects. However, Taiwan is not a major producer of quartz sand. The international transportation of imported quartz sand not only results in significant carbon emissions but also incurs high costs, which limit the large-scale production and application of UHPFRC and are highly detrimental to sustainable development. Therefore, reducing costs, maintaining excellent mechanical properties, ensuring material availability, and enabling domestic ready-mix plants to produce stably are urgent issues that need to be addressed.
This study includes experimental methods using Taiwan's natural river sand to replace imported quartz sand and using fly ash to replace part of the silica fume. It investigates the impact of various proportions (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%) of quartz sand replacing natural sand on the mechanical properties of UHPFRC. In terms of cement materials, Type II Portland cement with low hydration heat and ultra-fine ground cement were used to replace Type I Portland cement to explore the effects of hydration heat, cement particle size, and specific surface area on the fluidity and mechanical properties of concrete. Additionally, four types of steel fibers were used to evaluate the feasibility of large-scale production based on their tendency to ball during production, and to analyze the impact of different fiber types on the workability and mechanical properties of UHPFRC.
The test results indicate that replacing quartz sand with Taiwan's natural river sand in UHPFRC does not reduce strength. As the particle size of the natural river sand increases, the compressive strength shows good performance, with specimens having a maximum particle size of 4.76mm (passing through a #4 sieve) achieving a 28-day compressive strength of 180.4MPa, which is significantly higher than the international UHPFRC compressive strength requirement of over 150MPa. However, the tensile and flexural tests showed opposite trends, highlighting the importance of particle size distribution on UHPFRC performance. In tests where natural river sand and quartz sand were mixed in different proportions as aggregates, it was found that higher quartz sand content improved concrete fluidity, but using a single type of aggregate yielded better compressive, tensile, and flexural performance.
In the cement material tests, replacing Type I Portland cement with Type II Portland cement and ultra-fine cement both showed good results, with 28-day strengths reaching 189.1MPa and 202.9MPa, respectively. This indicates that in addition to changing aggregates and Portland materials, the choice of cement material is also crucial in enhancing UHPFRC performance.
The type of fiber also significantly affects the workability and compressive, tensile, and flexural performance of UHPFRC. Notably, finer and shorter steel fibers tend to ball during the mixing process, although they can greatly enhance mechanical properties, achieving 28-day compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths of 197.1MPa, 7.3MPa, and 10.4MPa, respectively. However, this is unfavorable for large-scale production in ready-mix plants.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究方法 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 水泥 5
2.1.1 水泥種類及基本性質 5
2.1.2 I型及II型水泥對混凝土力學性能的影響 7
2.1.3 水泥細度對混凝土的影響 8
2.2 矽灰 10
2.2.1 矽灰基本性質 10
2.2.2 矽灰添加於混凝土之相關規範 11
2.2.3 矽灰對混能土的影響 12
2.3 飛灰 15
2.3.1 飛灰基本性質 15
2.3.2 飛灰添加於混凝土之相關規範 16
2.3.3 飛灰對混凝土的影響 17
2.4 台灣天然河砂 19
2.4.1 台灣天然河砂基本性質及種類 19
2.4.2 粒料粒徑對混凝土的影響 21
2.5 鋼纖維 23
2.5.1 鋼纖維形狀對混凝土的影響 23
2.5.2 鋼纖維長徑比對混凝土的影響 24
2.5.3 鋼纖維方向的影響 26
第三章 實驗方法與規劃 28
3.1 實驗設備 28
3.2 實驗材料與來源 36
3.3 先導實驗 46
3.3.1 先導實驗配比 46
3.3.2 以同體積矽灰取代超細矽粉末對抗壓強度的影響 49
3.3.3 使用大里溪河砂取代石英砂對抗壓強度的影響 50
3.3.4 不同天然砂粒徑對抗壓強度的影響 52
3.3.5 調整S/A(膠結材/粒料)比例對抗壓強度的影響 54
3.3.6 以飛灰取代部分矽灰對抗壓強度的影響 55
3.3.7 不同天然河砂來源對抗壓強度的影響 56
3.4 試驗規劃與試體製作 59
3.5 試驗方法 68
3.5.1 坍度試驗 69
3.5.2 流度試體 69
3.5.3 抗壓試驗 70
3.5.4 抗拉試驗 71
3.5.5 抗彎試驗 71
第四章 試驗結果與討論 76
4.1 UHPFRC新拌性質試驗結果 76
4.1.1 流度 78
4.1.2 坍度 81
4.2 UHPFRC抗壓試驗結果 87
4.3 UHPFRC抗拉試驗結果 93
4.4 UHPFRC抗彎試驗結果 98
4.4.1 試驗數據及平均載重-撓度曲線 98
4.4.2 等效抗彎強度 108
4.4.3 韌性 114
4.5 本土砂石於UHPFRC成本分析 119
4.6 SEM微觀觀察 120
第五章 結論與建議 127
5.1 結論 127
5.2 建議 129
參考文獻 131
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