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研究生(外文):Zhi-Ting Li
論文名稱(外文):Site-Specific Probabilistic Liquefaction Induced Settlement Analysis on Shallow Foundation - Changhua County
指導教授(外文):Jui-Ching Chou
外文關鍵詞:Soil liquefactionliquefaction-induced settlementshallow foundation structuresreduction factor of soil parameterprobabilistic
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本研究使用機率式土壤液化災害評估模組HAZ45PL Module,搭配FLAC程式進行簡易數值分析流程,進行淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量評估。簡易數值分析是利用土壤參數折減係數(DE)對液化土層強度弱化,計算出淺基礎結構物因液化現象導致承載力失效而造成的沉陷量。本研究先以液化沉陷真實案例評估不同研究之DE建議值之適用性,再選用彰化縣數個場址進行機率式淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量評估,求得液化沉陷量危害度曲線及特定沉陷量之超越機率。
Located in the seismically active Pacific Ring of Fire, Taiwan frequently experiences earthquakes. Soil liquefaction is one of the primary earthquake-induced hazards in Taiwan. Past earthquakes have caused many shallow foundation structures to collapse or subside due to soil liquefaction. Therefore, assessing the risk of liquefaction-induced damage is crucial. The probability of liquefaction-induced settlement in structures is a key parameter in such risk assessments. However, the current industry practices for evaluating liquefaction-induced settlement consider only a single set of PGA and the design earthquake magnitude recommended by Seismic Safety Regulations for Buildings, without accounting for the uncertainties and randomness of earthquakes. Consequently, these methods don’t truly provide the probability of liquefaction-induced settlement. Additionally, the commonly used simplified settlement formulas cannot fully account for the layered conditions of the site soil.
This study uses the probabilistic soil liquefaction disaster assessment module HAZ45PL Module, along with the FLAC program, to perform a simplified numerical analysis process for evaluating the liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundation structures. The simplified numerical analysis utilizes the soil parameter reduction factor (DE) to weaken the strength of the liquefied soil layer and calculate the settlement amount caused by bearing capacity failure in shallow foundation structures due to liquefaction. This study first evaluates the applicability of DE values suggested by different studies using actual liquefaction settlement cases, and then conducts a probabilistic evaluation of liquefaction-induced settlement for several sites in Changhua County, obtaining hazard curves for liquefaction-induced settlement and the probability of exceeding a specific settlement amount.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iv
圖目次 vii
表目次 xvi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 地震危害度分析 3
2.1.1 定值式 3
2.1.2 機率式 3
2.1.3 震源分類 4
2.2 土壤液化簡易評估法 6
2.2.1 HBF法(2012) 7
2.2.2 NCEER法(2001) 8
2.2.3 AIJ法(2001) 9
2.2.4 JRA法(1996) 10
2.2.5 T&Y法(1983) 11
2.3 淺基礎結構物液化引致沉陷機制 12
2.4 淺基礎結構物液化沉陷簡易數值分析 14
2.4.1 低矮建物與液化基礎土層互制行為之簡化分析模式 14
2.4.2 2016美濃地震建築物沉陷簡易數值分析 16
2.4.3 液化土壤的強度與勁度折減係數之估算與應用 19
2.5 土壤參數之折減係數 24
2.5.1 Brandenberg(2005)土壤參數之折減係數建議值 24
2.5.2 江明晏(2020)土壤參數之折減係數建議值 26
2.5.3 呂亮萱(2023)土壤參數之折減係數建議值 28
2.6 淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量評估 32
2.6.1 Bertalot淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量評估法 32
2.6.2 Lu淺基礎結構物液化沉陷評估 35
2.7 機率式液化危害度分析 38
2.7.1 機率式液化危害度分析 38
2.7.2 機率式液化危害度分析模組之應用 39
2.7.3 機率式土壤液化災害評估新模組 42
2.8 FLAC有限差分程式 46
2.8.1 FLAC簡介 46
2.8.2 分析流程 47
第三章 研究方法 50
3.1 研究流程 50
3.2 適用性評估之土壤參數折減係數DE 52
3.3 液化沉陷案例 56
3.3.1 台南市安南區 56
3.3.2 台南市新市區 59
3.3.3 台中市霧峰區 62
3.3.4 彰化縣案例 64
3.4 數值分析土壤參數 70
3.5 建立數值分析網格 72
3.6 定值式淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量分析 74
3.7 機率式淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量分析 76
第四章 分析成果與討論 77
4.1 土壤參數之折減係數(DE)適用性評估 77
4.1.1 台南市安南區 79
4.1.2 台南市新市區 94
4.1.3 台中市霧峰區 106
4.1.4 小結 117
4.2 淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量分析 124
4.2.1 定值式淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量分析 124
4.2.2 機率式液化危害度分析之DE 136
4.2.3 機率式淺基礎結構物液化沉陷量分析 176
4.3 定值式與機率式分析結果與討論 199
4.4 淺基礎結構物之角變量與建築物損壞程度 202
第五章 結論與建議 227
5.1 結論 227
5.2 建議 229
參考文獻 230
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