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研究生(外文):Tzu-Hsuan Yang
論文名稱(外文):Using the Gompertz Model to Investigate the Growth Kinetics of Navicula Lanceolate and the Relationship between Cell Number/Unit Biomass and Culture Medium Concentration
指導教授(外文):Hou-Chien Chang
口試委員(外文):Min-Ying WangChih-Hsin Shih
中文關鍵詞:矽藻Gompertz 模型動力學生長曲線批次培養半連續式培養
外文關鍵詞:DiatomsGompertz modelGrowth kineticBatchSemi-continuous
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本研究透過以Gompertz模型探討於不同生物操作模式下培養基濃度對矽藻Navicula Lanceolate的生長動力學影響。在批次培養與半連續式培養的實驗與理論數據證實都顯示,隨著培養基濃度的增加,細胞密度顯著提升,且達穩定期所需時長較久,可得知時間與培養基濃度皆與細胞密度呈正相關。在批次培養的最高培養基濃度10f下,最大細胞密度達298 × 104 cells/mL,是基礎培養基濃度0.5f的七倍;在半連續式培養10f的最大細胞密度為475 × 104 cells/mL,是該培養基濃度批次培養的1.6倍,相較於批次培養模式具有明顯的優勢。藉此可判斷出富集營養基對於提升矽藻的生長速率與生物質產量有顯著效益,並證實半連續式培養可提供更為穩定且長期收穫產物的生產模式,且Gompertz模型能準確描述矽藻Navicula Lanceolate的動力學生長趨勢。
Diatoms are eukaryotic unicellular photosynthetic organisms with high bioavailability. They are important primary producers in aquatic ecosystems and promoters of the transfer of particulate organic carbon to the deep sea, contributing significantly to ocean carbon sequestration. Diatoms are highly sensitive to environmental changes and are one of the ideal indicators for water quality monitoring and environmental assessment. Diatoms can provide a variety of compounds with bioactive potential, such as Fucoxanthin, fatty acids, polysaccharides and polyphenols, etc. Fucoxanthin in particular have been widely used as dietary supplements for health promotion. Diatoms have short life cycles, fast growth rates, low production costs and the ability to grow in closed control systems, making them a promising and valuable resource for the agricultural, industrial, pharmaceutical and food industries.
In this study, we investigated the effect of medium concentration on the growth kinetics of the diatom Navicula Lanceolate under different biological operating modes using the Gompertz model. Experimental and theoretical data from batch and semi-continuous cultures showed that cell density increased significantly with increasing medium concentration and took longer to stationary phase, indicating that both time and medium concentration are positively correlated with cell density. At the highest medium concentration of 10f in batch culture, the maximum cell density reached 298 × 104 cells/mL, which was seven times that of the basic medium concentration of 0.5f;at the maximum cell density of 10f in semi-continuous culture, the maximum cell density was 475 × 104 cells/mL, which was 1.6 times that of the batch culture with the same medium concentration, and it had a clear advantage over the batch culture mode. It can be concluded that the enriched nutrient medium has a significant effect on increasing the growth rate and biomass production of diatoms, and confirms that the semi-continuous culture can provide a more stable and long-term production mode, and that the Gompertz model can accurately describe the dynamics of the diatom Navicula Lanceolate.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章、前言 1
第二章、研究動機與目的 2
第三章、文獻回顧 3
3-1 矽藻簡介 3
3-2生物程序操作模式介紹 6
3-2-1 批次(Batch)培養 6
3-2-2 饋料批次(Fed-batch)培養 6
3-3-3 半連續式(Semi-continuous)培養 7
3-3 生長模型 8
3-3-1 Monod 方程式 8
3-3-2 Verhulst Logistic方程式 9
3-3-3 Zwietering Modified Gompertz 方程式 10
第四章、實驗與方法 13
4-1 矽藻簡介 13
4-2 矽藻培養方式 13
4-2-1 培養基製備 13
4-2-2 實驗設備 13
4-2-3 五百毫升光生物反應器之批次培養 14
4-2-4 五百毫升光生物反應器之半連續式培養 15
4-3 矽藻培養分析 16
4-3-1 細胞計數 16
4-3-2 矽酸鹽含量測定(OD410) 16
4-4 Verhulst Logistic 模型 17
4-5 Zwietering Modified Gompertz 模型 18
4-5-1 批次培養之Gompertz模型建立 18
4-5-1-1 批次培養之Gompertz二維模型建立 21
4-5-1-2 批次培養之Gompertz三維模型建立 21
4-5-2 半連續式培養之Gompertz模型建立 22
第五章、結果與討論 29
5-1 Verhulst Logistic 模型與Zwietering Gompertz 模型之比較 29
5-2 批次培養與其Gompertz動力學模型 33
5-2-1 批次培養之二維Gompertz動力學模型 33
5-2-2 批次培養之三維Gompertz動力學模型 35
5-3 半連續式培養與其Gompertz動力學模型 37
5-3-1 半連續式培養 之Gompertz動力學模型 37
5-3-2 半連式培養於不同培養基濃度之比較 40
第六章、結論 43
第七章、參考文獻 45
附錄圖表 50
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