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研究生(外文):Su-Xin Yan
論文名稱(外文):Effects of dietary supplementation of nanosilicate platelets on growth performance of pigs
指導教授(外文):Shuen-Ei Chen
口試委員(外文):San-Yuan HuangChuen-Yu Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Drug residuesNanosilicate plateletsGrowth promotionAntibiotic alternativesPigs
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在養豬場面臨的眾多困難中,腸道疾病是面臨的最嚴重問題之一,過去大多以抗生素治療或預防,為了避免抗藥性及藥物殘留問題,需積極找尋替代方案;另一方面集約化養豬系統產生的廢棄物造成環境污染,更加劇養豬業困難的處境,這些都對生產的盈利能力產生負面影響。粘土添加劑在飼料工業中作為顆粒粘合劑,同時提高胺基酸的利用率、結合毒素和重金屬,並減少動物胃腸道的腹脹和其他代謝紊亂。奈米矽片( nanosilicate platelets; NSP)是一種將天然粘土由層狀堆疊狀態剝離出來成分散狀的產品,具片狀薄層、大表面積並帶有負電荷,可防止病原體感染保護宿主細胞,並有促進生長的功用。本研究之目的為測試飼糧中添加 NSP 對豬隻生長的影響。試驗將500頭28日齡的三品種肉豬(LYD)於商業豬場飼養,試驗分為對照組(CON)和飼料添加0.1% NSP組(NSP),每組3重複,每重複約83~84隻離乳仔豬,試驗進行21週,評估生長性能、免疫反應、血液生化、糞便成分、糞便評分與特定微生物檢測,以T-test及one-way ANOVA作統計分析並定義P<0.05有顯著差異。結果顯示, NSP組之體增重在18週齡顯著優於CON組;而FCR及育成率也皆優於CON組,顯示其在經濟上的效益。糞便水分、灰分、尿素、氨及糞便評分,兩組之間沒有顯著差異,此顯示NSP對飼料消化沒有重大影響,NSP組總凱氏氮量在12、18及22週齡顯著高於對照組,推測是NSP高陽離子容量交換,可以捕獲NH4+和其他含氨基分子於帶電荷結構之中;另外NSP可能在胃腸道中提高上皮細胞與菌相turnover,促進剝離細胞與菌體蛋白的降解,有促進生長的功效。糞便特定微生物分析結果顯示,除大腸桿菌在6週齡NSP組的菌量顯著高於CON組外,其餘週齡菌量都低於對照組,顯示NSP 於體內有抑制腸胃道大腸桿菌作用,而兩組糞便中沙門氏菌及產氣夾膜梭菌皆未偵測到。血液免疫參數分析結果顯示,TNF-α在組間沒有顯著差異,而IL-6在8週齡NSP組顯著低於CON組,其餘週齡則無顯著差異。各組間血液GOT、白蛋白、尿素氮、鈉、鉀、氯及血氨皆沒有顯著差異,惟NSP組8週齡時GPT顯著低於CON組。綜合上述結果可知,餵食添加0.1%奈米矽片的飼糧有益於提升三品種肉豬的生長性能,也有取代促生長抗生素使用的潛力,達到翦抗的目的。
Among the many challenges faced in pig farming, intestinal diseases represent one of the most serious issues. Traditionally, these have been treated or prevented primarily with antibiotics, but concerns over antibiotic resistance and residues necessitate active exploration of alternative solutions. Additionally, the environmental pollution caused by intensive pig farming exacerbates these difficulties, negatively impacting profitability. Clay additives in the feed industry serve as pellet binders, enhance amino acid utilization, bind toxins and heavy metals, and reduce gastrointestinal bloating and other metabolic disorders in animals. Nanosilicate platelets (NSP), derived by exfoliating natural clays into dispersed layered components, possess thin plate-like layers with a large surface area and negative charge. They can prevent pathogen infections, protect host cells, and promote growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding NSP to feed on the growth of pigs. The trial involved 500 pigs of three breeds (LYD), 28 days old, raised in a commercial pig farm. The experiment comprised a control group (CON) and a group with feed supplemented with 0.1% NSP (NSP), each with 3 replicates of approximately 83-84 piglets. The trial lasted 21 weeks and assessed growth performance, immune responses, blood biochemistry, fecal composition, fecal scoring, and specific microbial tests. Statistical analysis using T-tests and one-way ANOVA indicated significant differences defined as P < 0.05. Results showed that the NSP group had significantly higher body weight gain at 18 weeks compared to the CON group. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) and carcass yield were also superior in the NSP group, demonstrating economic benefits. Fecal moisture, ash content, urea, ammonia, and fecal scoring did not differ significantly between the two groups, suggesting NSP had no major impact on feed digestion. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen in the NSP group was significantly higher at 12, 18, and 22 weeks compared to the control, indicating NSP's high cation exchange capacity could capture NH4+ and other nitrogen-containing molecules. NSP may also enhance turnover of epithelial cells and microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract, promoting degradation of cell and bacterial proteins and thus growth promotion. Specific microbial analysis of feces indicated significantly higher levels of Escherichia coli in the NSP group at 6 weeks, but lower levels at other ages, suggesting NSP inhibited E. coli in the intestines. Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens were undetected in both groups. Blood immune parameter analysis showed no significant differences in TNF-α between groups, while IL-6 was significantly lower in the NSP group at 8 weeks. Blood parameters including GOT, albumin, urea nitrogen, sodium, potassium, chloride, and blood ammonia did not differ significantly between groups, except for significantly lower GPT in the NSP group at 8 weeks of age. In conclusion, feeding pigs with feed supplemented with 0.1% nanosilicate platelets benefits the growth performance of three breeds of meat pigs. It also shows potential to replace growth-promoting antibiotics, thus achieving antibiotic stewardship goals.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iv
圖次 vii
表次 viii
壹、文獻探討 1
一、養豬產業現況 1
二、肉豬不同階段面臨的困境 2
(一) 保育階段 2
1.早期離乳 2
2. 離乳後下痢 (Post-weaning diarrhea, PWD ) 5
(二) 肥育階段 12
1. 氨 (ammonia, NH3) 12
2. 細菌性傳染病治療方式 13
三、 抗生素及其替代物 13
四、黏土礦物 15
(一) 蒙脫石 17
1. 蒙脫石特性 17
(二)奈米矽片 20
1. 奈米矽片之特性及毒性 20
2. 奈米矽片的抗菌機制 21
3.奈米矽片作為載體的應用 23
五、發炎相關細胞因子 23
六、研究目的 25
貳、材料與方法 26
一、試驗動物與設計 26
二、飼糧與試驗添加劑來源 26
三、試驗動物管理 28
四、樣品採集 29
(一)血清樣品 29
(二)糞便樣品 29
五、測定項目 29
(一)生長性能 29
(二)糞便水分分析 29
(三)糞便灰分分析 29
(四)糞便評分 30
(五)糞便凱氏氮分析 31
(六)糞便中氨氣(ammonia)濃度分析 31
(七)糞便中尿素(urea)濃度分析 31
(八) 糞便中特定微生物檢測 31
(九)血液IL-6分析 34
(十)血液TNF-α分析 34
(十一) 血液中Ammonia含量分析 35
(十二) 血液尿素氮 (BUN) 含量分析 35
(十三) 血液生化分析 35
六、統計分析 35
參、結果 36
一、奈米矽片對試驗豬隻生長性狀之影響 36
二、奈米矽片對試驗豬隻糞便組成份之影響 38
三、奈米矽片對豬隻糞便評分之影響 40
四、奈米矽片對豬隻糞便特定微生物之影響 41
五、奈米矽片添加劑對不同階段豬隻免疫狀態之影響 42
六、奈米矽片添加劑對不同階段豬隻血液生化之影響 44
肆、討論 49
一、奈米矽片對試驗豬隻生長性狀之影響 49
二、奈米矽片對試驗豬隻糞便組成份及糞便評分之影響 51
三、奈米矽片對豬隻糞便微生物之影響 52
四、奈米矽片添加劑對不同階段肉豬免疫狀態之影響 53
五、奈米矽片添加劑對不同階段肉豬血液生化之影響 54
伍、結論 55
陸、參考文獻 56
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