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研究生(外文):Po-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Variation Analysis and Optimization of Motion Accuracy for A Single-axis Feed System of Machine Tools
指導教授(外文):Jhy-Cherng Tsai
口試委員(外文):Cheng-Kuo SungYu-Jen WangGuan-Chen Chen
外文關鍵詞:machine tool feed systemsingle-axis feed systemmotion accuracymoving component errortolerance analysistolerance adjustmenttolerance sensitivity analysis
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Machine tools play an important role in the manufacturing of mechanical equipment and high-precision products. In order to achieve the precision of manufactured products, the accuracy of machine tools is extremely important. The machine tool is composed of feed axes in various axial directions. Therefore, the movement accuracy of the feed system is the key to the accuracy of the machine tool. Therefore, effectively evaluating and controlling its movement accuracy is an urgent problem that needs to be solved. In response to the above requirements, this study analyzes the motion accuracy of a single-axis feed system and explores improvement methods for unsatisfactory results.
This study uses a single-axis feed system as a platform to propose a precision variation accumulation theory that combines motion parameters and geometric scale and tolerance (GD&T). This method is limited by the tolerance design of the feed system and also considers its motion process moving Component errors are used to evaluate the variation range of motion accuracy. The research results show that under the original tolerance design of the feed system, the variation range of the movement accuracy in the Y-axis and Z-axis is not good, so it is necessary to propose ways to improve it. The study further optimized the design of the motion accuracy variation range. In the original tolerance design, based on tolerance sensitivity and contribution, four tolerances were gradually selected for adjustment and configuration. The accuracy variation range in the Y-axis and Z-axis can be effectively reduced by 46 % and 60%. Although higher precision can be achieved by continuously limiting component tolerances, the cost and difficulty of manufacturing will rise sharply. Therefore, the impact of the selection of precision specifications of moving components will be further explored.
The research continues with the improvement discussion on the error of moving components. The error of moving components will directly affect the accuracy change of the motion process. The simulation results of error accumulation variation of this feed system are not ideal when the original design specifications are selected. Therefore, simulation analysis and comparison were conducted by adjusting component accuracy specifications. The results showed that the adjustment can effectively reduce the error of each motion position by 62.5% compared with the original design. The research results show that the method proposed in this study can effectively evaluate and control the variation range of its motion accuracy. Through this method, the accuracy variation range of the parts can be controlled in the design stage before the parts are produced and assembled, which means that appropriate tolerances can be configured in a timely manner. , and with the appropriate selection of moving components, the motion accuracy of this single-axis feed system can be mastered.
摘要 i
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
符號表 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目標 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 公差分析 3
1.2.2 運動姿態誤差評估 3
1.2.3 精度變異範圍優化 4
1.3 研究方法與流程 5
1.4 本文架構 6
第二章 機構運動鏈與公差分析理論 7
2.1 機構運動鏈 7
2.2 公差拘束與公差種類 8
2.3 尺寸鏈與公差累積 9
2.4 公差累積與齊次座標轉換 10
2.5 公差貢獻度 11
2.6 公差靈敏度 12
第三章 結合運動參數與幾何尺度和公差之分析方法 13
3.1 公差分析與公差模型 14
3.2 公差累積路徑 16
3.3 機構運動鏈與運動參數 18
3.4 運動參數與公差累積路徑關係 19
3.5 結合運動參數與組裝關係之運動精度變異評估方法 20
第四章 單軸進給系統運動精度變異分析 23
4.1 建立產品架構與公差關聯網路 25
4.2 公差累積路徑與運動參數配置 29
4.3 運動行程精度變異分析 35
第五章 單軸進給系統運動精度變異優化 41
5.1 誤差源影響程度判斷 42
5.2 公差調整配置法 43
5.2.1 公差靈敏度與貢獻度分析 43
5.2.2 單軸進給系統公差調整配置 45
5.2.3 經公差調配後運動精度變異分析 47
5.3 經公差調配後誤差源影響程度分析 50
5.4 運動元件精度調配 51
5.4.1 運動元件誤差分析與調配 51
5.4.2 經運動元件調配後精度變異分析 52
5.5 案例探討 54
第六章 結論與未來展望 61
6.1 結論 61
6.2 未來展望 62
參考文獻 64
附錄A 單軸進給系統原設計於不同運動區段之精度變異範圍 66
附錄B 公差調配後不同運動區段之精度變異範圍比較 71
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