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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Yu Yang
論文名稱(外文):Unilateral Hip Exoskeleton with Variable Stiffness Using Pneumatic Artificial Muscle
指導教授(外文):Jyun-Rong Zhuang
口試委員(外文):Ching-Hung LeeLian-Wang Lee
外文關鍵詞:Pneumatic artificial musclesVariable stiffnessUnilateral assistanceHip exoskeletonGait recognition
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日常生活中不可避免的會遇到斜坡和樓梯地形,這些任務會影響因疾病、傷害或年齡問題而運動能力下降人群的生活獨立性。許多研究證實外骨骼可以為他們提供輔助、增強運動能力。由於他們還有部分運動能力,因此根據需求選擇輔助患側更具經濟性。因此針對使用者的需求,使其能選擇輔助側、輔助條件來完成日常生活中的任務是必要的。本研究提出一種應用氣動人工肌肉(Pneumatic Artificial Muscle, PAM)致動器結合電纜傳動的可變剛度單側髖部外骨骼,其利用PAM作為彈性元件與馬達協同輔助人體,減少電源消耗使具備節能效益,延長設備的使用時間。為了找到使馬達能耗最小的剛度條件,本研究設計一個實驗平台,來找尋最佳輸入氣壓條件的PAM,並將其裝配於外骨骼上,驗證在真實的步行條件之節能效益。結果顯示在低剛度條件時可以降低52.3%的峰值功率,而中剛度條件可降低33.6%的平均功率,本研究證明所提出的PAM致動器可節省馬達能耗。為了在正確的步行相位中提供輔助,本研究提出了一種將單顆慣性測量單元(Inertial measurement unit,IMU)配備於大腿的相位識別方法。在實際使用中,本外骨骼可利用PAM的輸入氣壓和變剛度機構進行兩階段的剛度調整,搭配自動調心機構即可以根據個人需求、步行條件提升步行能力。
Slopes and stair terrain are unavoidable in daily life, and these tasks can affect the independence of people whose mobility has been reduced due to illness, injury or age. Many researches had confirmed that exoskeletons can provide assistance and enhance movement capabilities. Since they still have some mobility, it is more economical to assist the affected side based on their needs. Therefore, according to the needs of users, it is necessary to enable them to choose assistive side and conditions to complete tasks in daily life. This study proposes a variable-stiffness unilateral hip exoskeleton that uses Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM) actuators combined with cable-driven transmission. We use PAM as an elastic element to cooperate with the motor to assist the human body, reducing power consumption and enabling energy saving benefits, extending the service life of the equipment. In order to find the stiffness conditions that minimize the motor's energy consumption, this study designed an experimental platform to discuss the impact of PAM input air pressure on the motor. Then the PAM using the optimal input air pressure conditions is used on the exoskeleton to verify its energy-saving effect under real walking conditions. The results show that applying this design, the low-stiffness PAM actuator can reduce the peak power by 52.3% and the medium-stiffness reduce average power by 33.6%. This study proves the proposed PAM actuator can decrease the energy consumption of motor. In order to provide assistance in correct walking phase, this study also proposes a phase recognition method that equips a single inertial measurement unit (IMU) on the thigh. In real application, this exoskeleton can use the input air pressure of the PAM and the variable stiffness mechanism to adjust the stiffness in two stages. With the automatic centering mechanism, the walking ability can be improved according to personal needs and walking conditions.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 研究背景 1
1-1 高齡化社會 1
1-2 日常活動的髖部負荷 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 主動式外骨骼 5
2-2 被動式外骨骼 8
2-3 半主動式外骨骼 10
2-4 對稱性輔助之重要性 13
2-5 文獻回顧總結 13
2-6 研究目的、原創性及貢獻 14
第三章 研究方法 15
3-1 步態相位的特徵 15
3-2 機構設計 19
3-2-1 變剛度機構 21
3-2-2 自動調心機構 22
3-3 PAM 23
3-3-1 PAM壓力評估 24
3-3-2 PAM力學分析 24
3-3-3 PAM拉伸量 26
3-3-4 變剛度機制 27
3-4 輔助機制 28
第四章 分析與結果討論 31
4-1 PAM輸出力 31
4-2 PAM剛度 32
4-3 最佳能耗剛度 33
4-4 真實步行條件下馬達性能實驗 37
第五章 結論與未來展望 40
參考文獻 41
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