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研究生(外文):Xuan-Hong Dai
論文名稱:應用自適應 EEG 通道相位同步法開發心理疲勞辨識模型
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Mental Fatigue Recognition Model Using Adaptive EEG Channel Phase Synchronization Method
指導教授(外文):Jyun-Rong Zhuang
口試委員(外文):Ching-Hung LeeLian-Wang Lee
中文關鍵詞:腦電圖奇異值分解心理疲勞辨識模型額葉加權遲滯相位指數TloadDback 範式
外文關鍵詞:Electroencephalogram(EEG)Singular Value Decomposition(SVD)Mental Fatigue(MF)Recognition ModelFrontal Lobeweighted Phase Lag Index(wPLI)TloadDback Paradigm
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本研究以TloadDback範式建立心理疲勞誘發實驗來獲取受試者之EEG圖(Electroencephalography,EEG)數據集。為解決雜訊問題,本研究改良強化奇異值分解(Enhanced Singular Value Decomposition, ESVD)的數據重構方法來將EEG訊號重構以獲得更高訊號乾淨度,並經由信噪比(提高9.32dB)及絕對平均平方誤差(0.0478)來驗證有效性。為了解決辨識心理疲勞中存在個體差異的問題,本研究提出一種新自適應EEG通道相位同步法,其基於ESVD將加權相位遲滯指數(weighted Phase Lag Index, wPLI)進行次數及分數的綜合最佳排名,因此可針對不同個體更專注於挑選具有重要特徵的通道。結果顯示,利用此方法可全面提高傳統機器學習方法的分類準確率。為了瞭解個體在發生疲勞與非疲勞時的腦區狀態變化,本研究將基於ESVD的wPLI來觀測腦區相關性的轉換狀態。結果顯示,腦區通道間高相位同步性能有效區分疲勞和非疲勞狀態。此外,無論有無發生疲勞,大部分受試者的左右腦有高度不對稱性,並且會基於左前半腦與其他腦區進行連結,同時也發現右後半腦的活躍程度相對低。
As Taiwan entered an aging society, the proportion of the elderly population had increased rapidly, and the number of stroke patients had also increased. The need for rehabilitation after a stroke had become the norm. However, long-term rehabilitation behavior could easily cause patients to feel fatigued, which affected the effectiveness of rehabilitation, and may have even had negative effects and led to rehabilitation failure. Therefore, how to diagnose mental fatigue immediately was an issue that needed to be studied in depth. EEG features of mental fatigue in the time domain and frequency domain had been discussed, but only the identification of states. The correlation between brain regions were less discussed. This study proposed a channel selection method that could be applied to different individuals to identify mental fatigue and explore the transfer of brain-to-brain connectivity. This study used the TloadDback paradigm to establish a mental fatigue induction experiment to obtain the subjects' Electroencephalography (EEG) data set. To solve the problem of noise and artifacts, the researcher introduced and improved a data reconstruction method based on Enhanced Singular Value Decomposition (ESVD) to reconstruct the EEG signal and obtain higher signal cleanliness. The results showed that ESVD improved the signal-to-noise ratio by 9.32dB and absolute mean squared error (0.0478) to verify the effectiveness. To solve the problem of individual differences in recognition of mental fatigue, this study proposed a new adaptive EEG channel phase synchronization method, which was based on the comprehensive optimization ranking of the ESVD-based weighted phase lag index (wPLI) times and scores. So that channels with important characteristics could be more focused on picking different individuals. The results showed that using this method could comprehensively improve the classification accuracy of traditional machine learning methods. To understand the changes in the brain region state of an individual when fatigue and non-fatigue occurred, this study observed the transition state of brain region correlation using ESVD-based wPLI. The results showed high phase synchronization performance between brain area channels could effectively distinguish fatigue and non-fatigue states. In addition, regardless of whether fatigue occurred, most subjects had a high asymmetry between the left and right brains, and connections with other brain areas were based on the left front hemisphere. This study also found that the right back hemisphere's activities were relatively low.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1高齡化社會及中風患者引發問題 1
1.2心理疲勞的影響與重要性 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1心理疲勞誘發實驗方法 5
2.2心理疲勞辨識技術 8
2.3文獻回顧總結 12
2.4研究目的、貢獻與原創性 12
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1心理疲勞誘發實驗 14
3.1.1 TloadDback範式 14
3.1.2實驗設計 15
3.2強化奇異值分解 19
3.3自適應EEG通道相位同步法 23
第四章 結果與討論 25
4.1主觀疲勞量表結果 25
4.2數據評估結果 26
4.2.1降噪方法 26
4.2.2頻帶功率 31
4.2.3分類器 40
4.2.4自適應EEG通道相位同步分析 43
4.3討論 55
第五章 結論與未來展望 57
5.1結論 57
5.2未來展望 57
References 59
附錄 66
附件 1.IRB同意書 66
附件 2.FAS問卷結果 67
附件 3.wPLI 60分鐘前10排名 72
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