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研究生(外文):Jian-Hong Guo
論文名稱(外文):Applicability Of Trinocular Stereo Camera In Navigation And Obstacle Avoidance
指導教授(外文):Wei-Liang Lin
口試委員(外文):Huei-Yung LinGuan-Hong Chen
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This paper investigates the applicability and necessary configurations for using a trinocular camera system in real-world scenarios at the current stage. We utilize the ROS system to integrate communication between various devices, employing SLAM technology to build maps. Through AMCL, we assess the route and overall timing of the vehicle equipped with the trinocular camera. By examining the issues that arise during the navigation process, we aim to understand the challenges that need to be addressed when using a trinocular camera for navigation.

We verified that the trinocular camera can still operate in outdoor environments when LiDAR fails. However, the computation speed of the trinocular camera system's FPS differs significantly from that of the LiDAR system, with the former being 1.08 seconds and the latter 0.03 seconds. Due to accuracy concerns, the time required to complete a specific obstacle route also varies, being 120 seconds for the trinocular camera system and 30 seconds for the LiDAR system.

Through experiments, we found that the trinocular camera system has a unique advantage in obstacle avoidance for horizontal obstacles. However, there are still many challenges to overcome in adapting to edge devices. If the trinocular camera system is made more lightweight, it would enable the application of more detection technologies on edge devices. This improvement would enhance the accuracy and reliability of mobile vehicle navigation. Alternatively, deploying more cameras could increase the amount of acquired information, thereby improving the quality of previously unclear or lower-quality areas through increased data.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目次 v
圖目次 vi
第一章 序論 1
第二章 基礎知識 3
2.1立體視覺匹配(Stereo Vision Matching) 3
2.2相機標定(Stereo Calibration) 3
2.2.1內部參數 4
2.2.2外部參數 4
2.2.3張正友標定法 5
2.3視差圖(Disparity Map) 5
2.4深度圖(Depth Map) 6
2.5影像校正 7
2.6 GPS衛星定位 8
2.7飛行時間測距 9
2.7.1 直接飛行測距法(DTOF) 9
2.7.2 間接飛行測距法(ITOF) 10
2.8 機器人作業系統(ROS) 11
2.9 載具定位 12
2.9.1 自適應蒙特卡羅定位(AMCL) 12
第三章 相關文獻探討 13
3.1 Pyramid Stereo Matching Network 13
3.2三目相機立體視覺網路 13
3.3 立體視覺資料集(Stereo Dataset) 14
3.3.1 SceneFlow 資料集 14
3.3.2 KITTI 資料集 15
3.3.3無人機的立體視覺資料集 15
3.3.4三目相機合成資料集 16
3.3.5三目相機現實資料集 16
3.4 階層式導航[10] 17
3.4.1廣域導航 18
3.4.2窄域導航 18
3.5 基於密度之空間聚類法(DBSCAN)[15] 19
第四章 三目相機系統 20
4.1 Tri-PSMN演算法與Tri-Scene-Virtual資料集 20
4.1.2水平方向匹配 22
4.1.3 Tri-PSMN與PSMN含水平線評估 24
4.2三目相機與PSMN用含水平線資料集測試 27
4.3 PSMN在三目相機與雙目相機性能評估 28
4.4三目相機使用範圍 28
第五章 三目相機系統在現實場景應用 29
5.1三目相機 29
5.1.1三目相機裝置 29
5.1.2三目相機模型運行環境 30
5.1.3無人載具配置 31
5.1.4影像校正 31
5.2實驗流程 32
5.3深度估計與SLAM地圖建立 33
5.4限制FOV顯示範圍來消除障礙物假象 34
5.5使用Clustering分類物體消除點雲連續性雜訊 34
5.6導航架構 35
5.7實驗場景 36
第六章 研究結果與比較 38
6.1光達與深度相機建圖比較 38
6.2應用場景限制 39
6.3三目相機處理速度 40
6.4路線比較(光達與三目相機) 40
6.5在邊緣裝置上運行三目相機 41
第七章 結論與未來展望 42
7.1結論 42
7.2未來展望 42
第八章 參考文獻 44
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