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研究生(外文):Yu-Sheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Establishment of Intelligent Automatic Pain Assessment System in Intensive Care Unit Using Imaging Ballistocardiography and Facial Imaging
指導教授(外文):Chun-Liang Lin
外文關鍵詞:heart rate monitoringintensive care unit careelectrocardiogram signal processingpain assessment
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隨著科技的進步,在人體監測技術上已從傳統的接觸式漸漸進化為非接觸式,除了遠程光電容積脈搏波描記(Remote Photoplethysmography)技術最近幾年在醫療監測和日常健康追蹤方面有了顯著的進展,另一種非侵入性的監測方法,影像心衝擊描記(Imaging Ballistocardiography)也發展的相當迅速。
因此本研究將利用上述兩種人體生理監測技術,盡可能地透過非接觸式取得病患的生理數據,架設數位攝影機擷取病患臉部影像,經由演算法預估患者心率,再搭配些許的生理監測儀器的數據,如: ECG與呼吸率。開發出一套自動評估患者疼痛系統,考量到重症患者可能因插管或是昏迷而處於無法說話的狀態,導致難以表達自身的疼痛感受,因此目標以重症加護病房病患為主要對象。使用非接觸式監測技術無須任何線材接觸患者,能有效的降低患者身體上的負擔,我們希望能以最少接觸的方式得到所需的生理數據。其中臉部影像輸入至專門訓練圖片的卷積神經網路(Residual Network),使用殘差塊解決深度神經網絡中的梯度消失的問題,在此系統中扮演著相當重要的角色,而ECG與呼吸率則是透過分支網路訓練,再整合為最終的深度學習模型,而整合後的模型將做出疼痛等級的評估,在我們的實驗中的疼痛分類是使用CPOT分為三種等級。
With the advancement of technology, human monitoring techniques have gradually evolved from traditional contact methods to non-contact methods. In recent years, remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG) technology has significantly progressed in medical monitoring and daily health tracking. Another non-invasive monitoring method, imaging Ballistocardiography (iBCG), has also developed rapidly.
This study aims to use the above human physiological monitoring technologies to obtain patients' physiological data as much as possible through non-contact methods. By setting up digital cameras to capture facial images of patients and using algorithms to estimate their heart rates, supplemented with some physiological monitoring data such as ECG and respiratory rate, we aim to develop an automated pain assessment system. This system is primarily targeted at intensive care unit (ICU) patients, who may be unable to speak due to intubation or coma, making it difficult for them to express their pain. Using non-contact monitoring technology eliminates the need for wires to touch the patient, effectively reducing their physical burden. We hope to obtain the necessary physiological data with minimal contact. Our methodology feeds facial images into a Residual Network, a convolutional neural network trained explicitly on images. This network, designed to address the vanishing gradient problem in deep neural networks using residual blocks, is a crucial component of our system. ECG and respiratory rate data are processed through branch networks and then integrated into the final deep-learning model, which will evaluate the pain level. The pain classification in our experiment is divided into three levels using CPOT.
The automated pain assessment system proposed in this study has the potential to revolutionize patient care. Providing immediate and accurate pain assessment can significantly reduce the burden on nursing staff and ensure patients receive care when needed. It will also help solve the current problem of excessive unevenness in the ratio of care to patients.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Remote photoplethysmography 1
1.2 Imaging ballistocardiography 2
1.3 Neural network 3
1.4 Motivation and objectives 4
1.5 Contributions 5
1.6 Brief overview 6
Chapter 2 Related Work 7
2.1 Organizing of datasets 7
2.2 Tracking region of interest 8
2.3 Extract pulse signals by using remote photoplethysmography 10
Chapter 3 Main Algorithm 15
3.1 ECG filtering algorithm 15
3.2 Extract pulse signals by using imaging ballistocardiography 21
3.2.1 Feature point detection and tracking 21
3.2.2 Adaptive filter 24
3.2.3 Heart rate signal estimation 26
3.3 Applications of deep learning neural networks 27
3.3.1 Neural network architecture for images 28
3.3.2 Neural network architecture for physiological information 33
3.3.3 Integration of models 36
Chapter 4 System Architecture 39
4.1 The architecture of iBCG 39
4.2 Multiple neural network model 41
4.3 Overall system architecture 43
Chapter 5 Experimental Result 46
5.1 Collecting data sets 46
5.2 Comparison of filters for filtering noisy ECG signals 46
5.3 Heart rate estimation with iBCG and rPPG 47
5.4 Training and testing results 49
Chapter 6 Conclusions 54
References 56
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