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研究生(外文):Chia-Nan Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Optimization and Performance Enhancement of Blockchain Smart Contract-based Renewable Energy Certificate Management System
指導教授(外文):Fang-Biau Ueng
口試委員(外文):Li-Der JengChung-Hsuan Wang
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This paper aims to explore and optimize a blockchain-based renewable energy certificate (REC) management system, with a focus on reducing its Gas consumption. A REC management system is a critical tool for enabling sustainable energy trading and regulation, and blockchain technology provides the system with transparency, security, and immutability. However, since executing smart contracts on the blockchain incurs Gas costs, reducing Gas consumption has become the focal point of this research.

Based on an in-depth analysis of existing REC management systems, this study proposes an optimized design featuring batch verification functionality. By replacing the original single verification process with batch verification, this research seeks to reduce Gas consumption during each verification procedure. The paper employs simulation testing methods, evaluating the optimized system through various combinations of verification logic complexity, data length, and verification quantity. Experimental results demonstrate that batch verification significantly reduces Gas consumption in most cases, particularly when the number of verifications is large and data length is moderate, with Gas consumption considerably lower than the original model.

The findings of this study provide new insights and methods for applying blockchain technology in REC management and demonstrate that smart contract optimization can effectively reduce Gas consumption, thereby enhancing the system's economic efficiency. This offers more competitive technological support for the future renewable energy market.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iii
圖表目次 v
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究範圍與限制 2
1.3 論文結構 3
二、 文獻回顧與技術背景 4
2.1 再生能源憑證管理的現狀 4
2.2 區塊鏈技術在能源管理中的應用 6
2.3 智能合約技術背景 9
2.4 ERC標準及其應用案例 11
2.5 Gas 的概念與作用 14
三、 現有系統與問題分析 15
3.1 參考專案介紹 15
3.2 性能瓶頸與局限性分析 16
四、 優化設計與實現 19
4.1 開發環境與工具 19
4.2 智能合約的優化策略 20
4.3 批量驗證功能的設計與實現 21
五、 實驗與性能分析 26
5.1 測試設計、場景描述與數據收集 26
5.2 批量驗證與單次驗證的性能比較 29
5.3 不同數據長度與驗證邏輯的影響 30
六、 結論 35
6.1 研究總結與主要發現 35
6.2 優化設計的局限性與改進空間 35
6.3 未來研究方向建議 36
參考文獻 37
附錄 40
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