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研究生(外文):Yung-Chieh Chang
論文名稱(外文):Detection of White Matter Hyperintensities in Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Hyperspectral Subpixel Detection
指導教授(外文):Yen-Chieh Ouyang
口試委員(外文):Chein-I ChangChih-Yu WenChi-Chang ChenHsian-Min Chen
外文關鍵詞:3-Dimensions Receiver Operating Characteristic (3D-ROC)Constrained energy minimization (CEM)Iterative CEM (ICEM)Kernel-based Constrained Energy Minimization (K-CEM)Iterative KCEM (IKCEM)white matter hyperintensities (WMHs)
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白質高強度訊號(White Matter Hyperintensities, WMHs)是指在腦部磁振造影(magnetic resonance images, MRI)中出現的病變,通常與阿茲海默症(Alzheimer's Disease, AD)和認知衰退相關。偵測阿茲海默症相關的白質高強度訊號,對於診斷上是一個重大挑戰。本文將腦部磁振造影解釋為高光譜圖像,使得一種高光譜子像元檢測算法—約束能量最小化(Constrained Energy Minimization, CEM)能夠應用於解決混合像元和子像元級別的白質高強度訊號偵測問題。為了解決腦部白質高強度訊號在邊界附近的非線性混合偵測問題,本文還開發了一種非線性之約束能量最小化算法,稱為核化約束能量最小化(Kernel CEM, KCEM)。由於CEM是一種不考慮空間相關性的高光譜偵測技術,本文將約束能量最小化 (CEM) 擴展為包含空間濾波器的迭代約束能量最小化(Iterative CEM, ICEM),以捕捉空間信息來偵測腦部白質高強度訊號。本文結合了迭代約束能量最小化和核化約束能量最小化,衍生出一種新的白質高強度訊號檢測算法,稱為迭代核化約束能量最小化(Iterative KCEM, IKCEM),以改善迭代約束能量最小化和核化約束能量最小化在白質高強度訊號檢測中的表現。為了評估白質高強度訊號檢測的性能,本文使用相似性指數(Dice Similarity Index, DSI)和3D-ROC分析作為評估工具。為了顯示IKCEM的優越性,本文比較了兩個常用的基於統計參數映射分析(SPM)軟體包的算法:SPM-病灶增長算法(SPM-Lesion Growth Algorithm, SPM-LGA)和SPM-病灶預測算法(SPM-Lesion Prediction Algorithm, SPM-LPA)。
White matter hyperintensities (WMHs) are lesions in brain magnetic resonance images commonly linked to Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cognitive decline. Detecting WMHs associated with AD is a significant diagnostic challenge. In this dissertation we treat a set brain MR images as a set of hyperspectral images, allowing the use of the well-established hyperspectral subpixel detection algorithm, constrained energy minimization (CEM), to address the WMHs detection problem at both mixed pixel and subpixel levels. To handle nonlinear mixing near WMH boundaries, a nonlinear version of CEM, called kernel CEM (KCEM), is developed. Since traditional CEM does not take into account for spatial correlation, it is extended to iterative CEM (ICEM) by incorporating spatial filters to capture spatial information for WMHs detection. We combine ICEM and KCEM to create a new WMHs detection algorithm, iterative KCEM (IKCEM), which enhances the performance of both ICEM and KCEM in detecting WMHs. The detection performance is evaluated using the Dice similarity index (DSI) and 3D ROC analysis. To demonstrate the superiority of IKCEM, it is compared with two commonly used software packages, statistical parametric mapping (SPM)-based algorithms: the SPM-lesion growth algorithm (SPM-LGA) and the SPM-lesion prediction algorithm (SPM-LPA).
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations 2
1.2 Hyperspectral Imaging technology 5
1.3 Related Works to Hyperspectral Imaging Applications to MRI 6
1.4 Proposed Work 7
1.5 Contributions 7
CHAPTER 2 Background 8
2.1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 8
2.2 Correlation Band Expansion Process (CBEP) 10
2.3 Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) 11
2.4 Kernel-Based Constrained Energy Minimization (KCEM) 12
2.5 Iterative K/CEM 13
2.6 Stopping Rule for Iterative K/CEM 16
2.7 The 4-way relationship among CEM, ICEM, KCEM and IKCEM 17
2.8 SPM-LGA/LPA 18
2.9 Otsu’s Method 19
2.10 Dice similarity index (DSI) 20
2.11 3-Dimensions Receiver Operating Characteristic (3D-ROC) 20
Experimental Material and Methods 24
3.1Experimental Materials 24
3.2Pre-Processing the Images 25
3.3 Experimental Design 26
3.4 Ground Truth of WMHs lesions 27
3.5 Description of Detection Algorithm 28
3.6 Regions of Interest for Experiments 30
Experimental Results and Discussions 33
4.1Visual analysis 33
4.2Quantitative Analysis 38
4.2.1 DSI Analysis 38
4.2.2 3D-ROC Analysis 40
4.3 Comparative Analysis of Test Methods 45
CHAPTER 5 Conclusion 49
Appendix 51
Reference 54
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