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研究生(外文):Yan-Jun Liu
論文名稱(外文):A CycleGAN with data augmentation and mapping information: application of the automatic chromosome detection model on cross-hospital validation
指導教授(外文):Jia-Yuan DaiChih-En Kuo
口試委員(外文):Sheng-Fu LiangChen-Kuo ChiangChing-Ting Tu
外文關鍵詞:cross-hospital chromosome classificationdeep learningstyle transfergenerative adversarial networksdata augmentationmapping information
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在實驗過程我們主要有兩個部份,第一部分,驗證DAMI-CycleGAN風格轉換的有效性,透過訓練好的風格分類器來評估DAMI-CycleGAN風格轉換後的林口長庚醫院染色體影像是否能被分辨為台中榮總醫院染色體影像;第二部份,我們採用了消融性實驗來驗證DAMI-CycleGAN的效能影響。此外,我們也分別評估DAMI-CycleGAN在簡單與困難影像上的效能表現來探討臨床可應用性。第一部分的實驗結果顯示,風格分類器將風格轉換後林口長庚醫院染色體影像皆判別為台中榮總風格,此結果證實了我們所提出DAMI-CycleGAN可以成功地把目標域的風格轉換成源域風格;第二部分的實驗結果顯示,沒有使用目標域影像微調訓練的模型其mAP50為79.73%,而透過DAMI-CycleGAN可以使物件偵測模型其mAP50提升到93.79%(提升了14.06%)與經過fine-tune模型相較基準線模型的可提升性能空間18.18%結果相比,其改善比例約達77 %(14.06% / 18.18%)。並且相較於其他消融性實驗方法,其在訓練過程中的準確率能較穩定的提升。
Currently, in the deep learning-assisted medical image diagnosis, due to the differences in imaging techniques, equipment, and operators across different hospitals result in differences in medical images. Deep learning models trained on a single dataset cannot be applied to various hospital settings. Therefore, improving the generalization ability of these models to ensure their applicability across different hospitals, thereby reducing the human resources and time costs of each hospital, is an important issue.
This study proposes a method that combines data augmentation and mapping information cycle generation adversarial network (DAMI-CycleGAN). The DAMI-CycleGAN model integrates three types of generative adversarial networks: CycleGAN, DistanceGAN, and GcGAN, to achieve style transfer of chromosome images between different hospitals. Through the style transfer methods, the impact on the performance of chromosome object detection models during cross-hospital validation is reduced, thereby reducing the dependence on data annotation from different hospitals and improving the efficiency of the implementation of the automatic chromosome object detection model.
The experimental process consists of two main parts. The first part validates the effectiveness of DAMI-CycleGAN style transfer by using a trained style classifier to evaluate whether the chromosome images from Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, after style transfer by DAMI-CycleGAN, can be classified as resembling those from Taichung Veterans General Hospital. The second part employs ablation experiments to verify the performance impact of DAMI-CycleGAN. In addition, we also evaluate the performance of DAMI-CycleGAN on both simple and complex images to explore its clinical applicability. The experimental results of the first part show that the style classifier classified the style-transferred chromosome images from Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital as having the style of Taichung Veterans General Hospital. This result confirms that DAMI-CycleGAN can successfully convert the target domain style into the source domain style. The experimental results of the second part show that without using target domain images for fine-tuning, the model's mAP50 is 79.73%, and through DAMI-CycleGAN increases the object detection model's mAP50 to 93.79% (an improvement of 14.06%). Compared to the baseline model's potential performance improvement space of 18.18%, DAMI-CycleGAN achieves an improvement rate of 77%(14.06% / 18.18%). Moreover, compared to other ablation experiment methods, DAMI-CycleGAN shows more stable accuracy improvement during training.
In addition, we compared the effects of different style transfer strategies. The results showed that retraining the object detection model using the style-transferred training set from Taichung Veterans General Hospital yields slightly better results than transferring the style of the test set from Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. In summary, DAMI-CycleGAN demonstrates potential in enhancing the generalization ability of chromosome object detection models, providing an effective solution for cross hospital chromosome detection. In the future, we can apply DAMI-CycleGAN to other medical images to accelerate the efficiency of model implementation.
摘 要 ii
Abstract iv
目 錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章、導論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章、資料來源與研究方法 4
2.1 資料來源 4
2.2領域適應於物件偵測方法介紹 9
2.2.1領域不變性特徵學習法 9
2.2.2平均教師法 10
2.2.3圖像風格轉換法 11
2.3 基於資料增廣與映射資訊的循環生成對抗式網路 12
2.3.1 循環生成對抗網路CycleGAN 12
2.3.2 DistanceGAN 15
2.3.3 GcGAN (Geometry consistent GAN) 18
2.3.4 DAMI-CycleGAN 21
2.4 性能評估指標 23
第三章、實驗結果 26
3.1 訓練參數及實驗設置 26
3.2 風格轉換模型性能評估 27
3.3 風格轉換模型應用於物件偵測性能評估 34
第四章、討論 39
4.1 消融性實驗討論 39
4.2 不同風格轉換策略討論 41
第五章、結論 45
參考文獻 46
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