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論文名稱(外文):Vision-based Fuzzy PID Control Systems for Tracking and Landing of Autonomous UAV
外文關鍵詞:Unmanned aerial and ground vehicle cooperation systemtarget detectionfuzzy neural networkPD controllerfuzzy adaptive P controller
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近年來,無人機的應用迅速擴展。其中,在無人機的自主追蹤與降落任務中,仍然是一個困難的挑戰,尤其當環境是在複雜的實際環境下,感測器會因環境干擾導致沒辦法精確地降落在無人地面載具上。此外,還需考慮無人機載重問題,若所承載的感測器太重,除了會使無人機電池更耗電,在飛行時也會變得更不穩定。此外還須考慮到無人機機載的邊緣運算器之資源,運算量不能太過複雜,以及由於無人地面載具並非靜止狀態,在設計無人機的自主降落控制器時,還需將移動中的無人地面載具特性考慮到控制器中。因此,為了克服上述問題,本論文基於視覺偵測以控制無人機進行自主降落在無人地面載具上。使用YOLO-tiny(You Only Look Once-tiny,YOLO-tiny)與ArUco marker來檢測自行設計的降落平台,並且訓練一個基於視覺的模糊神經網路之高度預測器,將YOLO-tiny所檢測到的降落平台面積輸入進此預測器,獲取無人機與無人地面載具之間高度,以及將無人機、相機與世界座標進行轉換,根據影像座標來控制無人機到達無人地面載具位置,以及設計PD控制器與模糊自適應P控制器進行追蹤與降落任務。最後在實驗結果中,本文所提出的模糊神經網路中,其平均絕對誤差為0.0424。並且在實際降落至移動的無人地面載具上之實驗中,本文所提出的模糊自適應P控制器的降落成功率高達95%。
In recent years, there has been a rapid expansion in the utilization of drones. One of the challenging issues that persists is the autonomous tracking and landing tasks for drones, particularly in complex real-world environments. In such environments, sensor accuracy may be compromised by environmental interference, posing difficulties in achieving precise landings on unmanne3-d ground vehicles (UGVs). Moreover, it is essential to take into consideration the payload of the drone; if the sensors being transported are excessively heavy, it will result in increased battery usage and may compromise the stability of the drone during flight. Additionally, the capabilities of the onboard edge computing devices need to be evaluated, ensuring that the computational tasks are not overly complex. Given that the UGVs are mobile entities, the dynamic nature of the moving UGVs should be factored in when developing the autonomous landing controller for the drone. To tackle the aforementioned challenges, this study introduces a vision-based system designed to facilitate the autonomous landing of a drone on an unmanned vehicle. The system leverages YOLO- tiny (You Only Look Once-tiny) and ArUco markers for the detection of a specially crafted landing platform. Additionally, a vision-based fuzzy neural network height estimator is developed and trained to utilize the landing platform’s area identified by YOLO-tiny to calculate the vertical distance separating the drone from the unmanned vehicle. The coordinates of the drone, camera, and world are converted to regulate the drone’s position in relation to the unmanned ground vehicle using image coordinates. Furthermore, a PD controller and a fuzzy adaptive P controller are formulated for the purpose of executing tracking and landing operations. The experimental outcomes reveal that the proposed fuzzy neural network displayed an average absolute error of 0.0424. Furthermore, during experiments that entailed the actual landing on a moving unmanned ground vehicle, the proposed fuzzy adaptive P controller demonstrated an impressive landing success rate of 95%.

摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第三章 基於視覺偵測之模糊自適應P控制系統 10
3.1 系統架構介紹 11
3.1.1硬體設備與通訊架構 12
3.1.2軟體架構 13
3.1.3座標系校正 15
3.2 視覺偵測與高度預測方法 17
3.2.1 YOLO-tiny之降落平台偵測 18
3.2.2 FNN高度預測器 19
3.2.3 ArUco marker偵測 21
3.3 PD追蹤與模糊自適應P降落控制器之設計 23
3.3.1偏航校正控制器 23
3.3.2 PD追蹤控制器 26
3.3.3模糊自適應P降落控制器 29
第四章 實驗結果 39
4.1 資料收集與預處理 39
4.2 評估指標 41
4.3 目標偵測之實驗結果 42
4.4 FNN高度預測器之實驗結果 44
4.5 ArUco marker檢測之實驗結果 46
4.6 追蹤與降落控制器之控制參數設定 48
4.7 無人機自主返航至無人地面載具之追蹤與降落實驗 51
第五章 結論與未來工作 62
參考文獻 64

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