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論文名稱(外文):Optimization Research on Rotary Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted Drilling of Borosilicate glass
外文關鍵詞:Borosilicate glassBK7 glassdiamond grinding rodspiral millingrotary ultrasonic vibration-assisted processingRotary Ultrasonic Machining
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本研究利用旋轉超音波振動輔助(RUM)及鑽石磨棒對BK7玻璃進行螺旋銑孔加工,以磨棒鑽石粒度、主軸轉速、進給速度和超音波振幅做為控制因子,並以田口法全因子規劃實驗設計加工參數組合,將量測結果導入田口的信號雜訊比(Signal-to-Noise Ratio,S/N比)分析,並使用ANOVA變異數分析進行各水準因子的貢獻性分析,探討BK7玻璃之出入孔脆裂邊和圓柱度與加工參數之相對關係,進行最佳化加工驗證。
Borosilicate glass (BK7 glass) is a common optical material composed of borosilicate. BK7 glass has no bubbles, low inclusion content, and excellent optical, thermal, mechanical and chemical properties. These advantages make BK7 Glass is widely used in the optical field, semiconductors, aerospace, high-precision instruments and other related industries. Because of the brittleness and high hardness of BK7 glass, it is difficult to cut during the processing process and prone to cracks and breakage. How to process and Meeting the accuracy requirements of applications is a problem that needs to be solved.
This study uses rotating ultrasonic vibration assistance (RUM) and a diamond grinding rod to perform spiral milling on BK7 glass. The diamond particle size of the grinding rod, spindle speed, feed speed and ultrasonic amplitude are used as control factors, and the Taguchi method is adopted. Factor planning experiments design processing parameter combinations, import the measurement results into Taguchi's Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N ratio) analysis, and use ANOVA variation analysis to analyze the contribution of each level factor to explore The relative relationship between the brittle edge and cylindricity of the access hole of BK7 glass and the processing parameters was verified for optimal processing.
It is known from the experimental results that the entry hole brittleness edge of the rotary ultrasonic machining-assisted technology is significantly lower than that of the traditional grinding (CG) technology. The entry hole brittleness edge is improved by an average of 27.7%, and the exit hole brittleness edge is improved by an average of 34.5%; The amplitude of ultrasonic wave will affect the cylindricity, and the cylindricity improves by 1.8% on average; spiral milling with rotating ultrasonic wave can reduce the axial cutting force; the material removal method at the access hole is mainly brittle fracture, and the material removal method at the middle part of the processing Brittle cracks on the machined surface can be observed, and some ductile deformation areas can also be found; Taguchi's optimized processing parameters are spindle speed of 5500rpm, feed speed of 50mm/min, ultrasonic amplitude of 6μm, and sacrificial material is added at the bottom of the workpiece to enter the hole. The brittle edge is 1.48%, the hole brittle edge is 1.881%, and the cylindricity is 0.999.
摘要 i
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 硼矽酸鹽玻璃品質技術 2
1.2.2 田口方法 3
1.2.3 旋轉超音波加工 4
1.2.4 螺旋下刀銑孔加工 5
1.3 研究動機與目的 6
1.4 論文架構 7
第二章 實驗原理 8
2.1 硼矽酸鹽玻璃材料特性 8
2.2 螺旋下刀銑孔加工原理 10
2.3 旋轉超音波鑽孔過程的運動分析 11
2.4 超音波振動輔助加工原理 12
2.5 田口實驗方法 14
2.6 變異數分析(ANOVA) 15
第三章 研究設備及實驗規劃 16
3.1 實驗設備 16
3.1.1 五軸加工中心機 16
3.1.2 超音波主軸模組 18
3.1.3 數位顯微鏡 20
3.1.4 雷射位移計 21
3.1.5 多分量測力計 22
3.1.6 三次元量測儀 23
3.1.7 熱場發射式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM) 25
3.2 實驗耗材 26
3.2.1 硼矽酸鹽玻璃(BK7玻璃) 26
3.2.2 電鍍鑽石磨棒 27
3.3 實驗規劃 28
3.3.1 實驗參數設定 29
3.3.2 超音波振幅量測 32
3.3.3 加工實驗流程 33
3.3.4 實驗量測結果計算 34
第四章 結果與討論 36
4.1 刀具夾持露出長度與超音波振幅大小之關係 36
4.2 旋轉超音波振動輔助螺旋銑孔加工實驗結果 41
4.2.1 比較旋轉超音波加工和傳統磨削加工孔脆裂邊減少情形 41
4.2.2 超音波振幅大小對加工品質的影響 45
4.2.3 超音波振幅大小對軸向切削推力的影響 48
4.2.4 田口分析最佳加工參數組合實驗結果 49
4.2.5 ANOVA變異數分析最佳加工參數實驗結果 51
4.3 不同刀具鑽石粒度對加工品質的影響 52
4.4 犧牲材對於出孔加工品質的影響 54
4.5 加工表面微觀結構分析 55
4.6 加工實驗驗證 57
第五章 結論與未來展望 59
5.1 結論 59
5.2 未來展望 61
參考文獻 62
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