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研究生(外文):ZHOU, YI-WEI
論文名稱(外文):The Management and Firmware Update System for Vending Equipments
指導教授(外文):TSAI, CHUNG-HO
外文關鍵詞:Embedded SystemsPacketSerial CommunicationFirmware UpdatesVending equipments
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This paper adopts serial communication in embedded system for transmission, and focuses on the existing vending equipments to improve the management problems: 1. asking the backend status to expect the replenishment status 2. backend parameter modification to prevent the personnel from setting errors 3. using the firmware updating method to maintain the vending equipments regularly, and develops and proposes the management and firmware update system for vending equipments, which enables the management personnel to check and change the parameter in real time, and to manage multiple vending equipments in the same time.
This system uses UART packets for transmission, and during the operation of vending equipment, the managers may need to query or change the parameters of the backend in real time. But they usually cannot solve the problems of each vending equipment in real time, beacuae they lack the function of centralized management of querying and changing equipments over the network, and they may generate errors that cannot be handled appropriately in the long-term implementation of the system. The management and firmware update system for vending equipments proposed in this paper allows centralized management of vending devices and immediate correction of erroneous parameters, as well as upgrading of firmware to address errors in the program.

摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機及目的 2
1.3 章節概要 3
第二章 系統硬體架構及介紹 4
2.1 系統架構 4
2.2 通訊板介紹 5
2.3 通訊板硬體架構 6
2.4 通訊板及販賣設備電路介紹 7
2.4.1 嵌入式系統晶片介紹 7
2.4.2 Wi-Fi模組介紹 8
2.4.3 CAN BUS控制器介紹 9
2.4.4 RS-232收發器介紹 10
第三章 系統流程及程式設計 11
3.1傳輸協議 11
3.1.1通用非同步收發傳輸器 11
3.1.2控制器區域網路 12
3.1.3流量控制 13
3.1.4中斷優先權 14
3.2 MPC82內部Flash及STM32外部Flash分配 15
3.3 在系統引導編譯程式(ISP) 16
3.4通訊板程式流程 17
3.4.1 通訊程式啟動流程 17
3.4.2 通訊板韌體更新檔獲取流程 18
3.4.3 通訊板與販賣設備交握程式流程 19
3.4.4 通訊板對販賣設備請求更新流程 21
3.4.5通訊板對販賣設備傳送更新檔流程 23
3.4.6通訊板對販賣設備請求及更改後台參數流程 25
3.5販賣設備程式流程 28
3.5.1販賣設備主板ISP開機程式流程 28
3.5.2 販賣設備交握流程 29
3.5.3販賣設備開啟更新通道程式流程 30
3.5.4販賣設備進入更新狀態流程 31
3.5.5販賣設備回覆後台資訊及更改參數流程 33
第四章 實驗平台 35
4.1 Icp Programmer介紹 35
第五章 實驗方式及流程 36
5.1通訊板啟動流程 37
5.1.1通訊板下載更新韌體檔 37
5.1.2通訊板與販賣設備交握 42
5.1.3通訊板與販賣設備更新 43
5.1.4通訊板與販賣設備後台參數請求與更改 44
第六章 結論及未來展望 46
6.1結論 46
6.2未來論文方向 47
參考文獻 48

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