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研究生(外文):LIU, KAI-FANG
論文名稱:音樂作為外籍學生心理調適工具之初探: 以國立勤益科技大學為例
論文名稱(外文):A Preliminary Study on Music as a Psychological Adjustment Tool for International Students: A Case Study of National Chin-Yi University of Technology
外文關鍵詞:Cross-cultural adaptationemotion regulationmusic relaxationinternational students
IG URL:Lauren_savana
Facebook:Laurensia savana
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In response to the national policy development, higher education institutions in Taiwan are actively recruiting students from overseas, encouraging them to study in Taiwan. This initiative aims to address both the declining birth rate and the internationalization of domestic education. As a result, universities in Taiwan now host students from diverse national backgrounds. These international students not only face language barriers but also need to adapt to Taiwanese culture. The process of cross-cultural adaptation is inevitable, and alleviating the cultural shock associated with international studies is a current challenge for these students.
This study analyzes the cross-cultural adaptation of foreign students at National Chin-Yi University of Technology. By exploring music, a fundamental cultural storytelling medium, the research investigates whether music can ease and improve the cross-cultural adaptation experience for international students. The goal is to identify conditions that help alleviate cultural shock for these students. Through interviews with foreign students at the university, the study examines their cross-cultural adaptation experiences and the extent to which music helps relieve their stress. The findings indicate that music indeed helps foreign students cope with homesickness and facilitates their integration into Taiwanese culture, thereby mitigating the cultural shock associated with studying abroad.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 3
1.2 Research motivation 4
1.3 Research Purpose 5
Chapter 2. Literature Review 7
2.1 Cross-Cultural Adaptation Theory 7
2.2 Factors Affecting Adaptation 8
2.3 The Pressure Faced Under Culture Shock 11
2.4 The Functionality of Music 13
2.5 The impact on psychology 14
2.6 Investigation on the Stress-Relieving Ability of Music 16
Chapter 3. Research Methods 18
3.1 Research Steps 19
3.2 Research subjects 22
3.3 Problem Investigation 23
3.4 Interview Protocol Design 24
Chapter 4. Research Result 27
4.1 Survey Results 27
4.2 Interview Results 32
4.3 Types of Music Suitable for Stress Relief 34
4.4 Application of Music in Academic Stress Management 34
4.5 Role of Music in Cross-Cultural Adaptation 35
4.6 Role of Music in Language Learning 35
4.7 Impact of Music on Emotional Regulation 35
4.8 Take music for psychological adjustment of international students 36
Chapter 5. Conclusion 39
References 41
Appendix 46
Name: Student A 46
Name: Student B 49
Name: Student C 52
Name: Student D 55
Name: Student E 58
Name: Student F 61
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