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研究生(外文):WU, HUI-JU
論文名稱(外文):Gender Differences in Participation in Community Group Physical Activities among the Elderly:Effects of Individualism, Collectivism, and Need to Belong
指導教授(外文):LIAO, CHU-MIN
外文關鍵詞:Social ecological modelDelayed disabilityExerciseHorizontal collectivismVertical collectivism
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台灣成為高齡化社會後面臨嚴峻的照顧議題,政府開辦社區延緩失能運動團體課程,作為高齡者延緩老化健康促進的政策。但現況為男性參與率低,效益難以惠及高齡男性。為了解其中參與的性別差異的原因,本研究以社會生態模式 (social ecological approach) (Sallis et al., 2006; Sallis et al., 2012),應用政策、環境、社會、人際與個人由外到內多層次的模式為學理框架,從政策層次的國家政策制定社區團體形式運動方案為背景,在社會層次探討社會文化下高齡者的個人主義與集體主義傾向 (Triandis & Geland, 1998),以及個人層次中個體基本心理需求的歸屬需求 (need to belong) (Baumeister & Leary ,1995; Leary et al., 2013),透過兩個研究調查社區高齡者的個人主義與集體主義和歸屬需求以及對團體運動課程形式的偏好與選擇,去探討可能造成高齡者參與社區團體運動性別差異的效應。研究一以問卷調查175位社區高齡參與者 (54男,121女),平均年齡71.53歲 (SD = 5.02歲)。研究結果顯示參與者有較高的集體主義傾向,女性較具水平集體主義傾向與高歸屬需求,較男性偏好與他人一起運動並跟隨指導員練習的團體形式 ; 男性垂直集體主義傾向較高,較女性偏好獨自運動及能自由練習的團體形式,而混合性別成員且跟隨指導員練習運動的團體形式較能吸引高歸屬需求和水平集體主義的女性,及垂直集體主義的男性。研究二招募92位 (13男,79女) 社區高齡者參與團體運動課程體驗,平均年齡70.99歲 (SD = 4.71歲)。研究二參與者的集體主義傾向高於個人主義傾向,男女間則無其他心理特性的顯著差異,選擇不同團體形式的高齡者也未有顯著差異。此外女性較男性偏好一起運動與跟隨指導形式,男性較女性偏好獨自運動與自由練習形式,與研究一有相近的結果,但高齡男性與女性多數偏好與他人一起運動並跟隨指導員練習的形式。透過比較兩研究間參與者的差異,可以顯示社區團體參與的性別差異或許因社區高齡女性為水平集體主義傾向、男性為垂直集體主義傾向,且女性有較高的歸屬需求等心理特性的性別差異,且這些差異影響了高齡者參與運動的行為與選擇。目前國家政策提倡的社區團體運動形式雖能吸引多數社區高齡男性與女性的興趣,但團體形式的設置與推廣上的限制,使得較難招募到更多男性參與者。未來可以針對不同個人主義與集體主義傾向者的設計適合的招募廣告,或調整團體運動中的難度分級、運動類型、團體規範與設置,以更有彈性或符合多元偏好的形式,符合男性需求來提高男性高齡者的參與率,進而有助於達到高齡延緩失能與健康促進的目標。
Being an aged society, Taiwan faces serious caregiving issues. The government has developed a policy to implement community-based exercise group programs aimed at delaying aging and promoting health. However, the current low participation rate among men makes it difficult for these benefits to reach elderly males. The purpose of this study is based on a social ecological approach (Sallis et al., 2006; Sallis et al., 2012), implementing the policy at environmental, social, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels, from inner to outer multiple levels, as the theoretical framework to explore the issue of gender differences in participation. Based on the national policy of implementing community-based exercise group programs, this article conducted two studies to investigate individualism and collectivism (Triandis & Gelfand, 1998) at the social level, the need to belong (Baumeister & Leary, 1995; Leary et al., 2013) at the intrapersonal level, as well as preferences and choices of exercise group forms to explore the effects that cause the gender difference. In study 1, the results of the questionnaire show that 175 community-dwelling elderly participants (54 male, 121 female, Mage = 71.53, SD = 5.02) exhibit higher collectivism. Elderly females exhibit higher horizontal collectivism and need to belong, and prefer doing exercise with others and following instructors more than males. However, elderly males reveal higher vertical collectivism and are more likely to exercise alone and practice by themselves compared to females. Exercise groups with mixed genders and instructor-led practices are more likely to attract females with a high need to belong and horizontal collectivism, as well as males with high vertical collectivism. In study 2, the 92 participants (13 male, 79 female, Mage = 70.99, SD = 4.71) exhibited higher collectivism, but there was no significant difference between females and males, nor were there differences among the elderly who chose different exercise groups. However, most elderly participants prefer to exercise with others and practice with instructors. Comparing the participants between these two studies, the results indicated that gender differences in participation may be influenced by psychological characteristics, such as females being higher in horizontal collectivism and need to belong, while males are higher in vertical collectivism. These differences affect elderly exercise behavior and choices. In general, although community-based exercise groups currently attract most elderly participants, limitations in the setup and promotion of these groups make it challenging to recruit more male participants. Future efforts should focus on designing suitable recruitment advertisements for those with different levels of collectivism and individualism, as well as grading the difficulty levels, types, norms, and formats of exercise groups. Diverse exercise groups could better meet the needs of elderly males, thereby increasing participation and achieving the goals of delaying disability and promoting health.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 高齡化社會與運動介入 5
第三節 社會生態模式 8
第四節 國家政策與現況 12
第五節 個人主義與集體主義 22
第六節 歸屬需求 37
第七節 研究目的 49
第貳章 研究一 51
第一節 緒論 51
第二節 研究方法 54
第三節 結果 58
第四節 討論 78
第參章 研究二 88
第一節 緒論 88
第二節 研究方法 90
第三節 結果 95
第四節 討論 113
第肆章 綜合討論 121
第一節 主要研究發現 121
第二節 學理上的意義 122
第三節 應用的意義 127
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 130
第五節 結論 134
引用文獻 135
附錄一、 152
附錄二、 158

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