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研究生(外文):Chia-Yu Tu
外文關鍵詞:Shared ParkingParking Space AssignmentNetwork FlowOptimization
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In contemporary society, the acceleration of urbanization and the improvement of living standards have led to the widespread use of cars and an increase in vehicle ownership. However, the rapid growth of vehicles has brought about serious issues of insufficient parking spaces. To address this problem, the concept of shared parking has emerged. In recent years, the largest shared parking platform operators in Taiwan have collaborated with parking lot operators to integrate idle parking spaces into shared parking platforms, allowing users to reserve spots. This ensures that parking spaces are not preoccupied and provides more parking options. Compared to the allocation issues under a single business model, the allocation of parking spaces under a mixed business model is more complex. This study aims to explore how to allocate and assign parking spaces within parking lots based on demand, using three different business models: monthly rental, temporary parking, and shared reservations. The goal is to maximize the utilization of parking resources by parking lot operators, thereby improving the shortage of parking spaces and traffic congestion in cities.
From the perspective of public parking lots operated by outsourced operators, this study uses network flow and mathematical programming methods to construct a parking space allocation model with the objective of maximizing operating revenue. The study aims to provide decision-makers with effective references for planning parking space assignments. To evaluate the practicality of the model, this study uses data from the Da'an District in Taipei for case testing, and performs sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis with different parameters. The results show that the model proposed in this study can operate effectively in practice and can serve as a reference for parking lot operators in allocating parking spaces under a mixed business model.
摘 要 v
誌 謝 vii
目 錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與範圍 3
1.3 研究方法與流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 共享停車產業發展 6
2.2 停車場車位分配 9
2.3 網路流動 11
2.4 文獻評析 14
第三章 模式建構 15
3.1 問題描述 15
3.2 模式架構 16
3.2.1 模式基本假設 16
3.2.2 網路流動 18停車位網路流動 18虛擬網路流動 22
3.2.3 符號說明 25
3.2.4 數學定式 27
3.3 模式驗證 29
3.4 小結 34
第四章 範例測試 35
4.1 資料輸入 35
4.1.1 停車需求相關資料 35
4.1.2 停車收費價格相關資料 38
4.2 模式發展 38
4.2.1 問題規模 38
4.2.2 電腦演算環境與設定 40電腦演算環境 40相關參數設定 40
4.2.3 模式輸入資料 40
4.2.4 模式輸出資料 41
4.3 測試結果與分析 41
4.4 敏感度分析 44
4.4.1 收費價格敏感度分析 44月租收費價格 44臨停收費價格 48預約共享收費價格 52
4.4.2 需求敏感度分析 56月租需求量 56臨停需求量 60預約共享需求量 64
4.4.3 連接節線敏感度分析 68
4.5 方案分析 72
4.6 管理意涵 76
第五章 結論與建議 78
5.1 結論 78
5.2 建議 80
5.3 貢獻 80
參考文獻 81
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